Full sun PLANTS
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by syl726 on June 10, 2004 03:19 AM
Can anyone give me maybe 3-4 PLANT names that can tolorate two-three hours of full/direct sun for my porch?
by loz on June 10, 2004 06:06 AM
Well Marigolds can take full sun, and Portulacas thrive in hot conditions......I have both on my porch in full sun......I also have vincas on my back porch in afternoon sun.......The Portulacas are very pretty flowers.....and one good thing is that they don't need to be deadheaded.....
They just do there own thing.....I have some dusty millers mixed in with my portulacas, they don't really flower....some insignificant yellow flowers but the silver foliage is a good contrast with the portulacas....
by sachis2112 on June 13, 2004 09:03 AM
Osteosperemum, Verbena, Yarrow, Heliotrope, Lobelia, Lavender, even some Impatiens like full sun... Good luck!
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by gardenmom32210 on June 13, 2004 01:55 PM
Miniature roses would work too. They have the sweetest little flowers.
by magic612 on June 21, 2004 01:56 AM
kalanchoe plants are great for the patio aswell. I have two of them on my deck and they love the bright sun.
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