Rubber Plant
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by gardeningmomma on May 22, 2006 01:12 AM
Is there such a thing is a vareigated (SP?) rubber plant? I have a plant that I think is a rubber plant, but it has light green, white, pinky leaves.
by Jiffymouse on May 22, 2006 02:14 AM
can you post a picture? i'm thinking it is a plant called pepperomia or baby rubber plant. the varigated variety has leaves just like what you describe.
by preciousgreenfingers on May 22, 2006 04:10 AM
I have a varigated rubber plant. It has white and green leaves which are light pink when they open.
by joclyn on May 22, 2006 07:47 AM
oh, that sounds so cool!! please post a pic, someone!!
by gomerp618 on May 22, 2006 08:24 AM
I've seen them, they are pretty plants. I have the burgundy one I got from the clearance shelf for 99 cents.
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Lord, please let me be the person my dog thinks I am!
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Lord, please let me be the person my dog thinks I am!
by gardeningmomma on May 22, 2006 01:47 PM
Okay- I'll post a pic. Now where did I leave that camera???
by gardeningmomma on May 22, 2006 01:54 PM
Okay - here it is.

by joclyn on May 22, 2006 05:42 PM
cool! that hardly looks like a rubber plant!!
by Jiffymouse on May 23, 2006 11:04 AM
joclyn, that is because that is a pepperomia. "baby rubber plant"
the rubber plant that is most commonly called a rubber plant is a ficus elastica.
i have both.
the rubber plant that is most commonly called a rubber plant is a ficus elastica.
i have both.
by gardeningmomma on May 23, 2006 02:11 PM
So will it change colour or will it stay the same? I bought it because I liked the colours, but now I'd like to learn some more about it.
by Jiffymouse on May 23, 2006 02:36 PM
it will stay the same colors. i just got mine right after Christmas, so i am learning too.
by Amany on May 24, 2006 02:10 AM
It's semi succulent so be careful not to overwater.
by gardeningmomma on May 24, 2006 10:17 AM
Oh thanks - I tend to water a bit too much. I really have to watch myself. I'm glad the colours will stay the same. This plant is really neat! It's growing like a weed...
by kirksgirl on May 28, 2006 01:41 AM
This is my peperomia Jelly it is very similar to a rubber tree has the has tough rubber type leaves, I rarely ever water it and it grows like crazy. The more light it gets the brighter the colors are. I just love this plant.

by Jiffymouse on May 28, 2006 03:38 AM
by gardeningmomma on May 28, 2006 07:31 AM
I'm so devastated. Harley (my dog) got excited when someone came to our door, he knocked my plant flying. I think I managed to save two pieces of it- not a lot of leaves though. I put it back in the pot - hopefully it will survive.
by Jiffymouse on May 28, 2006 02:07 PM
if it has any leaves, it should be ok. they are very sturdy plants like that.
by gardeningmomma on June 19, 2006 08:43 AM
It has new growth today! Hurray!!!!
by Jiffymouse on June 19, 2006 09:37 AM
thanks for the update!
by Rosepetal on June 19, 2006 12:00 PM
A very interesting looking plant!!!!!
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For this "New Year" help me to be kinder and more loving to all around me, I pray.
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For this "New Year" help me to be kinder and more loving to all around me, I pray.
by joclyn on June 19, 2006 04:14 PM
i'm glad you managed to save it!!
by Amany on June 25, 2006 01:53 PM
Here's a picture of mine. I love these....

by gardeningmomma on June 25, 2006 03:22 PM
They are beautiful plants. I am so glad that mine survived.
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