Brugmansia Question
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by gardenmom32210 on August 01, 2005 10:58 PM
If you get plenty of dirt with them they should do fine
I've put mine through hell and they just keep growing. I do remove the lower leaves,but,only so it looks more treelike not bushlike.
I didn't get flowers until it got to be about 4ft tall. Then it exploded...counted 14 blooms the other day
Didja know they are super easy to grow from cuttings?
I didn't get flowers until it got to be about 4ft tall. Then it exploded...counted 14 blooms the other day
Didja know they are super easy to grow from cuttings?
by afgreyparrot on August 01, 2005 11:06 PM
quote:Should I get cuttings now or wait til after they bloom???
Didja know they are super easy to grow from cuttings?
I was thinkin' that maybe I needed to pinch those huge leaves off so flowers would come. You know, like how they pinch the big leaves off pot plants so more of the energy or something goes to the bud part.
Not that I know much about that...I must have read it somewhere. But, it sounds likes a good idea, and I thought maybe that's what I was supposed to be doing.
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by njoynit on August 01, 2005 11:33 PM
I pull my lower leaves off cause I grow mine tree like& that just lets the fertilizer work in the tops!You will get flowers when it trunk branches into a "Y" it will then flower on your tips.Don't cut or pinch your tips as thats where the blooms happen at.Sometimes you will get suckers& they can be let alone or you can let them grow.
I got new pictures up in yahoo
Cindy...when ya move them keep them watered well and mulch them and you can remove the leaves...the leaves will grow back but will be less shock being kinda make the hole nice& rich.they like that!
G mom which ones ya got?I'm nosey!
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
I got new pictures up in yahoo
Cindy...when ya move them keep them watered well and mulch them and you can remove the leaves...the leaves will grow back but will be less shock being kinda make the hole nice& rich.they like that!
G mom which ones ya got?I'm nosey!
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by gardenmom32210 on August 02, 2005 08:40 PM
which ones ya got?I'm nosey!
I have 2 yellow Brugs. I also have some daturas. I have a double lavender growing by my pond and I have some "versi-color" datura seeds that I got from a gentleman in England last year. I killed the first 2 "versi-color" that I tried to grow,but I plan on trying them again. I believe the "versicoler" is red and yellow. I also have seeds for the pure white daturas.
by njoynit on August 02, 2005 10:27 PM
I have pure white dauntra wrightii, is not the one that grows big& then dauntra stranonuim.I had a white dauntra with a blueish cast,but my seed didn't do& I didn't have luck with my other dauntras either.
my yellow if it blooms this year will be jamican yellow.I hear sunray has the strongest smell for the yellows.My frosty is on its 2nd flush and its loaded with buds.My seedling is loaded and has one trunk still loaded that will start blooming tonight.dr suess is loaded& charles G has one trunk loaded,the other 5 yet to "Y".Unknown pink has 3 buds.Jean pecaso is sulking.My knightii double white still has something eating its leaves,but its still trunking it on up there!
I'm adding a new brugmansia bed next year.It will have my cannas& EE also A few castor beans for hight....and it will be HUBBY PROOF!It will be raised& will bring back my 100 gallon black pond.Another brug adict up in ontaniro.....has a water lotos blooming in her brug island.I'll be looking for a HUGE flowered water lotus& I'm leaning towards yellow.I'll start it as a place to put leaves from the yard.and rabbit poo& duck poo& great growing plants!
I wonder which is a safer bet????? 2 feet or 3 feet?????
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
my yellow if it blooms this year will be jamican yellow.I hear sunray has the strongest smell for the yellows.My frosty is on its 2nd flush and its loaded with buds.My seedling is loaded and has one trunk still loaded that will start blooming tonight.dr suess is loaded& charles G has one trunk loaded,the other 5 yet to "Y".Unknown pink has 3 buds.Jean pecaso is sulking.My knightii double white still has something eating its leaves,but its still trunking it on up there!
I'm adding a new brugmansia bed next year.It will have my cannas& EE also A few castor beans for hight....and it will be HUBBY PROOF!It will be raised& will bring back my 100 gallon black pond.Another brug adict up in ontaniro.....has a water lotos blooming in her brug island.I'll be looking for a HUGE flowered water lotus& I'm leaning towards yellow.I'll start it as a place to put leaves from the yard.and rabbit poo& duck poo& great growing plants!
I wonder which is a safer bet????? 2 feet or 3 feet?????
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by gardenmom32210 on August 03, 2005 08:52 PM
quote:What is a brug island?
her brug island.'ve got ALOT of different ones. I bet they are beautiful! I'd love to find some more cause they are so easy to grow and they are so purdy too
by njoynit on August 05, 2005 04:51 AM
I'm trying to link to her message with 2 shots....I'll send to weezie
My frosty pink has 18 blooms that have bloomed& me & Debra will re count tonight...and I'll tAKE SOME PICS TONIGHT(opps!).My seedling is full also.And dr suess by the pond has Dropped trumpets and will be blooming tomorrow night(the ducks sit here sometimes and sh!t,they now do that on my pinkBrug& castor bean and tiger lillys.silly ducks....walking fertilizer heat is AWFUL today outside.Says its 89 but heat index is 102 and humidity is 66%.I could fill a glass with sweat in an Very steamy today.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
My frosty pink has 18 blooms that have bloomed& me & Debra will re count tonight...and I'll tAKE SOME PICS TONIGHT(opps!).My seedling is full also.And dr suess by the pond has Dropped trumpets and will be blooming tomorrow night(the ducks sit here sometimes and sh!t,they now do that on my pinkBrug& castor bean and tiger lillys.silly ducks....walking fertilizer heat is AWFUL today outside.Says its 89 but heat index is 102 and humidity is 66%.I could fill a glass with sweat in an Very steamy today.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by njoynit on August 09, 2005 06:06 AM
I got pics up in yahoo.Go and yard smells so GREAT!!& I been seeing them hawkmoths(really neat critters)I saved the frosty pink 1 am shot as wallpaper makes me drool& I believe my charles G will be blooming THURSDAY!!
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
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I have several questions.
First of all, pictures... I supposed to be doing something to these, like pinch those big leaves off or anything?
Also...I am moving my plants to my daughter's house where I'll be staying for awhile. If I dig these up and move them now, what will happen? Will they be O.K.??? I was gonna dig way out from them and try to keep as much soil with them that I maybe they won't even know they've moved.
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!