Who grows plumeria???
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by obywan59 on November 23, 2005 04:20 AM
My mom bought a cutting from the Home and Garden Show in Charlotte NC back in March of 2004. She actually had a single bloom this year. It will probably take longer for cuttings though.
Here is a site I looked up for her with information on planting and continuing care of numerous tropicals including plumerias.
They actually recommend regular potting mix containing perlite and sand. You can also contact them via e-mail about any questions you may have that are not covered by their care information.
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May the force be with you
Here is a site I looked up for her with information on planting and continuing care of numerous tropicals including plumerias.
They actually recommend regular potting mix containing perlite and sand. You can also contact them via e-mail about any questions you may have that are not covered by their care information.
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May the force be with you
by PAR_Gardener on November 24, 2005 01:15 PM
I'm growing plumeria here in the Chicago suburbs. I've managed to kill more cuttings than I've been able to keep alive. I have had some moderate level of success. I have two 5 yr old cuttings that are now approximately 5' tall. I think they bloomed in the 3rd yr. They were still blooming when I brought them inside in late October. Here are some pictures.

I also have a 1.5 yr old cutting that I bought while in Florida. This one is a hybrid Nebel's Rainbow or Candy Stripe. I killed the other cutting I bought at the same time. The 5' tall plumeria started out as the same size as this one did.

Plumeria are succulents. They have a milky sap that they can live off of for a very long time. So don't over water or they will rot. Pot in a fast draining soil. Any cactus mix will do fine. Feed with a high acid fertilizer. They require light and heat to root, not water. Once established, they are pretty easy.
They grow as large as the pot. So the larger the pot, the larger they will get. They are actually trees in Hawaii. I didn't realize that when I kept re-potting. If they get much bigger, I'm not going to be able to move them in and out.
Every year mine get spider mites while they are inside. Once I bring them out, the mites go away, and everything is fine. This year I tried spraying them with insecticidal oil before bringing them in. We'll see how they do.
Since you are in Texas, you probably don't have to bring them in, and you can plant them in the ground.
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Composting is more than good for your garden. It's a way of life.
I also have a 1.5 yr old cutting that I bought while in Florida. This one is a hybrid Nebel's Rainbow or Candy Stripe. I killed the other cutting I bought at the same time. The 5' tall plumeria started out as the same size as this one did.
Plumeria are succulents. They have a milky sap that they can live off of for a very long time. So don't over water or they will rot. Pot in a fast draining soil. Any cactus mix will do fine. Feed with a high acid fertilizer. They require light and heat to root, not water. Once established, they are pretty easy.
They grow as large as the pot. So the larger the pot, the larger they will get. They are actually trees in Hawaii. I didn't realize that when I kept re-potting. If they get much bigger, I'm not going to be able to move them in and out.
Every year mine get spider mites while they are inside. Once I bring them out, the mites go away, and everything is fine. This year I tried spraying them with insecticidal oil before bringing them in. We'll see how they do.
Since you are in Texas, you probably don't have to bring them in, and you can plant them in the ground.
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Composting is more than good for your garden. It's a way of life.
Search The Garden Helper:
some may rember I killed a cutting back in febuary last year.well I now got me a 4 month old seedling.He's in a 8 inch pot for now and hangs out on my audio tower in computer room.he's 8 inches tall.
I want grow tips.
I know 6 hours of full sun for blooms& growth .
3-4 years till I will see blooms .
Right now its in regluar potting mix.I actually wanted to buy some orchid mix& peat moss& mulch...surprise.its not in season at my walmart.I'll check liveingston when do my day-after-thanksgiveing maddness shopping.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!