morning glories
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by gmul on July 18, 2004 12:25 AM
my morning glories often do not open up. Often in the morning I find many budds have come to full size and have taken on the rich blue colour, but fail to open. If I leave them they simply die be evening without opening. Only afew of the ones that are ready to bloom actually open. Why? what can I do?
by Carly on July 18, 2004 07:18 AM
Well, of course, there's the obvious - morning glories only open in the morning.
But you say some are not opening at all. I don't know why that would be - like you say, maybe they're just not ready.
* * * *

When sorting seeds, do not whistle.
But you say some are not opening at all. I don't know why that would be - like you say, maybe they're just not ready.
* * * *

When sorting seeds, do not whistle.
by camillejones on July 18, 2004 07:45 PM
I am having a problem with morning glories as well. They have taken over everything and I can't find anything to kill them with. They have grown under the house and up underneath the siding and are actually pushing the siding off of my home. There are alot of kids and animals close to my house so I am afraid of using pesticides to kill it. Is there anything organic that I can use to get rid of it? Someone said salt water will kill them. Any advice would be great.
by weezie13 on July 19, 2004 04:23 AM
Can I ask where your morning glories are as far as soil?? What kind????
Are they in the dirt, or a container..??
If they are in a container, what kind of container..
Where are your morning glories as to where the sun is in the morning, and afternoon, evenings,
and where your plants are...
Do they get morning sun?? And so on????
P.S. Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum by the way...
We are very glad to have you here!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Can I ask where your morning glories are as far as soil?? What kind????
Are they in the dirt, or a container..??
If they are in a container, what kind of container..
Where are your morning glories as to where the sun is in the morning, and afternoon, evenings,
and where your plants are...
Do they get morning sun?? And so on????
P.S. Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum by the way...
We are very glad to have you here!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by weezie13 on July 19, 2004 04:41 AM
Can you tell us if they are the ones you'd
plant from seed or the wild variety?
From what you are describing, they are wild ones....
Is there anyway to cover the area with a
plastic...put something heavy over that...??
Those plants are hard to kill,
the root system is unbelievable..
It's all narly and such under the dirt...
And when you pull from the top, it only breaks
loose a little piece of it...
and the rest is left there to resprout again and again!!
And I understand, it can live for a long~long time under the dirt, and even when it's recultivated it'll sprout again.
But if you keep it covered....
And maybe some landscape fabric on top
*I use the black plastic from a wood truss place.
and double fold it up..
And then you could cover it up with some mulch and put some container plants on top of it..
Hence, you've smothered the morning glories, and got a nice little area to have some containers on??
Also, Welcome to The Gardener's Forum!!!
We are very glad you're here too!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Can you tell us if they are the ones you'd
plant from seed or the wild variety?
From what you are describing, they are wild ones....
Is there anyway to cover the area with a
plastic...put something heavy over that...??
Those plants are hard to kill,
the root system is unbelievable..
It's all narly and such under the dirt...
And when you pull from the top, it only breaks
loose a little piece of it...
and the rest is left there to resprout again and again!!
And I understand, it can live for a long~long time under the dirt, and even when it's recultivated it'll sprout again.
But if you keep it covered....
And maybe some landscape fabric on top
*I use the black plastic from a wood truss place.
and double fold it up..
And then you could cover it up with some mulch and put some container plants on top of it..
Hence, you've smothered the morning glories, and got a nice little area to have some containers on??
Also, Welcome to The Gardener's Forum!!!
We are very glad you're here too!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by njoynit on July 19, 2004 07:26 AM
my blues(well dark purple) they are JUST starting to open..maybe a week now and did think some of them were not opening...or wa maybe cause did not crawl outta bed till after 9
,my pinks are still twineing about,my wild ones the ivy leaf ones are blooming the others not quiet there yet.moonflower blooming its lil heart out.
They like poor soil.
they hate fertilizer.they like sun...all they can get.
they like it HOT HOT HOT.
And DON"T mow them! they propagate& will GLADLY re root there selves...just look at my blackberry vine in ditch that hubby cut last year...I can't find it!he cut top of ditch was a small section of MG vine...then HE MOWED.I now have a tonage of vine from a small area to a huge area& even some in road....then he graded...road...and its down THERE now...poor linda...she will have wild MG growing all along her ditch& i will pint to HIM.
* * * *

I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
They like poor soil.
they hate fertilizer.they like sun...all they can get.
they like it HOT HOT HOT.
And DON"T mow them! they propagate& will GLADLY re root there selves...just look at my blackberry vine in ditch that hubby cut last year...I can't find it!he cut top of ditch was a small section of MG vine...then HE MOWED.I now have a tonage of vine from a small area to a huge area& even some in road....then he graded...road...and its down THERE now...poor linda...she will have wild MG growing all along her ditch& i will pint to HIM.
* * * *

I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
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