Common Name |
Botanical Name |
Height |
Plant Characteristics and Notes |
USDA Zones |
Growing Requirements Benefits |
African Daisy |
Arctotis x hybrida |
1-2 ft. |
African Daisies typically have bold, beautiful foliage and large, 3"-4", intensely colored flowers with bright centers. The foliage is grey to silvery green and coated with soft, downy silver hairs. The flowers close at night. |
Flowering Onion |
Allium species |
1-6 ft. |
Flowering Onions are bulb type plants with green, grass-like foliage. They produce hollow, leafless stems that are topped with 1"-5" flower clusters that can contain as many as 100 tiny, star shaped flowers. |
vary |
Alpine Poppy |
Papaver alpinum |
6-10" |
This short lived, miniature version of the Iceland Poppy readily reseeds itself. It produces saucer shaped 1" white, yellow or peach flowers in mid summer |
4-9 |

American Dune Grass |
Leymus racemosus 'Glaucus' |
2-3 ft. |
American Dune Grass is a valuable plant for the prevention of the wind eroding your soil due to its rhizomatous spreading habit |
4-9 |
Australian Saltbush |
Atriplex semibaccata |
1--2 ft. |
The Creeping Saltbush is a low growing shrub from Australia with light green curly leaves. It will survive in areas where there is high levels of salt in the soil. Flowers in the summer are insignificant |
9-11 |

Angel's Trumpets |
Brugmansia |
6-12 ft. |
From early summer until fall, mature Angel's Trumpet's produce waves of large, very fragrant, downward hanging, trumpet shaped, 6"-10" long flowers. In frost free regions, they may bloom all year long. |
9-12 |

Avens |
Geum chiloense |
16-18" |
Geums form 16"-18" tall, spreading mounds of evergreen, coarsly textured, dark green leaves. From May until July they produce leafy, 24" branching stems that hold intensely colored, solitary, 1"-1¾" flowers or small clusters of smaller, brightly colored flowers. |
5-9 |
Azalea |
Rhododendron |
1-8 ft. |
Azaleas must be grown in an acid soil, with a pH of 5.0 to 6.5. The buds for next years blooms will be formed this year, so it important that the faded blooms are removed |
6-8 |
Baby Sun Rose |
Aptenia cordifolia |
10" |
The Baby Sun Rose is a trailing, succulent perennial with glossy green foliage. It produces bright 1" flowers in the spring and summer. Excellent for hanging baskets |
9-11 |
Basket of Gold |
Aurinia saxatilis |
8"-12" |
Dense clusters of gold flowers in Spring and early Summer. |
All |
Beach Daisy |
Asteriscus maritimus |
12" |
Beach Daisies are low growing evergreen plants that grow 1 ft. tall with a 3-4 ft. spread. They have leathery, slightly fuzzy, silvery green foliage, and for 6-8 months of the year will cover themselves with 1"-1½", bright yellow Daisy flowers. |
9-11 |
Bearded Iris |
Iris germanica |
6-48" |
Bearded Iris are a rhizomous type of Iris should be planted fertile, well drained soil where they will receive 5-8 hours of sun each day. They are available in almost every color imaginable. |
Hardy |
Bird of Paradise |
Strelitzia reginae |
4-5 ft. |
Bird of Paradise plants are evergreen perennials with large paddle shaped leaves, that are grown for their spectacular flowers. They can be grown from seed, which take up to 18 months to germinate, or they can be propagated by division. Can be grown as a house plant |
8-11 |

Bitter Root |
Lewisia cotyledon |
4-6" |
Bitter Root plants produce clusters of 1" flowers on 10" stems in shades of white to pink or gold, occasionally with red and white stripes from spring to early summer. Easily hybridized Rock Garden plant.
Lewisias can be grown as house plants. |
5-8 |
Black Eyed Susan |
Rudbeckia hirta |
24-36 |
The Black Eyed Susan is most commonly an annual wildflower, but some varieties are perennial or biennial. These native prairie flowers can be found growing wild in almost every state. These bright, daisy like flowers are excellent to use in cut flower arrangements. Deadheading spent flowers will prolong the blooming period considerably. |
3-8 |
Black Eyed Susan Vine |
Thunbergia alata |
6-20 ft. |
The Black-Eyed Susan Vine is an evergreen, twining vine, most often grown as a long blooming annual. Black-Eyed Susan Vines have dark green, arrowhead-shaped, 3" leaves. They produce a profusion of brightly colored, 1½" bell-shaped flowers from early summer, well into the fall. |

9-12 |
Blanket flower |
Gaillardia grandiflora |
1-3 ft. |
Blanket flowers are clumping upright perennials with light green foliage. Their Daisy-like flowers appear in mid summer and are up to four inches in diameter. Blanket Flowers are easily grown from seeds |
4-10 |

Brass Buttons |
Leptinella squalida |
1-2" |
The interesting feathery, fern like foliage of the New Zealand Brass Buttons may give the impression that it is a delicate plant, but in reality, it is a tough enough ground cover that it can take light foot traffic and is even used as a lawn substitute in many areas. |
5-9 |
Brazilian Plume Flower |
Justicia carnea |
3-5 ft. |
The Brazilian Plume Flower is a shade loving, tropical evergreen perennial shrub with large deep green leaves.
It produces a never ending show of large spikes of brightly colored, tubular flowers from spring to fall. |
9-10 |

Caladium |
Colocasia esculenta |
12-18" |
The Caladium is a frost tender, perennial tuber which is grown for its colorful foliage rather than flowers. The leaves are usually a combination of different shades of red, pink, green, white. |
10-11 |
Calla Lily |
Zantedeschia aethiopica |
1-4 ft |
Callas are rhizomous, clump forming plants known for their large, lush green foliage and beautiful, stately white, pink, yellow or red flowers. These Arums are worth growing for their long lasting cut flowers alone. |
8-11 |

