A Rock in the Sound
Willy's Place » Wallpaper of the Day
by Jiffymouse on July 13, 2003 01:17 PM
That is awesome. will like it on my desk top at work...

by Bill on July 13, 2003 02:11 PM
I think we need to build a really cool treehouse, high in that tree in the center of the island...... Ya think?
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by Bunny on July 14, 2003 07:46 AM
I was thinking about a little flower garden. Could you imagine having a small lake with that island in the middle in your back yard! It would be the most awesome little garden you could have! No worries about the @#*%$^&% Rabbits or those @#$#@%*& Squirrels, no #$@%^ Groundhogs, Could snails possible be a problem on a small island???

Beautiful island. Wish I was there RIGHT NOW!
--Bunny T.
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