Help with irises
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by SassyBamaMom on March 08, 2006 01:45 AM
I have irises planted for three years i have yet to get a flower can you maybe tell me why?
by alankhart on March 08, 2006 02:22 AM
The one thing that comes to mind is that they may be planted too deeply which will prevent them from blooming. Bearded Irises need to be planted only about an inch or less down. I usually just take the ones I'm planting and give them a little push into the soil and pack a little soil around it. If you think this may be the problem, just dig them up and replant them and see what happens.
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by Dixie Angel on March 08, 2006 02:23 AM
I think it takes some cultivars three years to first start blooming. At least that is what my aunt told me when she gave me the ones I have when she thinned her iris beds...
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by SassyBamaMom on March 08, 2006 02:29 AM
I will try to dig them up and see what happens thank you guys
by Greenthumb newbee on March 08, 2006 04:09 AM
Irises LOVE loose sandy typr soil. also make sure there not in the shade over overgrown. That was My problem. Yes they like to Almost sit on top of the soil like ginger.
I have like 40 bulbs on top of each other. That happens after many years of being in one spot with limited room to grow. good Luck.
I have like 40 bulbs on top of each other. That happens after many years of being in one spot with limited room to grow. good Luck.
by comfrey on March 08, 2006 04:23 AM
A portion of the root needs to be above ground in order to bloom...even new roots will bloom the following year after they are planted. Here is an example of how mine are planted and they are loaded with blooms every year since I planted them:

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by SassyBamaMom on March 08, 2006 04:43 AM
I think i have them burried to deep i plan on moving them anyway so i need to do it soon.
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