Canna Lily |
Canna generalis |
3-6 ft |
Canna is a rhizomous growing plant that is known for their large, thick leaves that unfurl like those of the Banana plant. Intensely colored, three petaled flowers emerge from the top of 3-8 ft. spikes in mid summer. Dig and store rhizomes in colder areas. They can be grown in containers |
8-11 |

Cape Marigold |
Arctotheca calendula |
3-6" |
The Cape Marigold is a rosette forming evergreen that is commonly grown as an annual plant. It produces loose, aster-like flowers in the summer. Cape Marigold is considered invasive or noxious in some areas |
 10-11 |
Carolina Jasmine |
Gelsemium sempervirens |
Semi-evergreen, yellow trumpet blooms in spring, quickly climbs to great heights where it forms masses of foliage and bloom |
7-9 |
Christmas Kalanchoe |
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana |
8"-12" |
Christmas Kalanchoes are easy to grow, winter blooming plants with waxy, green, scalloped edged leaves, and clusters of tiny, brightly colored flowers that continue for 6 weeks or longer. Most Kalanchoes that are commonly available today are dwarf hybrids that only reach 8"-12" tall. |
9-12 |

Chrysanthemum |
Chrysanthemum |
12-24" |
Chrysanthemums are just about the easiest of all of the perennials to grow. They should be planted in early spring after all danger of freezing, however they can be planted almost any time. Chrysanthemums are induced to bloom when the nights become longer than the days... |
4-9 |
Cinquefoil |
Potentilla fruticosa |
2-3 ft. |
Potentillas prefer well-drained, reasonably rich soil, but will tolerate clay, rocky, or even slightly alkaline soils as well. Loads of pink or yellow 'buttercup' flowers in June. |
2-7 |
Cockscomb |
Celosia Argentea |
12-16" |
Plumosa cultivar flowers resemble plume like feathers, while Cristata flowers looks like a rooster's comb with crested heads and ridges. Low maintenance, good for dried flowers |
Columbine |
Aquilegia |
12-18" |
The Columbine is an easy plant to grow because it adapts itself to a wide variety of conditions. They are a favorite flower for hummingbirds, and are excellent additions to rock gardens or in a native woodland planting |
3-9 |
Cosmos |
Cosmos bipinnatus |
3-5 ft. |
Cosmos are extremely heat and drought tolerant. They prefer full sun and do well in poor, infertile soil. Cosmos plants come in a rainbow of summer blooming flower colors |
Cotoneaster |
Cotoneaster |
3"-15 ft. |
Cotoneaster is an extremely diverse genus of plants which includes ground covers, dwarf sized bushes and large sprawling shrubs. The flowers are generally small and appear from spring to early summer followed by bright red or orange berries for the birds to eat in winter. |
vary |
Creeping Buttercup |
Ranunculus repans |
9-12" |
In many places, especially my gardens, Creeping Buttercups are considered to be a noxious and invasive weed! However, they may have their place in a poorly drained, shady area of your garden. They have green, deeply cut, snowflake foliage and bright yellow flowers in spring. |
8-11 |
Creeping Mazus |
Mazus reptans |
1-3" |
These Cup Flowers are fast spreading ground cover plants that quickly form a dense mass of jagged light green foliage. Covers itself with pretty, orchid-like flowers in the late spring. Good for planting between pavers or as a carpet-like border planting |
5-9 |

Creeping Zinnia |
Sanvitalia procumbens |
6-10" |
Creeping Zinnia is a bright little yellow flowering annual plant. They should be planted in rich, well draining soil, in full sun. |
Crocus |
Crocus |
3-6" |
Crocus need four weeks of winter's chilling (below 50°) in order to bloom in the spring. Crocus bulbs can be forced into bloom at any time of the year |
Hardy |

Croton |
Codiaeum variegatum |
3-8 ft. |
Crotons are tender perennial plants that will grow to three feet tall or more. They are most often grown as house plants or in a greenhouse environment. Their thick, glossy foliage is brightly colored in combinations and shades of red, yellow, pink, orange, burgundy, bronze or green. |
Crown Imperial |
Fritillaria imperialis |
3-4 ft. |
Crown Imperials are impressive, spring flowering bulbs that have been cultivated since the 16th century. Once the stalk begins to emerge in mid-spring, it grows very quickly to a height of 3-4 feet and adorns itself with a crown of nodding, bell shaped flowers topped with a tuft of bright, glossy green leaves. |
5-9 |

Cupid's Dart |
Catananche caerulea |
18-24" |
Cupid's Darts are short lived perennials that form 12" clumps of 18"-24", narrow grey-green leaves that radiate out from the root crown. The single, 1"-2" flower heads appear atop leafless upright stems from early summer until fall.
4-8 |
Curly Top Sedge |
Carex buchananii |
1-2 ft. |
Curly Top Sedge is a very versatile grass, due to its ability to tolerate most growing conditions. Stiff bronze red foliage |
6-9 |
Dahlias |
Dahlia |
1-6 ft. |
With a blast of different colors, shapes and sizes, Dahlias bring life and beauty back to your landscape in late summer and into the fall months. The flowers can be as small as 2 inches or up to a foot in diameter. |
7-11 |
Daffodil |
Narcissus |
6-15" |
Daffodil bulbs need four to five weeks of winter's chilling (below 50°) in order to bloom in the spring. Daffodil bulbs can be forced into bloom at any time of the year |
Hardy |
Daisy |
Chrysanthemum maximum |
18-36" |
Daisies are long blooming, short lived (2-3 years) members of the Chrysanthemum family. This clumping perennial produces an abundance of 2-3" flowers from early summer through summer |
5-10 |

