Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by weezie13 on July 21, 2005 10:12 PM
Can you tell us a wee~bit of what you did
when transplanting??????
Such as.....................
Kind of soil used???
Kind of pot used???
Kind of fertilizers you used, if any???
And did you re~plant at the same depth
the plant was planted at before??????????????
And P/S Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

when transplanting??????
Such as.....................
Kind of soil used???
Kind of pot used???
Kind of fertilizers you used, if any???
And did you re~plant at the same depth
the plant was planted at before??????????????
And P/S Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum!!
We are very glad you found us.......
There's lot's of fellow New Yorker's here.....
And we're a great bunch here..
And there's sooooooo much to do and read here to keep you busy, for every season....especially during the middle of those long, cold, blustery winter months...
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by MISS on July 22, 2005 10:52 PM
Hi Weezie,
Thank you so much for the welcome and the help. I used regular potting soil from a hardware store with added fertilizer in the soil, no extra stuff. The pots i used were slightly bigger and I guess I potted them at the same depth. I am a gardening beginner and I don't really know anything specific. I think that it might be the root rot thing that I have been finding all over the place b/c when I check the moisture in the soil it still very moist at the bottom. I'm going to pull them out of the pots and put them in the original pots to try to help this w/e. Any advice i would greatly appreciate and thanks so much for the warm welcome. I really enjoy this site so far!
Thank you so much for the welcome and the help. I used regular potting soil from a hardware store with added fertilizer in the soil, no extra stuff. The pots i used were slightly bigger and I guess I potted them at the same depth. I am a gardening beginner and I don't really know anything specific. I think that it might be the root rot thing that I have been finding all over the place b/c when I check the moisture in the soil it still very moist at the bottom. I'm going to pull them out of the pots and put them in the original pots to try to help this w/e. Any advice i would greatly appreciate and thanks so much for the warm welcome. I really enjoy this site so far!
by weezie13 on July 22, 2005 11:05 PM
Just outta curiousity for the pots/container...
did it have drain holes in it???
I am not a huge house plant gardener...
But a spider plants, need drainage...
I am not all that certain about the soil..
Usually they like the basic potting soil
w/out the additives *some bagged soil put in
a fertilizer of some sorts...and it might be
too rich for that plant..*
I know Spider's like to be root bound, (so there isn't much soil left by that time, crowded with roots...) and they will put out alot of hanging over the edge of the pot~babies...
I know there is a ton of gardener's here that grow them..someone will pop thru and also lend some help....
P/S Does your plant have any babies hanging off of it yet???
Andddd, have you done a FORUM SEARCH and typed in
SPIDER PLANTS yet???? There's alot of posts/threads here on it, and some pictures too.
There should be alot in the PLANT AND FLOWERS ARCHIVES....
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

did it have drain holes in it???
I am not a huge house plant gardener...
But a spider plants, need drainage...
I am not all that certain about the soil..
Usually they like the basic potting soil
w/out the additives *some bagged soil put in
a fertilizer of some sorts...and it might be
too rich for that plant..*
I know Spider's like to be root bound, (so there isn't much soil left by that time, crowded with roots...) and they will put out alot of hanging over the edge of the pot~babies...
I know there is a ton of gardener's here that grow them..someone will pop thru and also lend some help....
P/S Does your plant have any babies hanging off of it yet???
Andddd, have you done a FORUM SEARCH and typed in
SPIDER PLANTS yet???? There's alot of posts/threads here on it, and some pictures too.
There should be alot in the PLANT AND FLOWERS ARCHIVES....
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by MISS on July 22, 2005 11:17 PM
The pot does have holes, I think I put them in too big a pot and overwatered. There are no babies and really they look just about dead. I know it sounds silly but they mean a lot to me. I'm going to due some emergency "surgery" this w/e and i'll let you know what happens. thank you again for all your help.
PS i did lots of searches for info on the plants and they have all been pretty helpful. this site especially:)
PS i did lots of searches for info on the plants and they have all been pretty helpful. this site especially:)
by weezie13 on July 23, 2005 02:42 AM
Hard to say that it was too big of a pot
with out a picture, but drainage is a must
for that plant...
our plants
and are very passionate about them.....
So, don't think we mind hearing that at all...
shows you're a caring person..
or bad
for the out come...
That's how we all learn aroun here...
Helps alot!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

with out a picture, but drainage is a must
for that plant...
quote:Nothing ever like sounds silly to us here..We love
I know it sounds silly but they mean a lot to me.
and are very passionate about them.....
So, don't think we mind hearing that at all...
shows you're a caring person..
quote:Please we love
I'm going to due some emergency "surgery" this w/e and i'll let you know what happens.
That's how we all learn aroun here...
Helps alot!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

Search The Garden Helper:
I am a very desperate owner of two spider plants that have been with me for the past 8 years and have thrived through different situations. I recently repoted both of them b/c they were outgrowing their pots. Well that was a month ago and pratically all the leaves have turned yellow and wilted off. They look like they are on the verge of dying. I have not watered them alot and I have not done anything differently than I have done in the past when I repotted them. I do not know what happened this time. I know that it sounds silly but I really do not want my plants to die. Please help me and any suggestions on how to bring them back to life would be much appreciated.