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by Bestofour on August 25, 2006 01:48 PM
by TulsaRose on August 25, 2006 11:56 PM
Patty, I remember the picture you're talking about but I couldn't find it by searching the forums. Seems like it might have been posted by Dodge.
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Rosie z7a

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Rosie z7a

by ND farm girl on August 26, 2006 04:56 AM
Best4 - no it wasn't that one, but I love this one just as much! Is it yours? Can you tell me how long this is and how many plants are in there? I'd love to do this. Thanks!
Thanks Rosie - I'll check Dodge's page.
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Thanks Rosie - I'll check Dodge's page.
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by ND farm girl on August 26, 2006 04:58 AM
Best4- what kind of daylilys are those? Absolutely gorgeous!
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by ND farm girl on August 26, 2006 05:08 AM
Yep - found it, it was dodge - gorgeous. How do I do this gardening friends? How close to plant them and what kind are these?

Isn't that pretty? I love -love -love best-4 also!
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Isn't that pretty? I love -love -love best-4 also!
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by Bestofour on August 26, 2006 05:39 AM
That row's about 24 feet long. I don't know the name of them. Just some type of orange, old fashion ones. Most of them aren't the kind that keep on blooming time after time. It's here today and gone tomorrow.
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by ND farm girl on August 26, 2006 06:49 AM
Best4 - but the greenery is pretty full after the blooms correct?
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by TulsaRose on August 26, 2006 07:15 AM
Patty, I have to agree with you...lilies are just gorgeous and I wish I had room for more beds. I would try to get one of every kind there is.
It looks like Dodge has Daylilies, Orientals, Asiatic, plus others in that bed. She'll be along later and let you know. I love those and the taller Tiger lilies...they are wonderful and so fragrant.
I bet if you really do your homework, you could plant a bed that would bloom all season with a mix of the different types with different blooming times. When shopping around for bulbs, look for the "Rebloomer" cultivars.
Sheri, your bed is beautiful, too. I have the old fashioned lilies but they aren't as orange as yours.![[Wink]](im/wink.gif)
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Rosie z7a

![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
It looks like Dodge has Daylilies, Orientals, Asiatic, plus others in that bed. She'll be along later and let you know. I love those and the taller Tiger lilies...they are wonderful and so fragrant.
I bet if you really do your homework, you could plant a bed that would bloom all season with a mix of the different types with different blooming times. When shopping around for bulbs, look for the "Rebloomer" cultivars.
Sheri, your bed is beautiful, too. I have the old fashioned lilies but they aren't as orange as yours.
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Rosie z7a

by ND farm girl on August 26, 2006 08:47 AM
You are all so helpful. Yep - I've been doing my homework a lot, looking foward to planting this fall again and next spring. I'm like my husband who farms - there's always next year! I have just come down with shingles this past week,
so have not had the energy to be outside in the yard, which is killing me almost as much as the pain, but I have been doing a lot of pencil work and landscaping software work....just itching to get out and dig more beds. I have tons and tons of room on the farm and lots and lots of plans and just keep finding more and more with everybody's pictures in this forum. I just love this place!
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by TulsaRose on August 26, 2006 09:37 AM
You have my sympathy, Patty. I hope you are seeing a doctor and getting help with the pain. I watched my mom suffer with that and it was awful.

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Rosie z7a


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Rosie z7a

by ND farm girl on August 26, 2006 10:09 AM
Oh - that is so pretty! That get well soon 'card.' Thanks.
I'm a medical transcriptionist, so I pretty much diagnosed myself and got myself to my doctor and got on meds and pain killers - which make me a little goofy! I am just thankful the blisters are not on my face!
Just on my shoulder and a few down my arm.
I just have to keep my 3-year-old away from my arm - he's had the chickenpox vaccine, but still - trying to be careful. Whenever he looks at my 'owie' he says "OH MAAAN!"
I'm trying to work, but keep checking back with everyone checking up today. Have a good day! Finally got some rain here in ND and have green grass!
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I'm a medical transcriptionist, so I pretty much diagnosed myself and got myself to my doctor and got on meds and pain killers - which make me a little goofy! I am just thankful the blisters are not on my face!
I just have to keep my 3-year-old away from my arm - he's had the chickenpox vaccine, but still - trying to be careful. Whenever he looks at my 'owie' he says "OH MAAAN!"
I'm trying to work, but keep checking back with everyone checking up today. Have a good day! Finally got some rain here in ND and have green grass!
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by patches1414 on August 26, 2006 11:13 AM
Oh, Sheri, those lilies are absolutely beautiful!
What an awesome sight it must be with 24' of them blooming at the same time!
I love Dodge's lilies too
because of all the different colors, so I'm anxious to find out exactly what different types she has in there! ![[dunno]](im/graemlins/dunno.gif)
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"Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen!"
I love Dodge's lilies too
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"Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen!"
by Bestofour on August 26, 2006 12:32 PM
The foliage does stay around forever and I have some flowers blooming for a long time since they alternate days.
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