Dandelion |
Taraxacum officinale |
1-2" |
Dandelions are a common lawn and garden weed, but can be cultivated and used. The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked, flowers are used to make wine, and the milky sap can be used as a mosquito repellent |
5-11 |

Daylily |
Hemerocallis |
10-24" |
Daylilies produce an abundance of flowers which open over a long period of time.
They are useful in the perennial flower border, as a garden centerpiece, or any corner of the garden which needs to be brightened up. Daylilies can be propagated by division |
3-9 |
Dusty Miller |
Senecio cineraria |
12-24" |
Dusty Miller are compact, mound forming, evergreen perennial plants that are grown as annuals in cooler regions. They are great for borders or as companion plantings for brightly colored annual flowers. Excellent for growing in containers. |
8-11 |

Dutch Iris |
Iris reticulata |
6-10" |
Dutch Iris should be grown in rich, well draining soil with 5-8 hours of sun each day. Dutch Iris bulbs can be forced into bloom at any time of the year with no chilling, should be fed every 2 weeks |
3-10 |
Dutchman's Pipe |
Hypopitys monotropa |
6-9" |
Pinesaps are rare, foliage-less, parasitic forest dwelling wildflowers that are native to the Pacific Northwest. |
5-8 |

Coyote Brush |
Baccharis pilularis |
2-3 ft. |
Coyote Brush is a fast growing evergreen shrub with small, bright green leaves. It blooms from July through October with clusters of tiny flowers. The male flowers are yellow, female flowers are white |
7-10 |

Dwarf Yarrow |
Achillea kellereri |
8" |
Dwarf Yarrow is a vigorous growing perennial with silvery strap-like leaves that add interest when the plant is out of bloom. It produces a profusion of large white or yellow flower clusters that continue throughout the summer. |
5-10 |
Easter Lilies |
Lilium |
12-30" |
In the home, Easter Lilies prefer fairly cool daytime temperatures of 60°-65°. Night temperatures should be slightly cooler at 55°-60°. Move your Easter Lily to the garden after all danger of frost has passed |
Hardy |

Echeveria imbricata |
Echeveria imbricata |
6-12" |
Echeveria imbricata is a rosette forming succulent plant that is perfect for dry, sunny locations. It produces spikes of clustered flowers in early summer. Mature specimens readily form offsets |
8-11 |
Elderberry |
Sambucus |
10-20 ft. |
Elderberries are fast growing, low maintenance, multi-stemmed deciduous shrubs with deeply veined, serrated foliage. They produce large flat clusters of flowers in late spring to early summer, followed by small berries which may or may not be poisonous, by species |
4-10 |
English Marigold |
Calendula officinalis |
6"-24" |
The English Marigold is a bright and cheery plant that produces 3"-5" blooms all summer from June until frost. They are very fast and easy to grow and are easily grown from seeds. Herbal and Medicinal uses of the English Marigold Plant |

Eucalyptus |
Eucalyptus |
1-180 ft. |
Eucalyptus plants come in a number of varieties ranging from low growing shrubs to 180 ft. giants. Most varieties are evergreen but may shed their leaves in severe droughts. They bear fluffy little flowers in late spring to early summer |
8-11 |
Evening Primrose |
Oenothera biennis |
2-4 ft. |
The Evening Primrose is a tall, upright biennial plant |
4 |
Evergreen Smilax |
Smilax lanceolata |
Smilax is a vigorous growing, durable evergreen vine with thick, dark green, lance shaped leaves. It spreads by underground tubers so it may become invasive. Produces clusters of trumpet shaped flowers in April and May and berries for the birds in the fall |
6-8 |

Exbury Azalea |
Rhododendron |
4-12 ft. |
Deciduous Exbury Azaleas bloom in late spring or early summer, producing clusters of 7-18 large, 2"-3", often very fragrant, often bi-colored flowers in shades of yellow, orange, pink, red and white. |
5-9 |
Fairy Wings |
Epimedium |
6-20" |
Fairy Wings (Bishops Cap) will survive in one of the most difficult situations in the garden; the dry shade beneath a tree. |
4-8 |
Feather Reed Grass |
Calamagrostis acutiflora |
5-7 ft. |
Feather Reed Grass is fairly drought resistant and tolerates a wide range of garden soils. It is deer resistant plant |
4-9 |

Firecracker Flower |
Crossandra infundibuliformis |
2 ft. |
Firecracker Flowers are upright growing, tender perennials that are usually grown as house plants. They have bright green, glossy foliage and produce spikes of brightly colored flowers. Provide extra humidity by setting planter on top of a tray filled with moist stones |
10-12 |

Flame Grass |
Miscanthus purpurascens |
4-5 ft. |
Flame Grass is an easy to grow, clumping grass. The coloration of its red foliage intensifies as the summer progresses, turning into a flaming reddish orange in the fall. |
4-9 |
Flowering tobacco |
Nicotiana alata |
30-36" |
Flowering tobacco is a tall, easy to grow annual that is useful for garden backgrounds or for eye catching mass plantings. It produces an abundance of 2½" star shaped flowers all summer until first frost. Can be easily grown from seed |

Four o' clock |
Mirabilis jalapa |
24" |
Four o' clocks are fragrant, colorful and very easy to grow. The plants got their name, Four o' clock, because the flowers do not open till around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, except on cloudy days. Can be easily grown from seed |

Foxgloves |
Digitalis purpurea |
3-6 ft. |
Foxglove is a biennial flower which is native to Europe but now grows wild in most temperate climates of the world. Foxgloves prefer moist, well draining, fertile soil but can survive drought and almost any growing conditions. |
Freesia |
Freesia x hybrida |
12-18" |
Freesias are tender, brightly flowered, easy to care for bulbs that can be grown in the garden, in planters, or as a house plant in a sunny, cool room.
Their fragrant, 2" flowers open over a long blooming period, in sequence along arching, wirey stems. |
9-10 |

