Everything you Need to Know about Growing Oregon Grape Plants
Mahonia aquifolium
The Oregon Grape, or Holly Grape, as they are also called, are evergreen shrubs
that are native to the Pacific Northwet.
They have leathery, compound leaves consisting of 5-9 Holly-like leaflets on each side that emerge
with a nice reddish-bronze color in spring, before turning to dark green.
Oregon Grapes are capable of growing up to 6 feet tall and 5-6 feet wide,
making them a perfect choice for a barrier or hedge.
Terminal clusters of small, bright yellow, lightly scented flowers appear in early to mid-spring
and are followed by clusters of small, edible, grape-like fruits by late summer.
This Deer resistant plant is the State Flower of Oregon and provides food for
Painted Lady Butterflies,
Mason Bees and a wide variety of Birds.
Growing Requirements for Oregon Grape Plants
Oregon Grapes are hardy in USDA zones 5-9.
These undemanding plants can be grown in almost any light, from full sun to dense shade,
but will grow best in partial shade.
They will tolerate a wide range of soil types, but thrive in humus rich, slightly acidic, evenly moist but well draining garden soil.
For the best results, mix in a generous amount of compost to the planting hole.
Provide protection from strong winter winds.
In the spring, Oregon Grapes can be pruned for shape or cut back hard to remove straggly growth.
Propagating Oregon Grapes and Growing them from Seed
Oregon Grape plants can be propagated with cuttings
taken from semi-ripe wood in the fall.
Sucker growths at the base of the plant can be removed
and planted elsewhere in the spring.
Oregon Grape seeds require 3 weeks of cold stratification.
For the best results, the seed should be sown in the garden as soon as it is fully ripened in the fall, for germination during the following spring.
Stored seeds may take up to six months to germinate.
When starting Oregon Grape seeds indoors, place them in moistened planting mix and store them in the refrigerator for 3 weeks prior to sowing.
Maintain a temperature of 50° in the growing medium until germination, which takes about 6 weeks if the seeds are fresh.
Oregon Grape Mahonia aquifolium
The third image is of a Creeping Mahonia, Mahonia repens. |
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