Expierment on Lily bulbs ..Success..
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by Triss on June 30, 2006 01:26 PM
LOVE that color!!! Glad it worked for you!
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
by dodge on June 30, 2006 01:38 PM
I have other colors, but that one blooms first.. I never knew what to do with the bulbs ..ha ha
Have white and pink also an mixes.
Also have one star gazer , it doesnt seem to get any bulbs..
Anyone know ?/ They are lovely.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
I have other colors, but that one blooms first.. I never knew what to do with the bulbs ..ha ha
Have white and pink also an mixes.
Also have one star gazer , it doesnt seem to get any bulbs..
Anyone know ?/ They are lovely.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by patches1414 on June 30, 2006 11:27 PM
Dodge, I'm thrilled for you and those lilies look great! ![[thumb]](im/graemlins/thumb.gif)
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"Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen!"
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"Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen!"
by dodge on July 01, 2006 02:46 AM
Thank you .........
I will try to post the babies to showoff.. haha
my photobucket takes so long to upload.. Or is it my server/
This lily stuff is all new to me ..But I thought what do I have to loose????????
Win a few, Loose a few.
Keep gardening out there we are the jolly green Giants.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Thank you .........
I will try to post the babies to showoff.. haha
my photobucket takes so long to upload.. Or is it my server/
This lily stuff is all new to me ..But I thought what do I have to loose????????
Win a few, Loose a few.
Keep gardening out there we are the jolly green Giants.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by dodge on July 01, 2006 03:07 AM
Here is the photo of the babies.....They are only 6 inches tall, and the flower isnt as large as the mommy plant .. But next time it will be.
Very Interestingggggggggggggggg.

my success.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Here is the photo of the babies.....They are only 6 inches tall, and the flower isnt as large as the mommy plant .. But next time it will be.
Very Interestingggggggggggggggg.

my success.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by Rosepetal on July 01, 2006 06:40 AM
Great job dodge,
Keep us posted on how it goes.
I'll have to let you see mine some time. Most of you said I wouldn't have any flowers, so we'll see. I did plant the bulbs and most of them have come up.
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For this "New Year" help me to be kinder and more loving to all around me, I pray.
Keep us posted on how it goes.
I'll have to let you see mine some time. Most of you said I wouldn't have any flowers, so we'll see. I did plant the bulbs and most of them have come up.
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For this "New Year" help me to be kinder and more loving to all around me, I pray.
by dodge on July 01, 2006 06:50 AM
Sure Id love to see them.......Mine was products of the walmart if you have that>..
Thanks for the compliments....
My sister From Ohio, brought my first one, and I thought i wont like that.. Ha ha It was Pink Star gazer......Ended up loving it.. It has such pretty fragance......But it doesnt multiply like the others??????Beats me......
Sure send me some photos of Canada too.. I been there.....Quebec , Montrel area....many years ago.
Loved it.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Sure Id love to see them.......Mine was products of the walmart if you have that>..
Thanks for the compliments....
My sister From Ohio, brought my first one, and I thought i wont like that.. Ha ha It was Pink Star gazer......Ended up loving it.. It has such pretty fragance......But it doesnt multiply like the others??????Beats me......
Sure send me some photos of Canada too.. I been there.....Quebec , Montrel area....many years ago.
Loved it.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by Rosepetal on July 01, 2006 10:55 AM
Mine are about 4 inches tall now. I planted them just a few weeks ago. I bought them at our grocery store. They had 3 bulbs to a package, 4 came up. I'll keep watching and post a picture as soon as they bloom, if they do.
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For this "New Year" help me to be kinder and more loving to all around me, I pray.
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For this "New Year" help me to be kinder and more loving to all around me, I pray.
by dodge on July 01, 2006 12:13 PM
They are to be planted in the fall , in our area. For spring bloom ......
However Let me know if they do bloom..Are there any buds on it yet?
Some of mine are blooming and others bloom later.
I dont know the names...
Does yours have a name/
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
They are to be planted in the fall , in our area. For spring bloom ......
However Let me know if they do bloom..Are there any buds on it yet?
Some of mine are blooming and others bloom later.
I dont know the names...
Does yours have a name/
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by patches1414 on July 01, 2006 12:29 PM
quote:Dodge, I've noticed that too,
Pink Star gazer......Ended up loving it.. It has such pretty fragance......But it doesnt multiply like the others??????