Fringed Yellow Loosestrife
Lysimachia ciliata |
1-2 ft. |
Fringed Loosestrife
is an outstanding, fast growing North American wildflower that grows in upright mounds of deep purplish green foliage. Each stem becomes studded with small golden flowers in mid summer. Excellent contrast near lighter foliage plants |
5 |

Giant Feather Grass |
Stipa gigantea |
3-4 ft. |
Giant Feather Grass forms a large, loose clump of greyish-green foliage. Seven foot arching stems of tan flower spikes persist through the summer months. Needs well drained soil |
6-9 |
Gladiola |
Gladiolus |
12-36" |
The Gladiola is an easy care, erect growing, corm type plant that produces a tall spike of dramatic, brightly colored flowers in mid to late summer. Dig and store rhizomes in colder areas. |
8-11 |

Gloxinia |
8-12" |
Sinningia hybridus |
Gloxinias come in a wide range of colors, with variations in both foliage and flower forms. They are tuberous plants which are usually grown as houseplants, but may also be grown in containers in a shaded part of the garden. |
10-12 |

Golden Bells |
Forsythia |
1-10 ft. |
One of the earliest signs that spring has arrived, is when the Forsythia bursts into a profusion of yellow blossoms spreading from the ground to the tip of each graceful, cascading branch. Forsythias will grow in almost any soil or growing condition |
4-9 |
Golden Chain Tree |
Laburnum watereri |
12-15 ft. |
Golden Chain Trees are fairly ordinary looking plants when they are not in bloom... but... when the 12"-24" pendulous clusters of bright yellow, pea-like flowers open, the Golden Chain Tree transforms into a real traffic stopper. |
5-7 |
Golden Loosestrife |
Lysimachia punctata |
3-4 ft. |
Golden Loosestrife is an excellent plant for bog gardens or next to ponds and streams. This 3-4 foot tall perennial has light green, 3" leaves with serrated edges. In the summer, they produce abundant spikes of star shaped, golden yellow flowers, tinged in red at the base. |
5-10 |
Goldenrod |
Solidago virgaurea |
12-36" |
Goldenrod is an aggressively spreading, upright clumping, deciduous perennial plant with light green foliage. It produces sprays of bright yellow flowers from mid summer until mid fall |
3-9 |
Golden Trumpet Vine |
Allamanda cathartica |
The Golden Trumpet Vine is a prolific blooming, frost tender perennial. It can be potted up and grown as a house plant. All parts of Allamanda cathartica are extremely toxic |
9-11 |
Golden Foxtail Grass |
Alopecurus pratensis 'Aureovariegatus' |
12-18" |
Soft yellowish green with a golden stripe. This ornamental grass is NOT related to Foxtail barley grass! |
4-9 |
Goldflame Honeysuckle |
Lonicera heckrottii |
Honeysuckle vines are easy to grow, vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible. The flashy and fragrant flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long. |
5-9 |
Gold Plate Yarrow |
Achillea filipendulina |
4 ft. |
Gold Plate Yarrow is a long blooming perennial with fern like greyish green foliage and 4-6" bright yellow flower clusters |
3-10 |
Hardy Carnation |
Dianthus caryophyllus |
6-12" |
Hardy Carnations are low maintenance, long blooming perennials. (Unfortunately they are only hardy to zone 8) They prefer alkaline soil and dislike heat. They produce their sweetly fragrant flowers all spring |
8-10 |

Hardy Yellow Ice Plant |
Delosperma nubigenum |
2" |
Hardy Yellow Ice Plant is an evergreen succulent plant. Due to its vigorous carpeting growth habit it is outstanding ground cover and rock garden plant. The plant covers itself with hundreds of yellow daisies in late spring. |
5-10 |
Harry Lauder's Walking Stick |
Corylus avellana 'Contorta' |
8-10 ft. |
Discover the true inner beauty of Harry Lauder's Walking Stick... The fantastically twisted, gnarled, contorted, spiraling branches will quickly capture your imagination. Well suited for growing as an outdoor container plant. |
3-9 |

Helen's Flower |
Helenium autumnale |
5 ft. |
Branching, leafy stems with yellow, orange or reddish Daisy-like flowers in the Fall |
3-9 |
Hollyhock |
Althaea rosea |
3-7 ft. |
Hollyhocks are easy to start from seed. The towering spikes host dozens of white, yellow, pink, red or crimson flowers from mid Summer until late Fall |
Honeysuckle |
Lonicera |
Honeysuckle are easy to grow, vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible. The flashy, fragrant flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long. The resulting fruit will provide a fall treat for your local songbirds as well. |
4-10 |
Hummingbird Bush |
Anisacanthus quadrifidus |
3-5 ft. |
Hummingbird Bushes are covered with redish orange, tube shaped blooms from mid Summer until first frost. They are drought tolerant, heat-loving small deciduous shrubs that Hummingbirds love! |
7-10 |

Hyacinth Bean |
Dolichos lablab |
The Hyacinth Bean is a fast growing tender perennial that is usually grown as an annual. This twining vine has purplish green foliage, pinkish lavender blooms in summer and fall and purple seed pods in the fall |
 8-10 |
Indian Mock Strawberry |
Duchesnea indica |
4-6" |
The Indian Strawberry is not a true strawberry, but it is a rapidly spreading, evergreen ground cover that will survive harsh conditions. The fruit is fairly flavorless but it is edible and plentiful all summer long. |
6-10 |
Japanese Iris |
Iris japonica |
12-24" |
The foliage of the Japanese Iris resembles that of a Daylily more than of other Iris but the flowers are unmistakably Iris. Japanese Iris produces masses of blooms in late spring |
Hardy |
Fire Lily |
Clivia miniata |
12-18" |
Clivias will bloom better and more consistently when they are pot bound. The seeds MUST be removed from the pods and planted while they are still fresh. |
10-11 |
Kenilworth Ivy |
Cymbalaria muralis |
Kenilworth Ivy is a trailing, creeping vine with small, light green Geranium-like foliage and tiny blue, orchid-like flowers from early summer until first frost. A nice ground cover |
3-8 |
Lady's Mantle |
Alchemilla mollis |
12-18" |
Lady's mantle is a clump forming perennial with light green foliage that resembles that of the Geranium except that Lady's Mantle has crinkled edges. Tiny, star-shaped flowers appear in loose clusters in late spring to early summer |
4-8 |

