Peace Lily Question
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Nake 124 on November 29, 2006 11:08 AM
I received a Peace Lily (Spathphyllum) recently and it has just started to flower. The plant was delivered with some greenish grass-like material above the soil. Should I remove this now? I have noticed that the tipas of 4 leaves have gotten brown. Am I watering this too much or not enough. I a real newbie at house plants. Thanks!
by Jiffymouse on November 29, 2006 12:22 PM
take the material off the top of the soil. only water it when the soil is dry to the first knuckle on your finger when you poke it in the soil, midway between the plant and the edge of the pot.
if your house is dry from heating, put a tray of water under the plant, but put something in the tray so the plant isn't sitting in the water, but above it.
if your house is dry from heating, put a tray of water under the plant, but put something in the tray so the plant isn't sitting in the water, but above it.
by hisgal2 on November 30, 2006 11:55 AM
The peace lily doesn't like direct sun light either. Indirect is good. The leaves will get sun burnt if they are in direct light....although that is probably not your problem since just the tips are browning. ....and every once in a while, you should take a cloth and dust the leaves off. they are really good at collecting dust and the pores in the leaves can get clogged if there is too much dust.
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by joclyn on December 01, 2006 01:44 AM
welcome to the forum!!
in addition to what the others said (and they are right on the mark!) let the water that you're going to use for the plant sit for at least 24 the chlorine can dissapate.
some plants are very sensitive to chlorine and the tips of their leaves can turn brown due to not letting the water sit before using it...on the other hand, brown tips can also be caused by watering too little, too
i store water in gallon water jugs...then i always have some on hand for watering the plants. (i've marked the containers 'plant food' even if i don't always add the food - wouldn't want someone (especially a kid) to pour some in a glass and drink it!!)
in addition to what the others said (and they are right on the mark!) let the water that you're going to use for the plant sit for at least 24 the chlorine can dissapate.
some plants are very sensitive to chlorine and the tips of their leaves can turn brown due to not letting the water sit before using it...on the other hand, brown tips can also be caused by watering too little, too
i store water in gallon water jugs...then i always have some on hand for watering the plants. (i've marked the containers 'plant food' even if i don't always add the food - wouldn't want someone (especially a kid) to pour some in a glass and drink it!!)
by Cliver_McGyver on December 01, 2006 06:13 AM
With my peace lily I use the saturate the soil method and even let it sit for 1 hour in the water then remove to new tray with a riser on it to let excess run off � I have to water it every 2 days � saturate it � it will wilt in 3 days but recover rapidly - My soil mix is more of an orchid/ bromeliaed mix so it drains off fast and stays quite moist; BUT NOT WATER LOGGED - no plant but the cat tail and lily pad love that abuse�
I am new here can I post a 6 x 6 inch photo here with 72 res�35 kb � like this
One of my favourite flowers � this shot 2 hours old�flowered again this year�
web page
ok maybe I can Not...
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The infinitesimally small seed that produces the giant is the winner
Clive Webmaster of The Writers Voice
I am new here can I post a 6 x 6 inch photo here with 72 res�35 kb � like this
One of my favourite flowers � this shot 2 hours old�flowered again this year�
web page
ok maybe I can Not...
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The infinitesimally small seed that produces the giant is the winner
Clive Webmaster of The Writers Voice
by Cliver_McGyver on December 01, 2006 09:27 PM
Why do I get strange symbols in my text
_ - + = ; ' test
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The infinitesimally small seed that produces the giant is the winner
Clive Webmaster of The Writers Voice
_ - + = ; ' test
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The infinitesimally small seed that produces the giant is the winner
Clive Webmaster of The Writers Voice
by Dixie Angel on December 01, 2006 10:22 PM
Cliver, are you copying and pasting from a word program to post? That could be the reason for the strange symbols...
BTW, welcome to the forum...
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BTW, welcome to the forum...
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by hisgal2 on December 02, 2006 12:27 AM
I can see it....that is a pretty pink color!!
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by Nake 124 on December 03, 2006 12:11 AM
Jiffymouse, Thank you for your prompt reply!
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