Common Name |
Botanical Name |
Height |
Plant Characteristics and Notes |
USDA Zones |
Growing Requirements Benefits |
African Daisy |
Arctotis x hybrida |
1-2 ft. |
African Daisies typically have bold, beautiful foliage and large, 3"-4", intensely colored flowers with bright centers. The foliage is grey to silvery green and coated with soft, downy silver hairs. The flowers close at night. |
Alpine Aster |
Aster alpinus |
6-12" |
The Alpine Aster plant forms a nice compact mound and produces an abundance of 1 ½" white flowers in May and June |
3-9 |

Alpine Columbine |
Aquilegia flabellata |
6-12" |
Violet with white flowers are borne on stiff stalks above the lacy bluish green foliage of the durable, self seeding Alpine Columbine |
3-9 |
Alpine Pinks |
Dianthus alpinus |
4-8" |
This true alpine species of Pinks forms cushions of neat, dark green foliage. In mid-summer they produce dozens of extra large but otherwise typical looking, sweet smelling Dianthus flowers. Deer resistant |
4-9 |

Alpine Poppy |
Papaver alpinum |
6-10" |
This short lived, miniature version of the Iceland Poppy readily reseeds itself. It produces saucer shaped 1" white, yellow or peach flowers in mid summer |
4-9 |
Aubrieta |
Aubrieta deltoidea |
2-6" |
Common Aubrieta is a vigorous growing, mat forming ground cover and rock garden plant. It is tolerant of a wide range of conditions, and rewards you with a long lasting cover of delicate flowers in early Spring. |
4-9 |
Avens |
Geum chiloense |
16-18" |
Geums form 16"-18" tall, spreading mounds of evergreen, coarsly textured, dark green leaves. From May until July they produce leafy, 24" branching stems that hold intensely colored, solitary, 1"-1¾" flowers or small clusters of smaller, brightly colored flowers. |
5-9 |
Basket of Gold |
Aurinia saxatilis |
8"-12" |
Dense clusters of gold flowers in Spring and early Summer. |
All |
Beach Daisy |
Asteriscus maritimus |
12" |
Beach Daisies are low growing evergreen plants that grow 1 ft. tall with a 3-4 ft. spread. They have leathery, slightly fuzzy, silvery green foliage, and for 6-8 months of the year will cover themselves with 1"-1½", bright yellow Daisy flowers. |
9-11 |
Blue Carpet |
Campanula carpatica |
6-12" |
Blue or white bell shaped flowers through early Summer. |
5-9 |
Blue Eyed Grass |
Sisyrinchium brachypus |
4-6" |
Clumps of Iris like leaves; brightblue, star-shaped flowers June to September |
5-10 |
Blue Fescue |
Festuca glauca |
8-12" |
Blue Fescue is a durable plant that grows in clumping mounds of fine blue foliage. They tend to die out in the center after a couple years and will need to be divided |
4-9 |
Blue Bugleweed |
Ajuga genevensis |
4-6" |
Typical Ajuga with 8" blue flowers in the Spring. Deer Resistant ground cover |
3-9 |