Lantana |
Lantana camara Lantana montevidensis |
1-4 ft. |
Lantanas are fast growing, shrubby, spreading or trailing evergreen plants that grow from one to four feet tall. Lantana plants produce flat-topped 2" clusters of bright, multi-colored tubular flowers in the summer and fall. |
7-11 |
Leopard Plant |
Ligularia |
2-3 ft. |
Ligularias are unusual, old world perennials with big leaves with long leaf stalks and unique daisy-like flowers. They are excellent specimen plants for growing in tubs, boggy areas or along the banks of stream or pond. The ideal location for growing most Ligularias is in a bog garden with fertile, humus-rich soil in partial shade. |
4-9 |
Leopard's Bane |
Doronicum pardaliances |
3 ft. |
Large heart shaped green foliage with bright yellow Daisy-like flowers from Spring to mid-Summer |
5-9 |

Bitter Root |
Lewisia cotyledon |
4-6" |
Bitter Root plants produce clusters of 1" flowers on 10" stems in shades of white to pink or gold, occasionally with red and white stripes from spring to early summer. Easily hybridized Rock Garden plant.
Lewisias can be grown as house plants. |
5-8 |
Lily of the Field |
Sternbergia lutea |
4" |
Winter Daffodil is neither a daffodil nor a crocus, however, it is in the amaryllis family.Plant in well-draining gravelly soil |
9-10 |
Lotus Vine | Lotus maculatus |
The Lotus Vine is a semi hardy hanging or ground crawling vine that is most often grown as an annual plant. The foliage consists of fine, 1-2", silvery blue needle like leaves. Produces lots of bright, 'parrot beak' shaped flowers in late spring and early summer. Excellent for hanging baskets or to cascade down a rockery |
 9-11 |
Lupine |
Lupinus |
12-36" |
Lupines are upright, mound forming annual or perennial wildflowers with large green, lance shaped leaves and spikes of brightly colored sweet pea-like flowers from June to August. Can be easily grown from seed Beware of slugs! |
 3-8 |
Marguerite Daisy |
Argyranthemum frutescens |
1-3 ft. |
Marguerite Daisies are easy to grow, tender perennials that are usually grown as annual plants. They produce masses of fragrant, 1-2", Chrysanthemum-like flowers from mid spring until mid fall that attract many types of butterflies |

Marigold |
Tagetes |
8-36" |
Marigolds are one of the easiest of all plants to grow and care for, making them a perfect plant for teaching young children about growing and gardening. These spunky little plants are only hardy in zones 9-11 so they are normally grown as annual bedding plants. |
Meadow Sage |
Salvia nemorosa |
3 ft. |
Narrow erect plant with irregular leaves, spikes of small purple to white blooms in the Summer. Prefers slightly alkaline soil |
5-10 |
Mexican Daisy |
Erigeron karvinskianus |
6-15" |
Mexican Daisies are a readily trailing perennial that produce abundant white daisy-like flowers that turn to pink as they age. Excellent as a ground cover or in rock gardens |
8-10 |
Monkey Flower |
Mimulus hybridus |
1 ft. |
The Monkey Flower is a colorful, easy to grow addition to the shaded areas of your garden. This plant grows well in containers and can be grown as a house plant |

Montbretia |
Crocosmia |
2-4 Ft. |
Crocosmia are easy to grow, corm type plants that are related to the Iris. They produce a stalk of brilliantly colored, tube shaped flowers that open sequentially up the stem from July until the first hard frost. They can be grown, but not over-wintered in containers |
5-8 |
Moor Grass |
Molinia caerulea |
12-18" |
Moor grass is slow to get established, bit its compact foliage makes it a perfect ground cover plant for wet, acidic soil. Suitable for growing in a planter. |
5-8 |
Moss |
Many Species |
<1" |
Mosses grow primarily in lightly shaded areas. Thousands of tiny Moss plants will bunch together to make a single patch of moss. |
1-8 |
Moss Rose |
Portulaca Grandiflora |
4-8 |
Moss Rose is a quick growing succulent annual. Portulaca seeds should be sown outside after your last frost has passed. Seeds will germinate within 10-15 days. |
Mountain Avens |
Dryas drummondii |
4" |
Mat of dark green, Oak-like leaves; 1 1/2 inch white flowers in early Summer |
2-9 |
Mountain Rose |
Lewisia tweedyi |
4-8" |
Rosettes of fleshy 3-6" evergreen leaves; satiny peach-pink flowers from Spring to Summer; requires perfect drainage |
5-9 |
Nasturtium |
Tropaeolum majus |
Once established, Nasturtiums take little or no care. As they spread and grow, their foliage resembles a sea of tiny lily pad leaves topped with brightly colored, edible blossoms. Can be easily grown from seed |

