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Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by rl64tx on March 29, 2006 07:28 AM
Hi, I'm new here and am looking for some ideas for my front yard landscaping project. I live in zone 8 or 9 ( San Antonio Tx) I'm looking to add some low maintenance shrubs and plants. The front gets semi sun because there is an ash tree providing some shade. Along the sidewalk is mostly shade. If facing house the east is to the right. The pictures included are before 3yds of lawn/garden soil were added. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Ralph

by jonni13 on March 29, 2006 09:11 AM
Low maintenance for your zone would be jade plants. agapanthus (lily of the nile), daylilies, India hawthorn.
My suggestion would be to check out parking lot planters and businesses around you to see what works and what you like. Those are usually planted with low-maintenance plants.
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Getting old is the pits. But it sure beats the alternative. My Blog
My suggestion would be to check out parking lot planters and businesses around you to see what works and what you like. Those are usually planted with low-maintenance plants.
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Getting old is the pits. But it sure beats the alternative. My Blog
by peppereater on March 31, 2006 05:33 AM
It looks like the entryway is a pretty low light area...I don't know much about your zone, but what about New Guinea impatiens for that area? I'd think they'd act almost as a perrenial that far south. Look into Gold Dust plant, hydrangeas, the various Nandinas. In the front, Any of these, plus Camellias, sedum, umbrella plant, yuccas, should have a lot of options.
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Even my growlights are getting restless!
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Even my growlights are getting restless!
by dodge on April 01, 2006 09:06 AM
Mexician Petunias would work in the sun area..I have some here in Pennsylvania.. SOme lady down there mail them ..
French dwarf marigolds, grow anywhere and are easy to maintain. Or anyother marigold ,, Dwarf are about 6 inches tall..
Happy gardening.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
French dwarf marigolds, grow anywhere and are easy to maintain. Or anyother marigold ,, Dwarf are about 6 inches tall..
Happy gardening.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by rl64tx on April 01, 2006 10:44 PM
Thanks for all the input! So far I've put Carissa Holly along the sidewalk. Along the front I'm going to put a sega palm, a Texas Redbud tree, a yucca plant and am still working on it! I will post pics when completed..Thanks again, Ralph
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