Bugleweed |
Ajuga reptens |
4-6" |
Ajuga grows well in full shade to full sun and tolerates a wide range of soil conditions as long as soil is well drained. |
3-9 |
Candytuft |
Iberis species |
6"-12" |
The Iberis genus of plants includes about fourty different species of annuals, perennials and sub-shrubs, with flower colors in shades of white, red, pink or lavender. They are great plants for borders or in your Rock Garden. |
Cat's Foot |
Antennaria dioica |
2-6" |
Cat's Foot is a mat forming North American native wildflower with durable silvery foliage. It produces light to bright pink flowers in late spring and early summer. Excellent mimi ground cover for hot and dry spots in the garden |
5-9 |
Columbine |
Aquilegia |
12-18" |
The Columbine is an easy plant to grow because it adapts itself to a wide variety of conditions. They are a favorite flower for hummingbirds, and are excellent additions to rock gardens or in a native woodland planting |
3-9 |
Coral Bells |
Heuchera sanguinea |
12-18" |
Coral Bells are compact growing, 18" mounding, evergreen plants that offer a growing variety of outstanding foliage colors in shades of purple, rose, lime green, gold as well as many striking variegations. |
6-9 |
Cranesbill |
Erodium reichardii |
3-6" |
Erodiums are low growing plants that form compact, dense 12" evergreen mounds of tufted, dark green foliage with scalloped edges. From April until October they produce ½" saucer shaped, rose-pink flowers or white flowers with red veins. |
7-10 |
Creeping Speedwell |
Veronica prostrata |
6"x24" |
Groundcover, Rock Gardens, Borders,
Woody, mat forming plant with coarsely serrated edges. Produces loose spikes of small blue, star shaped flowers in early summer. Deadhead spent flowers for a rebloom in early fall. Drought tolerant once established. |
5-9 |

Creeping Speedwell |
Veronica repens |
1"x18" |
Groundcover, Rock Gardens
Forms a fast growing, spreading evergreen mat of small, glossy green leaves. Produces small, pale blue or white flowersall spring. Ideal for growing between flagstones. |
5-9 |
Cushion Pink |
Silene acaulis |
2-4" |
Soft, hairy leaves spread slowly to form a low mat. Tubular pink flowers appear in late summer or early Fall |
2-9 |
Dwarf Baby's Breath |
Gypsophila muralis |
3" |
Spreading mat of greyish foliage; abundant clusters of pink or white flowers from late Spring until early Summer |
5-10 |
Dwarf Yarrow |
Achillea kellereri |
8" |
Dwarf Yarrow is a vigorous growing perennial with silvery strap-like leaves that add interest when the plant is out of bloom. It produces a profusion of large white or yellow flower clusters that continue throughout the summer. |
5-10 |
English Daisy |
Bellis perennis |
3"-6" |
The original English Daisy is the wild Daisy often seen growing in lawns. This biennial plant has now been hybridized to include double flowering varieties in shades of white, pink, rose-red or purple. The bright 2" flowers appear in succession, on 6" stems from April through June. |

Fleabane |
Erigeron glaucus |
6"-10" |
Clump forming, small spoon shaped leaves; Daisy-like pink flowers |
3-10 |
Gentian Speedwell |
Veronica gentianoides |
18"x18" |
Rock Gardens, Borders, Containers
Easy to grow, compact mat forming evergreen with deep green, glossy foliage. Produces loose, 10" spikes of powder blue to white flowers in late spring to mid-summer. Tolerates periods of wet soil. |
4-9 |

Green Carpet |
Herniaria glabra |
2"-3" |
Tiny, bright green, trailing foliage, turning reddish in the Fall; flowers are insignificant |
3-9 |
Hens and Chicks |
Echeveria elegans |
2"-3" |
Succulent blue-green clustering rosettes; bell shaped pink flowers in late summer |
8-11 |
Hardy Gloxinia |
Incarvillea delavayi |
2-15" |
Hardy Gloxinia plants produce compact 12" clumps of deep green, deeply divided, fern-like leaves. From mid-spring until mid-summer, leafless, 12"-24" tall stems rise above the foliage to showcase clusters of 2"-3", yellow throated, magenta to pink or white, trumpet shaped blooms. |
6-10 |
Hardy Purple Ice Plant |
Delosperma cooperi |
3-5" |
The Hardy Purple Ice Plant is a vigorous growing succulent ground cover. Dozens of bright magenta, Daisy-like flowers in mid to late Summer. Needs good drainage |
5-7 |
Hardy Yellow Ice Plant |
Delosperma nubigenum |
2" |
Hardy Yellow Ice Plant is an evergreen succulent plant. Due to its vigorous carpeting growth habit it is outstanding ground cover and rock garden plant. The plant covers itself with hundreds of yellow daisies in late spring. |
5-10 |
Hungarian Speedwell |
Veronica austriaca |
12"x18" |
Groundcover, Rock Gardens, Borders, Containers
Mound forming evergreen with 1"-2", oval, deep green leaves. Six inch spikes of intensely colored, deep blue flowers appear in summer and last for 3-4 weeks. |
5-9 |
Bitter Root |
Lewisia cotyledon |
4-6" |
Bitter Root plants produce clusters of 1" flowers on 10" stems in shades of white to pink or gold, occasionally with red and white stripes from spring to early summer. Easily hybridized Rock Garden plant.
Lewisias can be grown as house plants. |
5-8 |
Lithodora |
Lithodora prostrata |
4-6" |
A fuzzy foliaged, creeping form of Lithodora. It is useful as a ground cover and for border plantings. It produces masses of deep blue (sometimes bi-color), star shaped flowers in early Spring |
6-8 |