Nemesia |
Nemesia strumosa |
10-12" |
Nemesias are brightly colored annual plants that quickly grow to a height of 12 inches. Nemesias grow well in hanging baskets and planters |
Orange Star Plant |
Ornithogalum dubium |
12-18" |
The Orange Star Plant is a bulb type plant that produces upright clusters of fragrant 1-2" flowers in early summer. Can be grown in containers or as a House Plant |
9-10 |
Oregon Grape |
Mahonia aquifolium |
3-6 ft. |
Oregon Grape is a deer resistant, low maintenance, durable, evergreen shrub with glossy green, holly like foliage. It produces spikey clusters of Butterfly attracting, bright yellow flowers in the spring, followed by bluish-black berries to feed the birds. |
5-9 |
Oriental Poppy |
Papaver orientale |
18-36" |
Poppy plants form 18"-36" tall clumps of deeply divided green leaves that are covered with fine bristles. These undemanding perennials slowly spread by rhizomes to form nice two to three foot colonies. Their flowers have the texture of silky crepe paper. |
3-7 |
Ozark Sundrops |
Oenothera missouriensis |
3-10" |
The Ozark Sundrop is an easy to grow trailing plant that will grow 6"-10" tall and form a 24" clump.
This night blooming plant will produce a succession of short lived blooms from late spring until mid summer if the dead flowers are removed promptly. |
4-10 |
Palm Sedge |
Carex muskingumensis |
2-3 ft. |
Palm Sedge has an interesting whorling habit to its growth. The tips of the light green foliage branch to resemble tiny Palm trees. Deer resistant |
4-9 |

Pansy |
Viola |
3-8" |
Pansies may be cool season annuals, biennials, or hardy perennials. They may bloom in early spring or fall depending on the species. Planting time is critical |

6-9 |

Pasque Flower |
Pulsatilla vulgaris |
9"-12" |
In early spring, Pasque Flower plants produce large, 3"-4", violet purple, pink or sometimes white flowers with bold, contrasting yellow centers which, as they begin to fade, are followed by finely dissected, silvery green, fern-like foliage.
4-8 |
Passion Flower |
Passiflora incarnata |
Passion flowers are generally considered to be hardy in USDA zones 5-9 but they should be planted in a protected location and mulched heavily if severe cold threatens. This vine produces dramatic 3 inch diameter flowers in late summer |
5-9 |
Persian Buttercup |
Ranunculus asiaticus |
8-18" |
Persian Buttercups provide a continuing display of beautiful 3"-5" Camellia-like flowers atop branched, 8"-18" stems, from late spring through mid summer.
They are well suited plants for growing in planters |
 8-10 |

Peruvian Lily |
Alstroemeria |
2-3 ft. |
Peruvian Lily plants are easy to care for, tuberous rooted perennials with bright green, lance shaped foliage that grow 2-3 feet tall. They produce loose clusters of speckled, 1½"-2" Azalea-like flowers on long, leafy stems in late spring into mid summer. |
7-10 |
Pineleaf Penstemon |
Penstemon pinifolius |
10-18" |
The Pineleaf Penstemon blooms for 6-10 weeks in mid summer. The dark orange flowers, will attract hummingbirds from miles around |
4-9 |

Pinwheel |
Aeonium haworthii |
18" |
Medium sized succulent that form rosettes of waxy blue-grey rosettes tinged in red |
9-11 |
Pitcher Plants |
Sarracenia |
4"-3' |
These prehistoric looking plants are characterized by leaves that curve into tubular funnels which catch and digest insects. |
6-8 |
Pocketbook Plant
Pouch Flower |
Calceolaria |
6-15" |
There are about 300 species of Calceolaria, but the vast majority of those commonly cultivated are hybrids of the Chilean species Calceolaria crenatiflora. They are commonly known as Pocketbook Plants, Pouch Flowers or Slipper Flowers. |
9-11 |
Poor Man's Orchid |
Schizanthus wisetonensis |
1-2 ft. |
The colorful orchid like flowers of the Butterfly Flower contrast beautifully against the soft, feathery foliage of this annual. Schizanthus dislike extremes of heat or cold, preferring cool and moist conditions. |

Primrose |
Primula |
6-12" |
Hundreds of species and varieties suitable for a wide range of garden uses. Dwarf varieties are best for rock gardens |
vary |
Purple Passion Plant |
Gynura aurantiaca |
The Purple Passion Plant is a trailing, tender perennial which originated in Indonesia. It's primary use is in hanging baskets as a houseplant. The vines may grow to 8 feet long but will tend to lose their bright purple coloring if they reach this length. Easily propagated by softwood cuttings |
10-12 |

Pussy willow |
Salix discolor |
5-20 ft. |
Pussy willows grow well in almost any soil but it is a good idea to supplement it with peat moss, leaf mold or compost. Male flowers are yellow, female flowers are white. |
4-8 |
Quaking Grass |
Briza media |
1-2 ft. |
Quaking Grasses are relatively disease and pest free. It produces tiny purple, orchid-like flowers |
5-8 |
Rabbitbrush |
Chrysothamnus nauseosus |
4-5 ft. |
Rabbitbrush is best known for it's intensely yellow colored flowers which bloom from August through October. |
4-6 |

Red Hot Poker |
Kniphofia uvaria |
2-5 ft |
The stately flowers of the Torch Lily, Kniphofia uvaria provide a dramatic display, when grown in a space where the entire plant is visible.
If you have sufficient space, you can select varieties to provide bloom during every month from May through October! |
5-10 |
Rhododendron 'Wren' |
Rhododendron 'Wren' |
12" |
Low growing, mounding miniature Rhododendron with bright yellow flowers |
3 |

