help with potted plants
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
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by AngieJM on May 25, 2005 02:54 AM
Hello there. I am not an expert gardener. I am trying to plant some geraniums in outside pots and a flower box. The plants that I bought were very, very healthy and beautiful. Unfortunately it was a bit cold up here in good old Wisconsin so I didn't plant them right away. I have since replanted them. The leaves look healthy but the flowering part is dried and dying. How do I bring them back to life? They do look like they are starting new buds. When I remove the old flowers do I pull the whole flower "head" out or do I just remove the dried petals. I really would like to salvage these plants if possible.
by pcgrav on May 25, 2005 04:40 AM
when you remove the dead flower remove the whole thing. Keep them watered well and you might try feeding them with a little miracle-gro until they get a good start again-- just follow the directions on the box and you might check out the info here:
Good Luck!!! & WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!!
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