Lithodora 'Grace Ward' |
Lithodora diffusa |
6-12" |
Lithodora is a fuzzy foliaged, evergreen mini-shrub that is useful as a ground cover and for border plantings. It produces masses of deep blue (sometimes bi-color), funnel shaped flowers in early Spring |
6-10 |

Mountain Avens |
Dryas drummondii |
4" |
Mat of dark green, Oak-like leaves; 1 1/2 inch white flowers in early Summer |
2-9 |
New Zealand Burr |
Acaena buchananii |
1"-4" |
New Zealand Burr plants quickly spread to create a dense mat of evergreen, coppery purple foliage. |
7-10 |
Jacob's Ladder |
Polemonium |
6-36" |
Clump forming perennials that grow in swirling rosettes of bright green or variegated, fern-like foliage. Produces loose clusters of tubular or bell shaped flowers. Plants go completely dormant in the winter but quickly re-emerge in early spring. |
2-9 |

Oregano |
Origanum amanum |
6-8" |
Evergreen, small heart shaped green leaves; funnel shaped pink flowers mid-summer |
8-10 |
Pasque Flower |
Pulsatilla vulgaris |
9"-12" |
In early spring, Pasque Flower plants produce large, 3"-4", violet purple, pink or sometimes white flowers with bold, contrasting yellow centers which, as they begin to fade, are followed by finely dissected, silvery green, fern-like foliage.
4-8 |
Phlox |
Phlox subulata |
4-6" |
Mat growing fine foliage with masses of 1 inch, fragrant, star shaped flowers (white, blue, pink or red) in Spring |
3-10 |

Pineleaf Penstemon |
Penstemon pinifolius |
10-18" |
The Pineleaf Penstemon blooms for 6-10 weeks in mid summer. The dark orange flowers, will attract hummingbirds from miles around |
4-9 |

Pinwheel |
Aeonium haworthii |
18" |
Medium sized succulent that form rosettes of waxy blue-grey rosettes tinged in red |
9-11 |
Primrose |
Primula |
6-12" |
Hundreds of species and varieties suitable for a wide range of garden uses. Dwarf varieties are best for rock gardens |
vary |
Purple Wood Spurge |
Euphorbia amygdaloides |
18-30" |
Stiff, purplish-green leaves spiral outward around woody stems, upright clusters of golden-green flowers from mid spring until early summer |
5-9 |
Rhododendron 'Wren' |
Rhododendron 'Wren' |
12" |
Low growing, mounding miniature Rhododendron with bright yellow flowers |
3 |

Rockcress |
Arabis sturii |
6-8" |
Rockcress is a mound forming, easy plant to grow. The small green leaves are usually jagged and sometimes hairy. Good for rock gardens or as a ground cover plant |
4-9 |
Rockery Orchid |
Pleione bulbocodioides |
3" |
Produces a single 3 inch orchid flower in early Spring, followed by a single 6 inch leaf; tough to grow, but very rewarding |
8-10 |
Rock Jasmine |
Androsace sarmentosa |
4" |
Small green leaves with silver hairs; pink flowers from April to June |
3-8 |
Sandwort |
Arenaria montana |
6" |
Sandwort forms a mossy looking, mounding mat of deep green foliage. It produces a mass of small 1" flowers in late spring. Good for rock gardens or as a ground cover |
4-9 |

