Tea Rose needs to move...
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by njoynit on June 28, 2005 12:11 AM
dig your new hole...amend your soil in new hole...when you dig your rose,,,,,dig the whole ball of it.try to keep soil around your roots.I dig on all sides to lossen then dig down under roots and lift on shovel...grab bottom of shovel balance rosebush...move to new hole set in fill in with amended soil.water in and after watering deeply apply mulch to keep moisture in and water daily.cut the flowers blooming& buds.That way plant puts energy into forming roots.after 2 weeks give some high nitrogen fertilizer.after that go back back to regular schedual.if spots in a full sun location you may want to use a umbrella or a stake with a sheet to shield the sun....and if you can....move on a cloudy day.that way ya won't roast it& it will settle in fine.
I got 2 I wanna move...but will wait for a good rainstorm...or hurricane storm preferably a good rain maker.I'm not sure I care for them,so will move them and see if they do better.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
I got 2 I wanna move...but will wait for a good rainstorm...or hurricane storm preferably a good rain maker.I'm not sure I care for them,so will move them and see if they do better.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
Search The Garden Helper:
Now--my problem is-- since I planted it my hubby decided to build a hose rack just above it
So I've come to realize that the rose needs to be relocated to survive
Can anyone advise me on when and/or how to do this??? I have the location picked to put it I just don't want to move it and cause it shock, but I do need to move is ASAP to keep it from harm
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