Common Name |
Botanical Name |
Height |
Plant Characteristics and Notes |
USDA Zones |
Growing Requirements Benefits |
Aubrieta |
Aubrieta deltoidea |
2-6" |
Common Aubrieta is a vigorous growing, mat forming ground cover and rock garden plant. It is tolerant of a wide range of conditions, and rewards you with a long lasting cover of delicate flowers in early Spring. |
4-9 |
Beard Tongue |
Penstemon Barbatus |
12-24" |
Tubular flowers in red, pink, purple, or white will be sure to attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden. |
4-9 |
Spotted Lungwort |
Pulmonaria officinalis |
8-12" |
Spotted Lungwort is a clumping, evergreen perennial that is known for its pretty, marbled foliage and brilliantly colored spikes of nodding flowers that appear in early spring and last for several weeks |
6-9 |
Black Mondo Grass |
Ophiopogon planiscapus |
6-12" |
Black Mondo Grass grows as neat, slowly spreading, 4" tufts of ¼" wide, sweetly fragrant, straplike leaves. New foliage emerges dark green in spring then changes to dark purplish-black by summer.Loose spikes of small, light pink or white, bell shaped flowers appear in mid summer. |
5-9 |

Blue Corydalis |
Corydalis flexuosa |
12-18" |
Blue Corydalis is a slow growing, evergreen perennial that will eventually form a dense 18" clump of elegant, 12" tall, lace-like green foliage. Eighteen inch spikes of dangling, tubular, sky blue flowers will adorn the plant from late spring until fall in regions with cool summers |
5-9 |

Blue Lungwort |
Pulmonaria angustifolia |
8-12" |
Blue Lungwort is a clumping, deciduous perennial with an 'I'll grow anywhere' attitude. They have light green, lance shaped foliage and produce short clusters of brightly colored flowers for several weeks in early spring |
3-8 |
Blue Star Creeper |
Laurentia fluviatilis |
2-4" |
Blue Star Creeper is a fast growing, mat forming, light green walkonit ground cover. It covers itself with small star shaped flowers from May through June. Excellent filler between paving stones and in rock gardens |
5-9 |
Brass Buttons |
Leptinella squalida |
1-2" |
The interesting feathery, fern like foliage of the New Zealand Brass Buttons may give the impression that it is a delicate plant, but in reality, it is a tough enough ground cover that it can take light foot traffic and is even used as a lawn substitute in many areas. |
5-9 |
Bunchberry |
Cornus canadensis |
4-6" |
Bunchberry Dogwoods are probably the ultimate ground cover plants for growing in moist, woodland areas or in your shade garden. These short, bright green plants only reach six inches tall. They produce bright red berries that are eaten by many species of wild birds. |
3-8 |

Chameleon Plant |
Houttuynia cordata variegata |
6-12" |
The red, cream and green colored foliage of Chameleon Plants will be the brightest when they are planted in full sun, but this ground cover will grow more vigorously in partial shade. It should be grown in boggy conditions or can be planted directly into ponds or along stream banks. Insignificant flowers appear in mid summer |
5-11 |
Cinquefoil |
Potentilla fruticosa |
2-3 ft. |
Potentillas prefer well-drained, reasonably rich soil, but will tolerate clay, rocky, or even slightly alkaline soils as well. Loads of pink or yellow 'buttercup' flowers in June. |
2-7 |
Cranesbill |
Erodium reichardii |
3-6" |
Erodiums are low growing plants that form compact, dense 12" evergreen mounds of tufted, dark green foliage with scalloped edges. From April until October they produce ½" saucer shaped, rose-pink flowers or white flowers with red veins. |
7-10 |
Creeping Buttercup |
Ranunculus repans |
9-12" |
In many places, especially my gardens, Creeping Buttercups are considered to be a noxious and invasive weed! However, they may have their place in a poorly drained, shady area of your garden. They have green, deeply cut, snowflake foliage and bright yellow flowers in spring. |
8-11 |
Creeping Lily Turf |
Liriope spicata |
8-10" |
Creeping Lily Turf is a grass like ground cover that grows as spreading clumps of fine, dark green leaves that turn to bronze-green in the winter. Lily Turf produces spikes of tiny flowers in late summer, followed by dark blue berries in late fall. |
4-10 |

Creeping Mazus |
Mazus reptans |
1-3" |
These Cup Flowers are fast spreading ground cover plants that quickly form a dense mass of jagged light green foliage. Covers itself with pretty, orchid-like flowers in the late spring. Good for planting between pavers or as a carpet-like border planting |
5-9 |