Dodge, I don't know if you're interested but it is possible to propagate the Stargazers and other Lilium bulbs.
Actually, Lilium Bulbs are the 'true lilies' and propagation should be done in the Fall (before dormancy). The process is not really hard, but it does take a little while and patience before you see the fruits of your labor.
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
Dodge, you can propagate the Stargazer lilies by first removing the outer scales. Then you put a small amount of rooting hormone with a fungicide in a zip-lock bag, place the scales in the bag and close it. Shake the bag to dust the scales with the mixture and shake off the excess powder.
Remove the scales from the bag and fill another zippered storage bag with moist vermiculite. Put the treated scales in the bag, then leave the scales in the bag at room temperature for about 2 months. You will need to check it periodically to be sure there's moisture in the bag and turn it over occasionally to redistribute the moisture.
After about 2 months, you should see some small bulblets forming. Then put the bag in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator for approximately 2 more months, but you need to turn the bag every 1 or 2 weeks to redistribute the moisture. After 2 months, remove the bag from the refrigerator and remove the scales and bulblets from the bag and plant them in a shallow seed tray and cover with a clear plastic tray cover. When you see some green leaves appearing, plant the bulblets about 1/2 inch deep in some potting mix.
Dodge, it takes approximately a year for the bulb to mature, but when the bulb is mature, plant it about 6" deep and space them about 6" apart.
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"Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen!"
by dodge on July 01, 2006 12:50 PM
never did Propagating.But i am willing.
i printed that story, and hope to try that in the fall......
Just one question.. Why cant you just put the bag in the ground in Ocober? Well the plants/
I mean it gets cold in Those months?
Have you done done this/
Thanks for the tips.. I love learning.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
never did Propagating.But i am willing.
i printed that story, and hope to try that in the fall......
Just one question.. Why cant you just put the bag in the ground in Ocober? Well the plants/
I mean it gets cold in Those months?
Have you done done this/
Thanks for the tips.. I love learning.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by nmlAlba-dC15 on July 02, 2006 09:00 PM
Wow Dodge..u've got such beautiful lilies...r they fragrant...how i yearn to try some lilies..BUT following the posts abt lilies...i presume they'd never make it in our climate, huh?
Guess i'll just have to satisfy myself with just looking at da pictures u all posted then...![[tears]](im/graemlins/crying.gif)
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
Guess i'll just have to satisfy myself with just looking at da pictures u all posted then...
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
by dodge on July 03, 2006 07:59 AM
Your probably right.......We have winter november thru march here....It is what makes our cold weather plants so gorgous.
Look all you want......Show us some of your photos.. I use digital cheap camera.. Went on a motorcycle ride today, (husband drives) and took photos of the trip......Farm country.;o)
We are farmers of course.. Retired town workers.
What is your occupation? Computers???????
ha ha
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Your probably right.......We have winter november thru march here....It is what makes our cold weather plants so gorgous.
Look all you want......Show us some of your photos.. I use digital cheap camera.. Went on a motorcycle ride today, (husband drives) and took photos of the trip......Farm country.;o)
We are farmers of course.. Retired town workers.
What is your occupation? Computers???????
ha ha
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by patches1414 on July 03, 2006 09:32 AM
quote:Dodge, if you chart the timeline I outlined on a calendar, starting in the fall, it shows the scales need to be kept evenly moist while at room temperature (2 months) and when in the refrigerator (2 months). Plus, in the ground they would not get the light they need when the green leaves start to appear, and they might freeze.
Why cant you just put the bag in the ground in Ocober?
quote:I did this when I worked at the Garden Shop and Greenhouse, but I've never done it at home for myself.
Have you done done this
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"Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen!"
by nmlAlba-dC15 on July 03, 2006 06:46 PM
Wow Patches u do have a lot of experience with lilies then...quite a Lily-Guru.... i think gardening in your area require such alot of hard n sometimes tedious work, right ?... in other words lazy people would never like gardening, huh? In Malaysia our main problems r just heat n garden pests....ugh..where roses r concerned.. they r killers!!
Sorry Dodge...i have yet to get myself a digital camera... well, with 5 growing kids..a digital camera tho very much wanted is last on da priority list... soon s i get one i'll start posting pictures... ..especially of tropical flowers...posted some in da past...pictures my sis took with her camera when she came over for a visit...... n nope i'm not into computers ...m a teacher of English...
aahhh love lilies sooo much..i yearn to b able to smell their fragrance....Envy u sooo much!!!
