Bearded Iris Question
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by mike57 on July 08, 2005 11:20 AM
HI TheGardenerGuy I water mine during real dry weather to help them keep growing the risome root system soke them once a week during realy dry weather.since there the ones that will be you next years blooms.once the iris blooms the same plant will not bloom again.your new blooms come from your newer growth i also devide mine evry three years to make new iris beds but dont cover them to deep just enough soil to cover the risome root system.heres a link you should look at.
hope this helps. your frind in gardening.mike57
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hope this helps. your frind in gardening.mike57
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by Nako on July 09, 2005 10:54 AM
My Iris last probably a week or two before the blooms die back. But i don't take care of mine lol. But they come back every year ^.^ They die back normally for me towards the beginning of August or end of July. Hope that helps
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My Iris last probably a week or two before the blooms die back. But i don't take care of mine lol. But they come back every year ^.^ They die back normally for me towards the beginning of August or end of July. Hope that helps
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Nako's Webshots!

by TheGardenerGuy on July 11, 2005 06:47 AM
We have watered them some the past couple days because of the drought we are having.
We get very leery about doing this tho with the borers that get into them and destroy them.
Any help on solutions to keep the borers out of our iris?
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.
We get very leery about doing this tho with the borers that get into them and destroy them.
Any help on solutions to keep the borers out of our iris?
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.
by mike57 on July 11, 2005 08:10 AM
HI AGAIN i use sevin dust about 1 time every 2 weeks it seems to work for might try it i use a coffee can with very small holes put in the bottom of it put the sevin dust in the can then just sprinkle it around the bottoms of the iris.reapply after a good rain.they make other products that will work to but the sevin dust is the least poisons to use.make sure you ware a dust mask when applying the dust.also here a link about the borers and other methods on how to rid your iris of them. hope this helps.
your friend in gardening.mike57
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No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent. hope this helps.
your friend in gardening.mike57
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by TheGardenerGuy on July 11, 2005 09:34 AM
Thanks Mike for the help!
I ordered the product they carry at Garden Shield right after i read your reply and went to their site. I have Sevin dust too that we use on our lovely
Jap beetles..
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.
by mike57 on July 11, 2005 10:21 PM
HI Greg you are very welcome anytime.and i also use the sevin dust on them pestie Jap beetles they will try and eat evrything in your gardends good luck on the garden shield product and on your iris.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by TheGardenerGuy on July 31, 2005 09:17 PM
Has anyone ordered from the Garden Shield b4?
I ordered their iris product on 7-11 and i haven't received my product yet. No emails..their 877 number is a Atlantic Real Estate Co.????
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.
I ordered their iris product on 7-11 and i haven't received my product yet. No emails..their 877 number is a Atlantic Real Estate Co.????
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.
by mike57 on August 01, 2005 09:07 AM
HI Greg i have ordered from them befor and it took about 6 weeks to get the product from them but that was quite a few years a go.but you should have recived a email comformation from them.unless your product is on back order.i do not know anything about there phone # you might try looking up there name in the yellow pages or white pages in the on line phone number section from your home page.hope this helps.and good luck on getting your product soon try this # 866-690-4000.and Sending an E-mail to Garden Shield Iris Borer Deterrent Mail to -----
Search by ZIP Code:Search by company name. if i gave bad imformation i am very sorry. your friend in gardening.mike57![[wayey]](im/graemlins/wavey.gif)
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No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent. -----
Search by ZIP Code:Search by company name. if i gave bad imformation i am very sorry. your friend in gardening.mike57
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I was thinking they might be storing energy for next yrs bloom.
We are having drought conditions here...i don't know if thats causing it or not.
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.