Rock Harlequin |
Corydalis scouleri |
18-24" |
Rock Harlequin prefers moist, shaded areas but is occasionally found growing on a rocky hillside. |
7-9 |
Rocky Point Ice Plant |
Malephora lutea |
6-12" |
The Rocky Point Ice Plant is a fast growing, very succulent ground cover from South Africa. In extremely hot regions it should be planted in partial or light shade to avoid sun burn |
9-10 |
Self Heal |
Prunella laciniata |
3-6" |
Self Heal is a low growing, creeping perennial which is useful in rock gardens or as a ground cover. The plant will produce an abundance of 8-12 inch spikes of white, pink or purple blossoms from May through July. |
4-9 |
Silver Carpet |
Dymondia margaretae |
1-2" |
Silver Carpet is a ground hugging evergreen ground cover from South Africa. The short blades of felt textured, grey green foliage lay nearly flat, giving the illusion of a frosted lawn. Silver Carpet is a good filler between paving stones, a good ground cover and has even been used as a substitute for a lawn. |
8-11 |
Snapdragons |
Antirrhinum Majas |
9-48" |
Snapdragons produce tall stalks of fragrant flowers that attract both butterflies and hummingbirds throughout the summer. Snapdragons are easily grown from seed |
Snowdrop |
Galanthus |
4-12" |
Snowdrops are small winter flowering bulbs with stems of nodding white, petal-less flowers |
Hardy |
Spangle Grass |
Chasmanthium latifolium |
3 ft. |
Spangle Grass is a clump forming plant that produces gracefully nodding clusters of unique flat seed heads. Nice Fall color |
5-9 |

Spotted Deadnettles and Lamiums |
Lamium species |
4"-24" |
Spotted Deadnettle is a spreading, semi-evergreen member of the mint family. They are known for their beautiful silver and green variegation patterns in the textured foliage and spires of dainty, hooded flowers in early summer |
6-10 |

Purple Wood Spurge |
Euphorbia amygdaloides |
18-30" |
Stiff, purplish-green leaves spiral outward around woody stems, upright clusters of golden-green flowers from mid spring until early summer |
5-9 |
Shamrock |
Oxalis |
6-10" |
Several species like the Silver Shamrock are very well behaved and make great additions to the garden. Shamrocks are easy to grow in pots and planters. Many can be grown as house plants |
vary |
St. John's Wort |
Hypericum calycinum |
18-60" |
St. John's Wort is a vigorous grower that is useful for erosion control but it can be invasive. This drought tolerant plant thrives on neglect.
Herbal and Medicinal uses of St. John's Wort plants |
3-9 |

Star Jasmine |
Trachelospermum jasminoides |
Star Jasmine aka: Confederate Jasmine is a twining, evergreen vine that produces clusters fragrant white star-shaped blooms in early summer. Can be grown as a creeping ground cover |
7-10 |

Stonecrop |
Sedum acre |
1½-2" |
Creeping, small bright green leaves covered with small, star shaped, golden flowers in Spring |
5-10 |
Strawflower |
Bracteantha bracteata |
2-3 ft. |
Paper Daisys are tender perennials usually grown as annuals. They need moist, but well drained soil. They can be propagated by softwood cuttings or grown from seed |
 10-11 |
Sulfer Flower |
Eriogonum umbellatum |
9-12" |
Low growing, spreading mat of 1" green leaves; clusters of bright yellow flowers |
6-9 |
Sunflower |
Helianthus annuus |
Sunflowers are single stemmed annuals with large, fuzzy, silvery green, lance shape leaves. They produce long lasting, large single or multiple flower heads that range from 4-12" depending on the variety. |

Sweetgrass |
Hierochloe odorata |
1-2 ft. |
Sweetgrass has a very distinct scent and is easy to grow, but can become invasive so it should be grown in a container. The grass blades are sometimes braided and used as incense |
2-6 |
Sweet Pea |
Lathyrus odoratus |
Sweet Peas have long been a favorite of gardeners because of the wonderful fragrance of the large clusters of colorful flowers that grace these annual vines all summer. |
Switch Grass |
Panicum virgatum |
5 ft. |
There are many cultivars of Switch Grass offering a variety of foliage colors and variations but their care is the same. Switch Grass is a larval host for some butterflies and provides seed for ground feeding birds. |
5-9 |
Tickseed |
Coreopsis species |
1-3 ft. |
Coreopsis plants form nice, slow spreading clumps of green, fern-like or thread-like foliage with profusely blooming flowers that stand above the foliage on long, wirey stems. Coreopsis are excellent border or rock garden plants, and are great for cut flower arrangements. |
4-9 |
Toad Lily |
Tricyrtis hirta |
30-36" |
The Common Toad Lily is an easy to care for, slow spreading, clump forming perennial with 4"-6", deep green leaves alternating along multiple, 30"-36" upright, arching stems. Tricyrtis hirta produces loose clusters of awesome Toad flowers at each node along the stem. |
4-9 |

Torch Lily |
Kniphofia uvaria |
1-3 ft. |
The multi-colored flower spikes of the Torch Lily will reach 2-5 feet in height, depending on the variety. The coloring may range from ivory and orange to coral red. Provide a winter mulch |
5-10 |
Trailing Petunia |
Calibrachoa |
6-8" |
Calibracoa shares most of the features of a Petunia, except everything is shrunk down to about one fourth the size. Trailing Petunias are easy to care for, fast growing plants that will produce an abundance of Petunia-like blooms all summer long. |
 9-11 |
Transvaal Daisy |
Gerbera jamesonii |
10-15" |
Gerbera plants have dark green, deeply cut, 10" leaves with fuzzy undersides. Large, brightly colored, Daisy-like flowers stand above the foliage on stiff, leafless stems all summer. |
8-11 |
Treasure Flower |
Gazania |
6-8" |
The Treasure Flower's brightly bi-colored, daisy-like flowers are 2-5 inches in diameter, growing atop 6-12 inch stalks. The foliage is somewhat grasslike, but narrow at the base and widening toward the tip. |
Tritonia |
Tritonia |
12-18" |
Tritonias are corm growing plants from South Africa that produce pretty little six petaled flowers in late spring. They dislike wet environments. |
Hardy |
Trumpet Creeper |
Campsis radicans |

30 ft. |
Trumpet Creeper is a deciduous, clinging vine which grows to great heights. It produces large orange-red trumpet shaped blooms throughout the summer. A hummingbird favorite |
4-10 |

