Hostas from seed?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by uki on June 06, 2005 08:30 PM
Hi,I am a big Hosta Lover I never raised them from seed yet.I divide my hostas in spring to get more plants,some I bought and some are divisions from friends(free!!!)My favorite is Sum and Substance.I like them big,I also have some cute tiny ones
Our grocery store sells plants too,I wait until everything goes on sale
Wish you lots of luck
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Even winters coldest day can't keep the hope of spring away
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Even winters coldest day can't keep the hope of spring away
by tkhooper on June 06, 2005 08:34 PM
that would be my suggestions too. If you have trade seeds/bulbs/tubers. Put them down in the seed exchange and ask for hostas.
by MaryReboakly on June 06, 2005 08:48 PM
You can also see if there's a local site, and ask around to see if any locals are willing to part with some, or trade for some.
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by Therian on June 08, 2005 06:23 PM
Ah! Update on hosta seeds..
I looked this morning, and now have 4 little hosta roots sprouting!! That's 4 so far from about 50 seeds. I'm hoping these are just the early sprouters. I have still yet to sprout about 260 more seeds, but I wanted to see how this batch went first. The others I'll start in early fall when maintaining the 68 degree temp they supposedly like to sprout in will be easier to stay at.
I'm not sure if it was just their time to sprout, or the fact I popped them in the fridge a few nights ago for about an hour just to perk them up. It had been a hot day, so it was pretty warm in the basement where they're living right now. I popped them in the fridge cuz I read they pretty much like really cold weather in the winter.. so I figured "what the heck why not.. The whole package of about 50-100 seeds were only a buck"!
As for getting already established hostas.. I think I will pick up some especially the Sum and Substance which I have seen and also really like, and will just do both germinating from seed if I can, and planting hostas I buy.
I looked this morning, and now have 4 little hosta roots sprouting!! That's 4 so far from about 50 seeds. I'm hoping these are just the early sprouters. I have still yet to sprout about 260 more seeds, but I wanted to see how this batch went first. The others I'll start in early fall when maintaining the 68 degree temp they supposedly like to sprout in will be easier to stay at.
I'm not sure if it was just their time to sprout, or the fact I popped them in the fridge a few nights ago for about an hour just to perk them up. It had been a hot day, so it was pretty warm in the basement where they're living right now. I popped them in the fridge cuz I read they pretty much like really cold weather in the winter.. so I figured "what the heck why not.. The whole package of about 50-100 seeds were only a buck"!
As for getting already established hostas.. I think I will pick up some especially the Sum and Substance which I have seen and also really like, and will just do both germinating from seed if I can, and planting hostas I buy.
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I have this ideal spot on the back side of my house that is beggin' for hosta to be planted there. I wanted to try and start a hosta garden if I could. I really like blue hostas, so I thought I'd start there. A start small and see how it goes approach.
I've been trying to sprout some blue hostas from seed I purchased on the internet and am wondering if anyone else has had any success in getting healthy hostas they started from seed. Any idea what these guys might like to help them germinate better? I'll fluff pillows for them if need be!
I was somewhere on the internet last night that talked about a juvenile stage of hostas started from seed that lasted like 4-5 years before they show adult maturity characteristics. YIKES! I don't want to wait that long I don't think.
Maybe just buying established plants might be the better route? If that's the answer.. any good places to get reasonably cheap but healthy hosta on the internet?
Any suggestions for hostas you can't live without from the hosta addicts out there?