Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by SassyBamaMom on March 31, 2006 08:04 AM
Can anyone tell me how to keep them away from the house please?
by angelblossom on March 31, 2006 10:09 AM
Sassy My Ear is leaning in on this answer!!
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!


by SassyBamaMom on March 31, 2006 10:47 AM
well they dont seem to haev any nest i can see they just a flying and annoying you when you stand on my porch
by loz on March 31, 2006 01:19 PM
Grrr, we get them real bad around our house.....I'd be interested in knowing how to make a home-made trap......I have an built in gas grill outside that is older and they like to go inside of it...so if there is something I could put on the grill, or in the grill I'd be interested......
by SpringFever on March 31, 2006 10:09 PM
I have seen on-line if you get a bottle of reg soda and out a styro cup on top the boogers go in and they can't get out.. You can also buy simalar thigs at wal-mart ect...
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
I have seen on-line if you get a bottle of reg soda and out a styro cup on top the boogers go in and they can't get out.. You can also buy simalar thigs at wal-mart ect...
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
by Longy on April 01, 2006 02:16 AM
They're also eating your caterpillars and some spiders as well as insect pests in the garden. Do they sting? Are they the mud nest builders? Those nests dissolve easily in water and make a great plant tonic for sandy soil areas.
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The secret is the soil.
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The secret is the soil.
by SassyBamaMom on April 01, 2006 02:19 AM
yes they sting i have been stung a couple of times
by The Plant Doc on April 01, 2006 07:27 AM
During the spring and fall they tend to stick around homes because the heat radiates out from the structure. The best thing that you can do is put out some bait stations for them, and keep them as far from your home as possible
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Mike Maier
The Plant Doc
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Mike Maier
The Plant Doc
by pagarden on April 01, 2006 07:57 AM
we have some reusable traps that they fly in and then get stuck in the liquid and drown. i think we got them at walmart or maybe home depot a few years ago. when i put them out i boil some sugar, corn syrup and water till everything dissolves and then put it in the bottles, then just put them out. i put 2 out yesterday and laready have 1 drowned little bugger! it's either that or i wait for them to land in the grass and step on them. i get some sick enjoyment out of killing them! LOL
by SassyBamaMom on April 01, 2006 09:21 AM
well i will check that
by Buglady on April 01, 2006 10:44 AM
you might want to check this out for wasps. A friend of mine sent me one to test out this summer.
the waspinator
and here is the literature about it
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans, www.bugladyconsulting.com
Educating the world... one bug at a time
the waspinator
and here is the literature about it
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans, www.bugladyconsulting.com
Educating the world... one bug at a time
by The Plant Doc on April 06, 2006 04:50 AM
Bug Lady
What is that product? It is hard to tell from the link provided. It appears to be a fake white faced hornets nest, but can't tell for sure. Did it work for you?
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Mike Maier
The Plant Doc
What is that product? It is hard to tell from the link provided. It appears to be a fake white faced hornets nest, but can't tell for sure. Did it work for you?
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Mike Maier
The Plant Doc
by Buglady on April 06, 2006 04:53 AM
its a canvas hornets nets. My husband got it for me and hung it up and I fell for it. lol and so do the wasps. You hang it up when you want to sit outside for the day. You don't leave it up, you just put it when are you are because eventually the wasps figure it out.
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans, www.bugladyconsulting.com
Educating the world... one bug at a time
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans, www.bugladyconsulting.com
Educating the world... one bug at a time
by waspgirl on April 06, 2006 05:57 AM
HI Suzanne,
I would love to reply to you post.. I am the inventor of The Original Waspinator! I am so excited to see that you were pleased with it!We have a statcounter for our website which allows us to see how people found our site.. So i clicked on the link for garden helper and found these posts.
I don't think I can talk about it too much on the forum.. but I would love to talk more to you.
Is that possible.
Also anyone else who would like to know more about how The Original Waspinator works.. feel free to email me at the website.
thanks so much
I would love to reply to you post.. I am the inventor of The Original Waspinator! I am so excited to see that you were pleased with it!We have a statcounter for our website which allows us to see how people found our site.. So i clicked on the link for garden helper and found these posts.
I don't think I can talk about it too much on the forum.. but I would love to talk more to you.
Is that possible.
Also anyone else who would like to know more about how The Original Waspinator works.. feel free to email me at the website.
thanks so much
by Longy on April 06, 2006 12:50 PM
"Works without killing wasps, which play an important role in killing other pests"
Perfect. An answer to an insect problem that doesn't attempt to solve the problem with poisons, or by killing the otherwise beneficial insect, thereby creating further problems. Good luck with your waspinator. Kudos to you WG.
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The secret is the soil.
Perfect. An answer to an insect problem that doesn't attempt to solve the problem with poisons, or by killing the otherwise beneficial insect, thereby creating further problems. Good luck with your waspinator. Kudos to you WG.
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The secret is the soil.
by Karrie on April 06, 2006 09:58 PM
I have heard an old wives tale that if you put out plates of cuecumbers and onions sliced up the wasp will stay clear........not sure if it works or not though. Anyone else know anything about this technique?
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It doesn't matter where you go in life... It's who you have beside you when you get there.
Karrie's Photos
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It doesn't matter where you go in life... It's who you have beside you when you get there.
Karrie's Photos
by waspgirl on April 06, 2006 11:14 PM
Thank you Longy!
I really appreciate your support. I agree and since we started this project almost 3 years ago, one of the most popular reasons that people buy this is that its non toxic. I think consumers are more and more aware of the all the chemicals we run into not just in gardening but the food we eat etc.. All around a much better idea..
I am glad I found ths site it's great I am a garderner as well, I belong to another site which I also love..
I really appreciate your support. I agree and since we started this project almost 3 years ago, one of the most popular reasons that people buy this is that its non toxic. I think consumers are more and more aware of the all the chemicals we run into not just in gardening but the food we eat etc.. All around a much better idea..
I am glad I found ths site it's great I am a garderner as well, I belong to another site which I also love..
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