What is indirect light?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2002
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sunlight coming through the North window, as
opposed to directly outside in the sunlight
during the summer.
I really am not sure and if I am wrong than
maybe that is the problem I have been having
with my Jade plant. Not enough light during
the winter months.
1 Indirect Light:
A better discription would be "second hand" light. A brightly lit area where light that has come into the room, but not directly in a path from the sun. Bounced of a wall for instance.
2. Low Light:
Light from a southern facing window, or a ways away from any reflected light.
3.Diffused Light:
Light that has been filtered by some source. Blinds or tree branches for example
Low light or shade:
A area where you would want to turn on a light to read.
4. No light, (as in what Christmas Cactus needs to flower):
Means absolutly total darkness for what ever specified amount of time. Light from a street light down the block could be enough light to keep certain plants from blooming. Perhaps tucked away in a closet, or under a black painted box.
5. Full or direct Light:
An area that can cast a shadow for more the 3 hours a day, the rest of the day being in at least indirect light.
6.Partial shade:
An area that recieves less then 3 hours of morning or evening light (No noon day direct sun) Most plants the require partial shade will do well in difused or filtered light as well.
Hope this helps
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For those of you who are interested, I have written a short article on light for indoor plants. It includes comprehensive descriptions of direct light, indirect light, low light, et. al. that I hope takes some of the confusion out of these terms.
Contact me at wcreed@horticulturalhelp.com if you would like me to email you a copy.
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I would like to find out what you think "indirect light" means. Be as specific as possible.