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
Sorry Dodge...i have yet to get myself a digital camera... well, with 5 growing kids..a digital camera tho very much wanted is last on da priority list... soon s i get one i'll start posting pictures... ..especially of tropical flowers...posted some in da past...pictures my sis took with her camera when she came over for a visit...... n nope i'm not into computers ...m a teacher of English...
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
by Rosepetal on July 05, 2006 10:51 AM
Here are my lilies that I started, they're called lolypop. Been doing a lot of growing the last few days, still wondering if I'll see some flowers.

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For this "New Year" help me to be kinder and more loving to all around me, I pray.
Here are my lilies that I started, they're called lolypop. Been doing a lot of growing the last few days, still wondering if I'll see some flowers.

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For this "New Year" help me to be kinder and more loving to all around me, I pray.
by dodge on July 05, 2006 12:18 PM
Award winning!
It will be hard to find this Asiatic lily in any other garden. This recent introduction combines a rare color combination with outstanding growing characteristics. The Lollypop Lily has hot pink petals that accent a creamy white speckled throat. Outward facing flowers show off their stunning color. This handsome Asiatic lily is ideal for growing in gardens, patio pots or for borders. Lollypop Lilies have a long-lasting fresh fragrance that will enhance your cut flower bouquets. Plant in April and get tons of blooms in June and July. Grows 30
According to this you will /.....
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
It will be hard to find this Asiatic lily in any other garden. This recent introduction combines a rare color combination with outstanding growing characteristics. The Lollypop Lily has hot pink petals that accent a creamy white speckled throat. Outward facing flowers show off their stunning color. This handsome Asiatic lily is ideal for growing in gardens, patio pots or for borders. Lollypop Lilies have a long-lasting fresh fragrance that will enhance your cut flower bouquets. Plant in April and get tons of blooms in June and July. Grows 30
According to this you will /.....
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by nmlAlba-dC15 on July 05, 2006 03:47 PM
they look great...ughh wish they r mine!! Envy you...
u know what...i still couldnt get Epsom Salt here where i m staying...but have asked my sister to look for it in Kuala Lumpur.... so far she hasnt contacted me abt it...well..either shez been too busy to go 'hunting' o itz not available even in KL..if that is so..think i can conclude that itz not sold in Malaysia!!?
n Dodge looks like u r quite a Lily expert... any plans on visiting Kelantan o Terengganu??...come to my house n bring all da lily bulbs u can!!!
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
they look great...ughh wish they r mine!! Envy you...
u know what...i still couldnt get Epsom Salt here where i m staying...but have asked my sister to look for it in Kuala Lumpur.... so far she hasnt contacted me abt it...well..either shez been too busy to go 'hunting' o itz not available even in KL..if that is so..think i can conclude that itz not sold in Malaysia!!?
n Dodge looks like u r quite a Lily expert... any plans on visiting Kelantan o Terengganu??...come to my house n bring all da lily bulbs u can!!!
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
by dodge on July 06, 2006 01:24 AM
Thank for the Invite......I am so please, 2 weeks in a row I been invite out..Last week Mississippi invited me to her house where it is 100 degrees.........ha ha She is trying to kill me..(Joke )
If I ever go that way, I will bring arms full.of Lilys
Keep watching..Ihave pink and orange now to showoff..Lilys
ha ha
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Thank for the Invite......I am so please, 2 weeks in a row I been invite out..Last week Mississippi invited me to her house where it is 100 degrees.........ha ha She is trying to kill me..(Joke )
If I ever go that way, I will bring arms full.of Lilys
Keep watching..Ihave pink and orange now to showoff..Lilys
ha ha
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by nmlAlba-dC15 on July 06, 2006 03:56 AM
Seriously...u r welcome..should u decide to visit Malaysia...do inform me...i may b of some help n u may save some dollars....i do have orange Daylily..very pretty but no fragrance!! Wish i could post a pict of it...havent seen any of it posted yet... not da same s da daylilies posted so far...
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
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Last fall I took the little bulbs , (which grow at the foot of the plant) I removed the larger ones, and planted them elsewhere.. Today those small bulbs bloomed......Same color, but a little smaller bloom.. Only about 8 inches high. I was told next year they would be the correct size....
This is all new to me.........Now I know it can be done.
Thanks for looking.....Have a great day..
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''