Tomato question
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by papito on April 17, 2005 01:45 AM
Check this informative post on growing tomatoes upside down by Njoynit.
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Amor est vitae essentia.
Love is the essence of life.
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Amor est vitae essentia.
Love is the essence of life.
by 4Ruddy on April 17, 2005 03:26 AM
I had never heard of the upside down tomatoes but we had a neighbor that did it last year...she hung them on her clothes line..looked VERY strange. I guess it worked, we only saw a couple of tomatoes on it.
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Happiness, like a dessert so sweet.
May life give you more than you can ever eat...
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Happiness, like a dessert so sweet.
May life give you more than you can ever eat...

by Sorellina on April 19, 2005 07:13 PM
LOL Fernie,
I grew a couple of large indeterminates in hanging baskets last year under a cherry tree and got decent production. One of these was Yellow Pear and if any of you are familiar with this variety, it will grow into a monster that'll eat your house if left unchecked. Growing it in a basket has the nice side-effect of keeping it somewhat contained. Sweet Baby Girl is supposedly a very sweet cherry tomato. I'm not sure if it's a hybrid or OP and have never grown it myself. I'd say go ahead and grow it in a basket, but do yourself and your tomato plant a favour and choose a basket with the largest capacity your hanger can support. In my case, I used a 3 gal. basket because I was using a stout cherry branch for support. This serves a few purposes. It allows for sufficient root growth and you won't have to feed it as often. You'll still need to water 2x per day at least unless you get yourself a good drip system with a timer. The good news is that by putting your plant in a basket (or other container), you will free up space in your garden for something else like more tomatoes? ;o)
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I grew a couple of large indeterminates in hanging baskets last year under a cherry tree and got decent production. One of these was Yellow Pear and if any of you are familiar with this variety, it will grow into a monster that'll eat your house if left unchecked. Growing it in a basket has the nice side-effect of keeping it somewhat contained. Sweet Baby Girl is supposedly a very sweet cherry tomato. I'm not sure if it's a hybrid or OP and have never grown it myself. I'd say go ahead and grow it in a basket, but do yourself and your tomato plant a favour and choose a basket with the largest capacity your hanger can support. In my case, I used a 3 gal. basket because I was using a stout cherry branch for support. This serves a few purposes. It allows for sufficient root growth and you won't have to feed it as often. You'll still need to water 2x per day at least unless you get yourself a good drip system with a timer. The good news is that by putting your plant in a basket (or other container), you will free up space in your garden for something else like more tomatoes? ;o)
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by Fernie on April 20, 2005 03:05 AM
Oh thanks...I really wasn't thinking of upsidedown tomatoes....just hanging baskets of tomatoes. I have an extra metal T post for a clothes line that doesn't have line on it that I thought would work except....horses won't eat tomato vines will they? (it is right next to the pasture)
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by Amber J on April 22, 2005 10:22 AM
Wait - you can grow tomatoes upside down? What a great idea! How fun. Do you just put them in a pot and that's it? Don't the tomatoes fall off when they get ripe?
by Fernie on April 23, 2005 08:24 AM
check out posts #2 and #3 of this thread. Tells you all about upside down tomatoes!
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by njoynit on June 03, 2005 04:35 PM
I grew a tomato plant in a 4 gallon bucket with holes drilled in it and grew marigolds on top.I'd say compareing the plants growth this year......celebrity has really took off this year,but I bought an older transplant& its sized was likely reduced due to not watering enough as were things happening early in grow season& used potting mix last year where this year in ground is sandy loam heavily organicized.I had decided last year NOT to grow celbrity as I thought preformed bad,but then read tag& everyone keept telling me that was the best one for my grow area.But i do think those cherry tomatoes would work well in upside down won't have bug problems& you'll be able to harvest easily.but I'd use organic compost& walmart does sell a mushroom compost that they'd be very happy in.
A horse will eat MOST vegitation.kinda instinct(they may have grass inside THEIR fence....but its better outside the fence....and your plants look yummy!)
I'm doing cyanne peppers upsidedown this year.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
A horse will eat MOST vegitation.kinda instinct(they may have grass inside THEIR fence....but its better outside the fence....and your plants look yummy!)
I'm doing cyanne peppers upsidedown this year.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
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