My First . . .
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by tkhooper on May 03, 2005 02:43 AM
I bet you feel like a pretty proud parent right now. I love the color you chose for your hycinthia it is georgeous.
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I bet you feel like a pretty proud parent right now. I love the color you chose for your hycinthia it is georgeous.
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by Carly on May 03, 2005 02:45 AM
Yep - a red one. I thought they were going to be purple.
I wouldn't have chosen hyacinths - somebody got them for me last fall along with the daffs, the tulips and some crocus.
In fact, bulbs is something I never think about buying.
Yes, it is something like being a proud parent. And there is a newborn child in our building right now - I just learned of it today. An 8 lb. girl! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! Girls!
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When sorting seeds, do not whistle.
I wouldn't have chosen hyacinths - somebody got them for me last fall along with the daffs, the tulips and some crocus.
In fact, bulbs is something I never think about buying.
Yes, it is something like being a proud parent. And there is a newborn child in our building right now - I just learned of it today. An 8 lb. girl! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! Girls!
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When sorting seeds, do not whistle.
by duckie on May 03, 2005 02:58 AM
Very pretty Carly. Thanks for sharing your pics.
A new baby?How wonderful.Did ya get to hold her?
Or smell her?If someone could capture that scent,they'd be rich.
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A new baby?How wonderful.Did ya get to hold her?
Or smell her?If someone could capture that scent,they'd be rich.
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by Jiffymouse on May 05, 2005 04:11 AM
by tamara on May 05, 2005 01:59 PM
What a good feeling your first flower brings. Yesterday I had my first crocus bloom, a little yellow one. Couldn't of been prouder. I never planted hyacinths before, do they get very big Carly?
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Tamara's Photos
Thinking Spring, Thinking Spring...Nope, doesn't
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Tamara's Photos
Thinking Spring, Thinking Spring...Nope, doesn't
by Dixie Angel on May 05, 2005 02:28 PM
I love hyacinths.
They make the whole area around them smell so pretty with their perfume. Beautiful flowers. You give me hope for planting them in my yard, too, Carly! Thanks for posting the pics.
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by Carly on May 06, 2005 05:52 AM
Oh, I don't really know how big they get. From what I can see by other gardens and the ones in the stores, they're about 8 inches tall, max.
Nope - didn't hold the new baby - haven't seen her in person, just pictures. But Jeff saw her - the father brought her down for him to see - I wasn't here.
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When sorting seeds, do not whistle.
Nope - didn't hold the new baby - haven't seen her in person, just pictures. But Jeff saw her - the father brought her down for him to see - I wasn't here.
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When sorting seeds, do not whistle.
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I was out working on the lot this afternoon in the rain (like the nut that I am) and noticed they'd come up.
First Daffodil
First Hyacinth
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When sorting seeds, do not whistle.