Yellow Jackets
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by Jodi13 on August 07, 2006 05:04 AM
I just found a nest of yellow jackets burrowed in the ground of my flower garden. Actually, I found them the hard way - I was stung while watering my flowers. Does anyone know how I can get rid of them without killing my flowers or my praying mantids I have living in my flower beds. I am very nervous when it comes to insecticides - I not only appreciate the job the prayng mantids do for me, my daughter and I love to watch them.
by margaret e. pell on August 07, 2006 12:25 PM
I had a nest last year that I drowned. I waited until after dark when they were all home so I wouldn't get stung, put the hose so it would go into the nest opening, and let it run (I intended for 3-4 hours but I fell asleep and it went about 8 hours) at a bit more than a dribble. I don't think it killed them but the ground was so soggy they moved out. It didn't hurt anything else.
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
by The Plant Doc on August 12, 2006 07:43 AM
I can't think of any product which would take out the bees, without harming the mantis.
If you can find the hole, you may want to try using a gopher gaser, (a smoke bomb, that pushes smoke with a high sulfur content into the hole) that may chase them out and away, but I would not waste any time getting it into the hole, and getting away from the spot!
I found one of those nests on time while weeding my mom's strawberry patch. I grabbed a hold of a clump of grass, and yanked out the stinking nest! I think they stopped counting at 40 or 50 stings. My arm was completely covered by them, from finger tips to elbow!
You could try blasting some Shoo Fly or Raid wasp and bee killer directly into the hole. That would give you a much smaller area contaminated by the insecticide, but any mantis that comes in contact with it would still die.
Another idea would be to put a bee trap close by, and hope you get them all.
What ever course you take make sure you do it at night! That way you won't be getting nailed from behind form those bees returning to the nest.
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Mike Maier
The Plant Doc
If you can find the hole, you may want to try using a gopher gaser, (a smoke bomb, that pushes smoke with a high sulfur content into the hole) that may chase them out and away, but I would not waste any time getting it into the hole, and getting away from the spot!
I found one of those nests on time while weeding my mom's strawberry patch. I grabbed a hold of a clump of grass, and yanked out the stinking nest! I think they stopped counting at 40 or 50 stings. My arm was completely covered by them, from finger tips to elbow!
You could try blasting some Shoo Fly or Raid wasp and bee killer directly into the hole. That would give you a much smaller area contaminated by the insecticide, but any mantis that comes in contact with it would still die.
Another idea would be to put a bee trap close by, and hope you get them all.
What ever course you take make sure you do it at night! That way you won't be getting nailed from behind form those bees returning to the nest.
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Mike Maier
The Plant Doc
by Buglady on August 22, 2006 01:20 PM
Beneficial nematodes will kill the hornets without impacting your native beneficial insects.
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans,
Educating the world... one bug at a time
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans,
Educating the world... one bug at a time
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