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by Jillie on December 19, 2003 03:37 PM
Heck, no, Weez...& I gotta look around & be careful of who's listeneing if I ever order one... Unseemly for a little old grandma order a big ole *@~!%*@ from the barkeep.
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by weezie13 on December 19, 2003 04:26 PM
OH, I could imagine some fun with that Jillie!!!!
What a hoot that would be to order one of those
to the young pups behind the bar!!
Especially the kind of showoffs/know it alls!!!
I'd love to be a mouse in your pocket on those days!!!!
Don't get yourself into tooooooooooo much trouble!
What fun!!!
Oh, what fun if you took a BUNCH of your girlfriends into a place and EACH of you ordered one of each on the list!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
What a hoot that would be to order one of those
to the young pups behind the bar!!
Especially the kind of showoffs/know it alls!!!
I'd love to be a mouse in your pocket on those days!!!!
Don't get yourself into tooooooooooo much trouble!
What fun!!!
Oh, what fun if you took a BUNCH of your girlfriends into a place and EACH of you ordered one of each on the list!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Jillie on December 19, 2003 04:29 PM
Yeah....and make sure it's in a dirty glass....with a hair in it..... ![[Razz]](im/tongue.gif)
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by weezie13 on December 19, 2003 04:34 PM
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by jc2weho on December 19, 2003 06:45 PM
Wait Jillie!
You just let out the secret to our enormously popular Ramaki Cocktails!
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You just let out the secret to our enormously popular Ramaki Cocktails!
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by Jillie on December 20, 2003 07:17 AM
Oooh.. Oooh...
We just got back tonite from shopping and having Japanese...
BIG jug of hot sake toppped off the day...
It's the only kind of wine I can drink without an allergic next-day reaction..
Isn't it funny that sake is good ONLY with Japanese food???![[dunno]](im/graemlins/dunno.gif)
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We just got back tonite from shopping and having Japanese...
BIG jug of hot sake toppped off the day...
It's the only kind of wine I can drink without an allergic next-day reaction..
Isn't it funny that sake is good ONLY with Japanese food???
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by Daisey on December 20, 2003 02:29 PM
Just curious, what is a next day allergic reaction?
Just curious, what is a next day allergic reaction?
by Jillie on December 20, 2003 03:56 PM
Good Morning, Daisy
I'd look like a blowfish!
The percentage of tannin (spelling?)in wine is directly related to the degree my eyes and face swell and how diminished my lung capacity gets after one glass.![[Razz]](im/tongue.gif)
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I'd look like a blowfish!
The percentage of tannin (spelling?)in wine is directly related to the degree my eyes and face swell and how diminished my lung capacity gets after one glass.
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by weezie13 on December 20, 2003 04:03 PM
What's tannin??
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Jillie on December 20, 2003 04:09 PM's the stuff in fermented grape skin....
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by Jiffymouse on December 21, 2003 12:48 AM
jillie, that is why you don't react to sake, it isn't made from grapes!!
by Jillie on December 21, 2003 05:00 PM
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by Bess of the Piedmont on December 22, 2003 05:44 PM
Oh yeah! Sake's made from rice, isn't it? And I ONLY like it warm! I had a friend who warmed it in her microwave. yum!
Hey Hollywood!!!!!!
Thanks for the excellent Wassail Bowl recipes. That last one looks like the BEST!
(Three cheers!)
We just got a gift of Blue Agave Tequila the other day. It seems too cold for margaritas, but I remember having a nice hot coffee drink called Aztec coffee, which contained tequila. Anyone know that one?
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Hey Hollywood!!!!!!
Thanks for the excellent Wassail Bowl recipes. That last one looks like the BEST!
(Three cheers!)
We just got a gift of Blue Agave Tequila the other day. It seems too cold for margaritas, but I remember having a nice hot coffee drink called Aztec coffee, which contained tequila. Anyone know that one?
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by Bess of the Piedmont on December 22, 2003 06:03 PM
Woohoo! Found it under "Mexican coffee"
Mexican Coffee
3/4 oz. each: Kahlua & Tequila, Coffee, Whipped Cream
Pour coffee over liqueurs & Top with Whipped cream, Garnish with a Cherry
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Mexican Coffee
3/4 oz. each: Kahlua & Tequila, Coffee, Whipped Cream
Pour coffee over liqueurs & Top with Whipped cream, Garnish with a Cherry
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by boxmonkey on December 23, 2003 01:34 AM
You guys have good taste, bailey's is probably my favorite alcoholic drink. Yum! And I started with Amaretto, also quite good.
A good drink for getting smashed quickly is the Kamikazi
1/3 each of:
Lime juice
Triple Sec
You can make all sorts of flavored Kamikazis by swapping out the lime juice with something else. For example, grenadine makes for a nice cherry Kamikazi. The grenadine makes it a bit too sweet though so it's best served super cold and drank immediately.
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Custom Weathervanes - hand made
A good drink for getting smashed quickly is the Kamikazi
1/3 each of:
Lime juice
Triple Sec
You can make all sorts of flavored Kamikazis by swapping out the lime juice with something else. For example, grenadine makes for a nice cherry Kamikazi. The grenadine makes it a bit too sweet though so it's best served super cold and drank immediately.
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Custom Weathervanes - hand made
Search The Garden Helper:
Don't try to make them all in one day!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2