aloe vera concerns
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by eva8287 on November 13, 2005 02:48 PM
Hello, i'ma new member with a sick aloe vera plant... i was on vacation for abt 2 weeks & when i returned, my aloe vera had black spots on the leaves, which were drooping... they also felt very soft & mushy from the inside.. its winter here & i hadn't watered my plant for the time i was away. so, I watered my plant twice in two weeks, something i'd never do in winter... now, although the black spots are gone, the leaves still feel mushy & a few leaves are drooping. it's a firly large plant, with abt 7-8 large leaves & measures abt 10 inches in height. it seems like my plant is dying... is it? is it the over-watering or my vacation? and are the chances of recovery slim? Ah, i'm so worried.... i've cared a lot for this plant to see it die
by rozy221 on November 14, 2005 02:57 AM
Hi Eva and welcome! What kind of light did you have it in while you were away? If you had watered it well before you left, I don't think the 2 weeks of no water would have hurt it. They're pretty tough plants though, and if the leaves are still green, it doesn't sound like you're in too much trouble. How long has it been since you last watered it? I might check the soil and, if it's really wet, move it to a well lit radiator or something like that. (I have radiator covers so this may not be possible for you, but anyplace that might help it to dry up). It sounds like though that the problem started when you were away, and it just hasn't fully recovered, that's why I asked about the light-2 weeks of darkness might do that to an aloe. Keep us posted and good luck!
by margaret e. pell on November 14, 2005 07:10 AM
England, cool! Dry and sunny is what aloe like. As long as the stem is sound, you've got no problems. It may loose some leaves, but it'll grow more and probably offset in the spring. How long have you had it?
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
by eva8287 on November 16, 2005 04:09 AM
Thanks for welcoming me rozy221! when i was away, the light here must have been sunny & bright... don't know remember the ventilation though.. had the galss windows closed before i left.. the leaves are still a healthy green. I last watered it after i got back from vacation & 4 days after that, too. The soil is dry now & i've had it for about 6 months now... and another question, the windows near the plant have blinds on during sunrise, which i open after an hour or so after the sun has risen. is this harmful for the plant? Thanks & have a great day everyone!
by margaret e. pell on November 17, 2005 08:53 AM
Is what harmful? I'm not sure I understand your question. Opening the blinds won't hurt it. It likes sun, lots of sun. It wants to be dryish in winter, a bit more moist in summer, without ever being soggy, and all the sun you can give it. It's more likely to have problems with too much water than too little. Good luck!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
by rozy221 on November 18, 2005 11:32 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about it getting the early morning sun-my room-darkening shades don't get pulled for a few hours on most days, and my aloe seems to be doing well (she was relocated after being outside all summer). As long as the leaves are still green, I think you're OK. Maybe she just missed you
Just be careful with the watering-good luck!!
by kirksgirl on November 18, 2005 09:06 PM
Stupid question but..Is it ok for Aloe to be warm? I have mine setting right next to my computer which produces a fair amount of warmth they seem to be ok, but I wonder if this is healthy day after day. It is a very sunny place.
by margaret e. pell on November 19, 2005 09:33 AM
No question is stupid, none at all, ever. Aloe vera is a native of the Canary Islands, which is about equal lattitude with central Florida and a lot drier. Mine summers in a very sunny south facing place where it gets well over 100 F in midday. Yours won't mind it by your computer and will probably enjoy both the warmth and your company.
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
by eva8287 on November 21, 2005 07:58 PM
yeah, may be my plant just missed me! *hugs the aloe* it is getting better... the leaves aren't as mushy as they used to be & the green colour is improving as well. Just waiting for winter to pass by so my beloved aloe vera can come out of dormancy... thanks y'all for ur help! Keep smiling!
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