English Ivy |
Hedera helix |
Fast growing, hardy evergreen vine for shade or partial sun, good for screening, ground cover, erosion control |
4-7 |
False Spirea |
Astilbe chinensis |
6-24" |
The fern like foliage and the showy plume flowers of False Spirea make them a favorite summer flowering perennial. |
6 |
Foamflower |
Tiarella cordifolia |
6-10" |
Foamflowers are easy to grow, perennial wildflowers that form 6"-10" tall clumps of heart shaped leaves. They quickly spread to form nice two foot patches of this shade loving groundcover. Tiarella produce whispy plumes of creamy white or pale pink, ¼" star shaped flowers. |
3-8 |

Ground Ivy |
Glechoma hederacea |
2-3" |
Ground Ivy is an aggressively growing, evergreen ground cover. It will survive almost anywhere that there is sufficient moisture. The five inch spikes of tiny orchid-like flowers appear continuously from March through July |
Hardy |
Heartleaf Saxifrage |
Bergenia cordifolia |
10-15" |
Bergenia's clusters of purple-pink flowers are produced atop twelve inch burgundy stems in the early spring. Glossy 8 inch heart shaped leaves |
3-9 |

Indian Mock Strawberry |
Duchesnea indica |
4-6" |
The Indian Strawberry is not a true strawberry, but it is a rapidly spreading, evergreen ground cover that will survive harsh conditions. The fruit is fairly flavorless but it is edible and plentiful all summer long. |
6-10 |
Irish Moss |
Sagina subulata |
<1" |
Irish Moss is an excellent terrarium plant. Mosses grow primarily in lightly shaded areas. Thousands of tiny Moss plants will bunch together to make a single patch of moss. |
5-10 |
Japanese Spurge |
Pachysandra terminalis |
6-10" |
Pachysandra is a very easy to care for, durable, low growing, mat forming, slow spreading ground cover plant that grow on thick, unbranched stems to about 6" tall in partial shade and 10" in deep shade. |
5-9 |
Kenilworth Ivy |
Cymbalaria muralis |
Kenilworth Ivy is a trailing, creeping vine with small, light green Geranium-like foliage and tiny blue, orchid-like flowers from early summer until first frost. A nice ground cover |
3-8 |
Lily Turf |
Liriope muscari |
18" |
Lily Turf are relatively slow spreading plants that eventually form large, 24"-30" wide clumps of loose, 18" tall, ½" wide leaves. Lily Turf plants form 6"-8", spikelike clusters of ¼", white or purple flowers in late summer. |
6-10 |

Mexican Daisy |
Erigeron karvinskianus |
6-15" |
Mexican Daisies are a readily trailing perennial that produce abundant white daisy-like flowers that turn to pink as they age. Excellent as a ground cover or in rock gardens |
8-10 |
Mondo Grass |
Ophiopogon japonicus |
6-10" |
Mondo grass slowly forms tight, 24" matted clumps of 8"-12" long, 1/8" wide, bright green, grass-like foliage.
Spikes of small, lavender or light purple flowers appear in the late summer |
6-9 |
Moss |
Many Species |
<1" |
Mosses grow primarily in lightly shaded areas. Thousands of tiny Moss plants will bunch together to make a single patch of moss. |
1-8 |
Periwinkle |
Vinca |
6" |
Periwinkles are fast growing, evergreen ground cover plants with opposing pairs of glossy dark green or variegated, oblong to lance shaped, 1½"-3" leaves. They produce an abundance of single, 1"-2" funnel shaped flowers with five flared and flattened petals. |
7-10 |
Phlox |
Phlox subulata |
4-6" |
Mat growing fine foliage with masses of 1 inch, fragrant, star shaped flowers (white, blue, pink or red) in Spring |
3-10 |

