Experiment: Growning Cuttings In Fertilized Water.
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by CindinwindyKS on January 28, 2005 08:10 PM
I accidentally discovered the fastest way for me to root cuttings was to put them in my fish pond. Even shade plants such as impatiens root (and bloom!)in full sun if they are in the pond. The pond has a pump going so the water is oxygenated, and the fish and other plants make the water super fertilized. The spider plants (airplane plants) love it there. I have also used a bird bath situated in shade to root coleus cuttings. Pond water, rain water, willow water all do better than tap water with fertilizer in my experience.
I accidentally discovered the fastest way for me to root cuttings was to put them in my fish pond. Even shade plants such as impatiens root (and bloom!)in full sun if they are in the pond. The pond has a pump going so the water is oxygenated, and the fish and other plants make the water super fertilized. The spider plants (airplane plants) love it there. I have also used a bird bath situated in shade to root coleus cuttings. Pond water, rain water, willow water all do better than tap water with fertilizer in my experience.
by Carly on February 05, 2005 08:49 AM
My opinion? Rooting hormone is best - it's only about 3.99 for a small container and it lasts for a while.
Sometimes I just stick my cuttings right in the soil.
Indoors right now, of course (Toronto, Canada).
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When sorting seeds, do not whistle.
Sometimes I just stick my cuttings right in the soil.
Indoors right now, of course (Toronto, Canada).
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When sorting seeds, do not whistle.
by Will Creed on February 06, 2005 06:39 PM
Hi Robert,
Moisture is the key to getting cuttings to root. The fertilizer and the rooting hormone are largely irrelevant, although they will do no harm. Oxygenated water will help with the rooting.
Unless your water has an unusually high chlorine content (like swimmimg pool water), then it is not necsessary to let the water stand overnight.
Moisture is the key to getting cuttings to root. The fertilizer and the rooting hormone are largely irrelevant, although they will do no harm. Oxygenated water will help with the rooting.
Unless your water has an unusually high chlorine content (like swimmimg pool water), then it is not necsessary to let the water stand overnight.
by mike57 on February 06, 2005 07:57 PM
i have better luck rooting my cuttings in moist sand with a small amount of potting soil.this works great on shrubs. and just abought anything else ive tryed.shrubs might take abought 6 to 8 weeks to start rooting.i let them get a well estableshed root system then repot them. then place pot and all in the ground with the top of the pots just above the ground.i leave them there for 1 growing season. then when your ready to plant or sell them just pop up the pot and rinse them off and there ready to sell.or are ready to plant.your friend in gardening.mike57
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