Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2002
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by codadog on October 19, 2002 11:12 AM
I have a Hibiscus plant in a five gallon container. It is a young plant about three feet tall and in excellent health. Can I bring it inside for the winter or leave it outdoors? I plan on replanting it in the spring?
by Bobbie z5 on October 19, 2002 06:03 PM
Do you know if it is a hybrid or a perinnial? The perinnials are left outside during the winter. Here is a website that will help you identify it and has alot of information also. http://www.trop-hibisc Hope this is helpful to you, have fun looking at all of the sites.

by alankhart on October 21, 2002 11:53 AM
As mentioned, it depends if it is annual or perennial. If it is annual, you can bring it in to overwinter, but don't be surprised if it loses most or all of it's leaves. But don't despair...the leaves will return next spring when you set it back outside. I have 3 that I overwinter indoors each year. They look rather pitiful by the time I set them out again next year, but they quickly grow new leaves and look great.
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