Saxifrage |
Saxifraga bronchialis |
8" |
Saxifrage is an evergreen perennial that forms cushions of moss-like fine foliage and produces pretty, cream colored flowers spotted with red or pink all Spring |
4-9 |
Sea Pink |
Armeria maritima |
4-8" |
Sea Pink is a low maintenance, short lived perennial that forms a compact mound of narrow, dark green, grass-like leaves. It produces a steady supply of white to pink flowers
from late spring until late summer |
4-9 |

Shooting Star |
Dodecatheon pulchellum |
6-18" |
Primrose-like rosette plant with unique flowers in shades from white to purple. Prefers light shade. |
3-9 |
Snowbell |
Soldanella alpina |
6" |
Clump forming, rounded leathery leaves; pale purple, fringed bells appear in early Spring |
5-9 |
Snow in the Summer |
Cerastium tomentosum |
4" |
Invasive plant... loose clusters of white, one inch flowers; narrow, woolly oblong leaves |
3-10 |
Soapwort |
Saponaria ocymoides |
4" |
Forms thick mat of ground covering, fine foliage; hundreds of small pink to red flowers cover the plant in early Spring |
4-10 |
Stonecress |
Aethionema armenum |
6" |
Low growing shrubby evergreen, with long lasting bright rose-pink flowers |
6-9 |
Stonecrop |
Sedum acre |
1½-2" |
Creeping, small bright green leaves covered with small, star shaped, golden flowers in Spring |
5-10 |
Strawberry Begonia |
Saxifraga stolonifera |
3-6" |
Strawberry Begonias are small, low growing, evergreen perennials that spread by runners called stolons. They have rounded, coarsely toothed, green leaves with silver marbling and covered with a fine hair, and having reddish undersides that form a loose rosette. |
6-9 |

Sulfer Flower |
Eriogonum umbellatum |
9-12" |
Low growing, spreading mat of 1" green leaves; clusters of bright yellow flowers |
6-9 |
Tickseed |
Coreopsis species |
1-3 ft. |
Coreopsis plants form nice, slow spreading clumps of green, fern-like or thread-like foliage with profusely blooming flowers that stand above the foliage on long, wirey stems. Coreopsis are excellent border or rock garden plants, and are great for cut flower arrangements. |
4-9 |
Transvaal Daisy |
Gerbera jamesonii |
10-15" |
Gerbera plants have dark green, deeply cut, 10" leaves with fuzzy undersides. Large, brightly colored, Daisy-like flowers stand above the foliage on stiff, leafless stems all summer. |
8-11 |
Tricolor Stonecrop |
Sedum spurium 'tricolor' |
4-6" |
Stonecrop are creeping, succulent ground cover plants. It forms a loose carpet of small green, pink and white tri colored leaves. It produces clusters of tiny star flowers in the summer. Excellent for rock gardens or can be grown in a a planter. |
2-9 |
Trumpet Gentian |
Gentiana acaulis |
2-4" |
Mat of glossy 1 inch green leaves; disproportionate 3 inch, blue trumpet flowers in early Summer |
3-9 |
Twinspur |
Diascia barberae |
6-12" |
Twinspurs are a vigorous growing, tender perennials that are closely related to the Snapdragon. They have small, heart shaped foliage and grow from 6"-12" tall, forming 8"-20" clumps. From late spring until early fall, they produce bright pink or salmon colored, 1/2"-3/4" flowers. |
 8-10 |
Whitlow grass |
Draba aizoides |
4" |
Small rosette of tiny grey or greel leaves; bright yellow flowers in late Spring |
5-9 |
Woolly Thyme |
Thymus pseudolanuginosus |
1" |
Spreading mat of tiny, hairy, light green foliage; covered by tiny pink flowers in mid Summer. Several aromatic Thymes are also available. |
3-9 |