Trumpet Honeysuckle |
Lonicera sempervirens |
Coral Honeysuckle is a fast growing, high climbing, semi-evergreen vine. It produces clusters of intensely colored, trumpet shaped flowers all summer then red berries in the fall |
4-10 |
Trumpet Vine |
Campsis tagliabuana |
This Trumpet Vine is a vigorous growing, low maintenance climber with the ability to cling to walls with its root like tendrils. It produces brightly colored 2-3" trumpet shaped flowers from mid summer into early fall |
5-10 |

Reiger Begonia |
Begonia tuberhybrida |
6-12" |
Reiger Begonias are a hybrid cross between Tuberous Begonias and Wax Begonias. With proper care, they will remain in bloom for several months. They can be planted in pots and grown as a house plant |
9-11 |
Umbrella Grass |
Cyperus Alternifolius |
3-4 ft. |
Umbrella Grass is a native of the swamps of Madagascar. It is a close relative of the Papyrus Plant. Thrives in wet areas |
9-10 |
Verbena |
Verbena species |
6"-5' |
There are about 250 annual and perennial species of Verbena but there are only about a half dozen that are commonly cultivated. These easy to grow, long blooming plants are both heat and drought tolerant. Trailing forms of Verbena are excellent for growing in containers and hanging baskets. |
vary |
Violets |
Viola sp |
2-6" |
Violets are dainty little self seeding versions of the Pansy. Their seeds can be directly sown into the garden at anytime from spring through fall, but the seeds need darkness and 70° to germinate |
 4-8 |

Virginia Creeper |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia |
Virginia Creeper is a fast growing deciduous vine with intensely rich red fall color. It easily clings to walls or a trellis, or can be allowed to creep as a ground cover. The berries are highly toxic! |
Wallflower |
Erysimum |
1-4 ft. |
The Wallflower is an old-fashioned perennial garden flower which is usually grown as an annual or biennial because it tends to 'bloom itself to death'. The profusion of fragrant, bright orange flowers in early spring makes this plant an excellent choice for the butterfly garden, flower bed, or garden border. |
 6-9 |
Water Lily |
Nymphaea species |
18-36" |
There are about fifty species of Water Lily plants. Water Lilies are tuberous growing plants that can be planted in pots and submerged in your pond or even in a tub on your patio, where they will send up round, floating leaves and beautiful, sometimes fragrant, star shaped flowers to the surface. |
Varies |
Weeping Weigela |
Weigela rosea |
6 ft. |
Weeping Weigela are easy to care for deciduous shrubs They cover themselves with brightly colored, five petal star flowers from May to June. Can be grown into a beautiful hedge |
5-9 |

Whitlow grass |
Draba aizoides |
4" |
Small rosette of tiny grey or greel leaves; bright yellow flowers in late Spring |
5-9 |
Wintercreeper |
Euonymus fortunei |
Wintercreeper is an adaptable, deciduous climbing vine. The flowers are fairly inconspicuous, but they result in bright orange seeds that attract and feed a wide variety of birds |
5-9 |

Winter Cress |
Barbarea orthoceras |
1-2 ft. |
Winter Cress is one of the earliest blooming wildflowers. It is a moisture loving member of the mustard family that produces clusters of <½ flowers from early spring until early fall. |
4-7 |

Witch Hazel |
Hamamelis mollis |
10-15 ft. |
Witch Hazel is a low maintenance deciduous shrub which is one of the earliest blooming shrubs, providing you with lots of showy, fragrant flowers beginning in early February |
5-9 |
Woodbine Honeysuckle |
Lonicera periclymenum |
Honeysuckle vines are easy to grow, vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible. The flashy and fragrant flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long. |
5-9 |
Woodrush |
Luzula sylvatica |
1-2 ft. |
Woodrush is an easy to grow and durable, slow growing grass-like plant that will even survive in dry shade. Variegated varieties are available |
4-9 |
Woolly Thyme |
Thymus pseudolanuginosus |
1" |
Spreading mat of tiny, hairy, light green foliage; covered by tiny pink flowers in mid Summer. Several aromatic Thymes are also available. |
3-9 |
Woolly Yarrow |
Achillea tomentosa |
9-12" |
Woolly Yarrow is a very durable and low maintenance perennial with aromatic, greyish green, strap-like leaves. It produces small clusters that continue throughout the summer. Very drought tolerant |
5-10 |
Yarrow |
Achillea millefolium |
2-4 ft. |
Yarrow belongs to a group of plants that includes annual and perennial, drought resistant plants that will grow in almost any garden soil. It is a long blooming perennial wildflower with fern like greyish green foliage and 4-6" flower clusters |
3-10 |
Yellow Corydalis |
Corydalis lutea |
12-15" |
Corydalis lutea is a short lived perennial wildflower that is very easy to grow and care for. They grow 12"-15" tall and gradually form 24" diameter mounds of light greyish-green, fern like foliage. Sprays of bright yellow, 1" tubular flowers begin to appear in early May and will continue until the first frosts of Fall. |
6-10 |

Yellow Sedge |
Carex flava |
18-30" |
Although it is not commonly grown as ornamental, Yellow Sedge is durable and adaptable. It has yellow striped foliage, and produces seed for the birds winter feeding. |
4-8 |

Zebra Plant |
Aphelandra squarrosa |
12-18" |
Zebra Plants are extremely showy evergreen plants with pairs of shiny, 6"-9", lance shaped green leaves, boldly variegated with cream, white or silvery striped veins. Under ideal conditions, they can be persuaded to bloom. |
11-12 |

Zinnia |
Zinnia elegans |
6-40" |
Zinnias are easy to grow annual plants that produce an abundance of brightly colored 2-3" flowers through the summer months. They grow well in containers and make excellent cut flower arrangements. They dislike wet foliage. Can be easily grown from seed |