Red Dragon Fleeceflower |
Persicaria microcephala |
2-3 ft. |
The Red Dragon Fleeceflower is a fast growing, low maintenance, spreading perennial that grows 2-3 feet tall, with a 3 foot spread. They are known for their bright red stems and stunning, 3"-4", lance shaped, deep burgundy leaves. The sprays of tiny, white flowers and the foliage are both useful in cut flower arrangements. |
4-9 |
Scouler's Corydalis |
Corydalis scouleri |
3 ft. |
Corydalis scouleri is a perennial wildflower that is native to western Washington, Oregon and parts of southwestern British Columbia. Scouler's Corydalis will gradually form a 3 foot clump of 3 foot stems of light green, lace-like foliage. Spikes of hot pink, tubular flowers appear in late spring and continue into summer. |
7-9 |
Snow in the Summer |
Cerastium tomentosum |
4" |
Invasive plant... loose clusters of white, one inch flowers; narrow, woolly oblong leaves |
3-10 |
Spotted Deadnettles and Lamiums |
Lamium species |
4"-24" |
Spotted Deadnettle is a spreading, semi-evergreen member of the mint family. They are known for their beautiful silver and green variegation patterns in the textured foliage and spires of dainty, hooded flowers in early summer |
6-10 |

St. John's Wort |
Hypericum calycinum |
18-60" |
St. John's Wort is a vigorous grower that is useful for erosion control but it can be invasive. This drought tolerant plant thrives on neglect.
Herbal and Medicinal uses of St. John's Wort plants |
3-9 |
Strawberry Begonia |
Saxifraga stolonifera |
3-6" |
Strawberry Begonias are small, low growing, evergreen perennials that spread by runners called stolons. They have rounded, coarsely toothed, green leaves with silver marbling and covered with a fine hair, and having reddish undersides that form a loose rosette. |
6-9 |

Sweet Woodruff |
Galium odoratum |
6-12" |
Sweet Woodruff is a nice, mat forming ground cover for the shadier areas of your garden. Edible, fragrant green foliage and fragrant little white flowers in the springtime. Used for potpouri, a moth deterrant, roots used to make red dyes, flowers used to make yellow dyes |
4-8 |
Thyme |
Thymus |
1-12" |
Thyme is an evergreen perennial herb, native to the Mediterannean region. The dried leaves are used for cooking. Creeping Thyme forms low growing clumps that spread to about 1 ft. Bush Thyme forms a small, foot tall shrub. Flowers from late spring and through the summer. Thyme needs well draining soil. |
4-9 |
Violets |
Viola sp |
2-6" |
Violets are dainty little self seeding versions of the Pansy. Their seeds can be directly sown into the garden at anytime from spring through fall, but the seeds need darkness and 70° to germinate |
 4-8 |

Wild Ginger |
Asarum species |
6-10" |
Wild Gingers are low growing, woodland perennials that are known for their showy, Cyclamen-like, heart shaped foliage and their very unique, three lobed flowers that hide from view below the foliage. |
5-9 |

Wild Strawberry |
Fragaria chiloensis |
6" |
Wild Strawberries look about the same as the Strawberries that are cultivated for their fruit and their care is the same, but this variety is grown primarily as a ground cover due to its thick growing, glossy foliage. The fruit is edible but not very flavorful |
4-9 |
Wintercreeper |
Euonymus fortunei |
Wintercreeper is an adaptable, deciduous climbing vine. The flowers are fairly inconspicuous, but they result in bright orange seeds that attract and feed a wide variety of birds |
5-9 |

Wire vine |
Muehlenbeckia complexa |
The Wire Vine is a twining evergreen vine that is able to climb a support or can be left to ramble across the ground. It has small, round, dark green leaves and produces tiny cream colored flowers in the spring |
6-9 |
Wood Sorrel |
Oxalis oregana |
6" |
Studies show that 9 out of 10 Gnomes prefer Wood Sorrel as their garden carpeting over any other ground cover. Wood Sorrel is a deciduous clover-like ground cover plant that produces small, star shaped flowers throughout the spring and summer |
7-10 |
Woolly Thyme |
Thymus pseudolanuginosus |
1" |
Spreading mat of tiny, hairy, light green foliage; covered by tiny pink flowers in mid Summer. Several aromatic Thymes are also available. |
3-9 |
Woolly Yarrow |
Achillea tomentosa |
9-12" |
Woolly Yarrow is a very durable and low maintenance perennial with aromatic, greyish green, strap-like leaves. It produces small clusters that continue throughout the summer. Very drought tolerant |
5-10 |
Yellow Corydalis |
Corydalis lutea |
12-15" |
Corydalis lutea is a short lived perennial wildflower that is very easy to grow and care for. They grow 12"-15" tall and gradually form 24" diameter mounds of light greyish-green, fern like foliage. Sprays of bright yellow, 1" tubular flowers begin to appear in early May and will continue until the first frosts of Fall. |
6-10 |
