My Bleeding Heat is dying
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by obywan59 on July 09, 2004 08:53 AM
It's likely nothing to worry about. Bleeding hearts commonly go dormant in the summer when it gets hot if it's not sufficiently moist. Last year was the first year my bleeding heart foliage remained all summer and we had an OVERABUNDANCE of rain. About 67 inches compared to the normal 40.
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May the force be with you
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May the force be with you
by Shani on July 09, 2004 12:07 PM
its rained here every day in the last three weeks, some timres a sprikle some days down pours. I know it can't be the heat cause we've had so little, only a few days of over 20 degrees C (approx 68 F).
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
by weezie13 on July 09, 2004 04:50 PM
Terry's right, and you also could have the plant in a place that it's happy to come out in, in the spring, but come time when the sun shines it just wants to go back to sleep...
Some Bleeding Hearts are sun tolerant now, I've heard there's some new one's that can take a bit more..
But, it also depends on the weeks BEFORE your 3 weeks of rain, one or two hot sunny, or dry or soemthing triggered your plant into going night~night for the year....
Even the dirt or how your bed is situated could have triggered it....
The type of dirt you have or a raised or hotter bed area can do the same thing.
The raised beds tend to dry out more, one's in direct sun do the same, and also if your dirt is not as fertile as some...
I'll give you an example.....
I usually always put compost on my beds every spring, well I got way~layed a few years back and didn't put some on.... mine stayed healthy that summer because it was wet alot and I thought, well, I found a sun tolerant one...
and again, didn't put any on because of other side tracking adventures and this's going dormant even eariler..... so, with out me enriching it's soil every year, it's just going night~night a bit faster....
I know it'll come back again next year....
But if you'd like to experiment, try getting a few more, smaller plants and giving them each different area's to grow in, different treatments such as water, sun, dirt and area's and you'll see a difference in plants on your same property..
Can you also tell us where your plant is in relationship to a house foundation or stones or any walk ways????
What color do you have???
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Terry's right, and you also could have the plant in a place that it's happy to come out in, in the spring, but come time when the sun shines it just wants to go back to sleep...
Some Bleeding Hearts are sun tolerant now, I've heard there's some new one's that can take a bit more..
But, it also depends on the weeks BEFORE your 3 weeks of rain, one or two hot sunny, or dry or soemthing triggered your plant into going night~night for the year....
Even the dirt or how your bed is situated could have triggered it....
The type of dirt you have or a raised or hotter bed area can do the same thing.
The raised beds tend to dry out more, one's in direct sun do the same, and also if your dirt is not as fertile as some...
I'll give you an example.....
I usually always put compost on my beds every spring, well I got way~layed a few years back and didn't put some on.... mine stayed healthy that summer because it was wet alot and I thought, well, I found a sun tolerant one...
and again, didn't put any on because of other side tracking adventures and this's going dormant even eariler..... so, with out me enriching it's soil every year, it's just going night~night a bit faster....
I know it'll come back again next year....
But if you'd like to experiment, try getting a few more, smaller plants and giving them each different area's to grow in, different treatments such as water, sun, dirt and area's and you'll see a difference in plants on your same property..
Can you also tell us where your plant is in relationship to a house foundation or stones or any walk ways????
What color do you have???
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Shani on July 09, 2004 06:27 PM
The bleeding heart bush is in with a group of Lilac bushes, its on the North side of them. about 10 feet east of the house the next closest thing to it is the Turtle pond which is about 15 feet north west of the bush. The soil is mostly sand with same fertilizers mixed in. Jus to the south of the Bleeding hearts is a large Silver Poplar which is where most of the shade comes from
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
by Gardencrazy on July 13, 2004 04:28 AM
Howdy! They do go to sleep early usually. Mine went dormant atleast 3 weeks ago. You can barely tell where they were orignally. I have both Old fashioned and alba. They went dormant at the same time. I don't think you have anything to worry about with yours.
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by Shani on July 13, 2004 06:19 AM
I guess it's normal then, it just seems odd with so many other bleeding heart bushes in town still out in full bloom, but given that i just planted it this year (amonth ago now) it will be good next year
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
by Lilylilac on July 13, 2004 06:34 AM
I have three Bleeding hearts. One of the "Old Fashioned" types and 2 "Fern Leaf" types. I moved my "Old" one this year and I think because of the rain and the move, it's lasting longer. Last year by this time my "Old" one was asleep. This year, although all three of them are in the same bed, the 2 "Fern Leaf" ones are already falling asleep.
So, I don't think you have anything to worry about either. Must just be their time to go to sleep for the year. Next year and the year after will be different too.![[Smile]](im/smile.gif)
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zone 5
So, I don't think you have anything to worry about either. Must just be their time to go to sleep for the year. Next year and the year after will be different too.
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zone 5
by grandma on July 16, 2004 04:07 AM
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