Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by johnCT on April 27, 2006 03:38 AM
Yup, do it right after the flowers fade and you can cut it back pretty heavily. They can take quite a bit of abuse.
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John - Zone 6
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John - Zone 6
by hjolicoeur on April 27, 2006 08:22 AM
I have tried to kill those things before, and you can't do it! At least not without hurting yourself!
We had a huge forsythia right in front of where we parked our cars, one year we chopped the whole thing down to the roots and the next year it came back even bigger!
Good luck!
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We had a huge forsythia right in front of where we parked our cars, one year we chopped the whole thing down to the roots and the next year it came back even bigger!
Good luck!
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by gardenluvr on April 28, 2006 02:25 PM
It has been my experience with them that the 1/3 rule works but it never really looks that great - kinda like a bad hair cut. Every few years when they become out of control I take them down by at least half. You can cut them down to 2feet and it will really come back nice but you might sacrifice next years blooms. Sometimes its worth it. I do the same thing with my lilacs too. Both plants actually perform much much better when they are severly leveled once in awhile. Good luck.
by Shani on April 28, 2006 04:54 PM
Thats info is good to know I was thinking of posting a similar questions, the fothesis around here are absolutly stunning this year
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
by Shani on April 28, 2006 04:56 PM
I really need to check my spellin more often
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
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May the wind always be at your back
and your keel in the water
by Frisha on April 29, 2006 03:48 AM
Ok a somewhat related question
I was wondering if I cut one back this year can I move it too or should I not cut it back if I'm going to move it? It's in a really bad location for some building we are intending to do so it really needs to move. Was wondering if we do cut it back how far would you suggest if we can cut and move both?
by SpringFever on April 29, 2006 03:53 PM
They grow really good from cuttings.. I would move it now after it flowers .. Really I think it will be fine!! I wouldn't be surprised if it still grew back in the other location!
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
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still trying to get it right.