First time ever-basil a success !
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by tkhooper on July 18, 2006 11:26 AM
Congratulations Deborah L.
I love basil. Especially since that was the plant I was researching when I found the garden helper. And since I found the cinnamon basil I'm even happier with it.
It will grow from cuttings really well to which is how I ended up with 3 mature plants this year lol. And that's after giving several away so far. One I am going to let flower for the seeds and the other two I'm going to keep through the winter. Then in the spring I'll take cuttings again to start some new plants and when they are going good I'll let the big ones go to flower. And so the cycle continues.
Congratulations with your basil.
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I love basil. Especially since that was the plant I was researching when I found the garden helper. And since I found the cinnamon basil I'm even happier with it.
It will grow from cuttings really well to which is how I ended up with 3 mature plants this year lol. And that's after giving several away so far. One I am going to let flower for the seeds and the other two I'm going to keep through the winter. Then in the spring I'll take cuttings again to start some new plants and when they are going good I'll let the big ones go to flower. And so the cycle continues.
Congratulations with your basil.
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by Deborah L. on July 18, 2006 12:51 PM
Thanks, TK !
I have cinnamon basil too, it smells just like licorice.
The basil that's such a huge success is the common basil, which is my favorite for eating.
I've wondered if my cinnamon basil maybe was mislabeled-does yours smell like licorice?
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I have cinnamon basil too, it smells just like licorice.
The basil that's such a huge success is the common basil, which is my favorite for eating.
I've wondered if my cinnamon basil maybe was mislabeled-does yours smell like licorice?
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by 4Ruddy on July 21, 2006 02:28 AM
Deborah do you know what kind of basil you have? Genovese basil is the most common...but for me it is more difficult to grow. My favorite basil is African Blue and although it is a little more difficult to find it is a lot easier to grow. It gets really big and bushy and has a WONDERFUL flavor....I use a lot of it. And it is easy to dry so you will have plenty through the winter.
We love it in our salads, in our marinades, spaghetti sauces etc....
Congrats on your success!
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Happiness, like a dessert so sweet.
May life give you more than you can ever eat...
We love it in our salads, in our marinades, spaghetti sauces etc....
Congrats on your success!
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Happiness, like a dessert so sweet.
May life give you more than you can ever eat...

by Deborah L. on July 21, 2006 06:12 AM
Thanks, 4Ruddy !
It's the Genovese basil.
It sure is fun having a huge healthy plant of basil, and all that I want to use.
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It's the Genovese basil.
It sure is fun having a huge healthy plant of basil, and all that I want to use.
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by 4Ruddy on July 23, 2006 11:42 AM
The African blue always bushes out and gets a lot bigger for me....the flavor is just a little different than the might try it sometime to see which you like better...
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Happiness, like a dessert so sweet.
May life give you more than you can ever eat...
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Happiness, like a dessert so sweet.
May life give you more than you can ever eat...

by tkhooper on July 23, 2006 12:10 PM
No my cinnamon basil doesn't taste like licorice. It has a very definite basil taste with just a hint of cinnamon that is noticeable when used in cooking.
You have me very curious about your cinnamon basil now.
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You have me very curious about your cinnamon basil now.
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by Deborah L. on July 23, 2006 02:28 PM
The cinnamon basil-actually I have never tasted it.
It just smells like licorice.
Because of the occasional inchworm, I don't wanna eat it !![[Razz]](im/tongue.gif)
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It just smells like licorice.
Because of the occasional inchworm, I don't wanna eat it !
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by steve2006 on August 26, 2006 08:56 AM
hi folks,
great to read about you success with basil
I have started growing some basil in the last two months but i find that there is something eating away as the leaves
any suggestions on how to combat this problem??
great to read about you success with basil
I have started growing some basil in the last two months but i find that there is something eating away as the leaves
any suggestions on how to combat this problem??
by Patty S on September 08, 2006 02:58 PM
Steve, early in the growing season here, something was nibbling on my basil too, but I couldn't see what was doing it! (I didn't really do anything about it, other than hose the plants off when I watered them. I don't know if that's what put an end to the leaf munchers, but the basil kept growing, & the holes stopped happening.)
I don't cook with basil... (Actually, I try my best not to cook at all!)
...but I've grown an abundance of Basil every year, for as long as I can remember. In the beginning my gardening consisted of vegetables only, & I focused a lot on companion planting... Always planting basil along side my tomatoes, to keep the bugs away & to benefit the tomato plants.
The basil was always so pretty, that it didn't take long before I was just in love with it & started planting it every where! (That was before I found out that I could actually raise flowers without killing them! Now I plant them here & there among the flowers, & they're great for borders & behind low-growing ornamentals.)
Getting them started can be touchy sometimes, but I've found that warm (almost HOT) soil & lots of water seem to be the keys to germination & keeping it going. (Metal containers in full sun works really well.) Also, after starting from seed & babying them along, it was a bit distressing to lose so many basil plants shortly after transplanting... I finally figured out that I was transplanting them too soon, even though they looked hardy & healthy enough. (If I start the seeds indoors, rather than waiting to plant outdoors when the ground is VERY warm, the bigger they are when I transfer them to the garden, the better chance they have... & they take right off & grow at an amazing rate!)
Last year I had a whole garden section with nothing in it but basil, & it was absolutely to die for!
On really hot days, the sun would heat it up & if I was lucky enough to be in the yard when a gentle breeze came my way, the scent of that warm basil was like a sigh from heaven!
This year I took my basil obsession further, & thought I'd try creating a "Deer Barrier" along the outside of the chain-link fence that protects my veggie garden from the deer. (Every year, they've snacked on my tomatoes & the melon vines that spread out & lean against the fence!)
I built a bed, about 2 feet wide, down the 20 foot length of the fence, & planted GOBS of Sweet Basil (purple, variegated & green), along with Dill & Devil's Claw (because both of those are also plants that deer go out of their way to avoid).
Deer Barrier '06
It looked so cool when everything was in full flourish, & my "Deer Barrier" was a complete success! They turned away from that area every time they passed through the field... My melons, cucumbers & tomatoes haven't suffered from one single nibble this year!
The shot of the whole deer barrier didn't turn out very clear, so I'm throwing in a couple close-ups that did!
Basil & Dill
Devil's Claw
I don't think I've bought Basil seeds for 10 years, because I harvest my own seeds every year. (So many that I never use them all!) Basil seeds remain viable for many years... they seem to have an unlimited "shelf life".
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I don't cook with basil... (Actually, I try my best not to cook at all!)
The basil was always so pretty, that it didn't take long before I was just in love with it & started planting it every where! (That was before I found out that I could actually raise flowers without killing them! Now I plant them here & there among the flowers, & they're great for borders & behind low-growing ornamentals.)
Getting them started can be touchy sometimes, but I've found that warm (almost HOT) soil & lots of water seem to be the keys to germination & keeping it going. (Metal containers in full sun works really well.) Also, after starting from seed & babying them along, it was a bit distressing to lose so many basil plants shortly after transplanting... I finally figured out that I was transplanting them too soon, even though they looked hardy & healthy enough. (If I start the seeds indoors, rather than waiting to plant outdoors when the ground is VERY warm, the bigger they are when I transfer them to the garden, the better chance they have... & they take right off & grow at an amazing rate!)
Last year I had a whole garden section with nothing in it but basil, & it was absolutely to die for!
This year I took my basil obsession further, & thought I'd try creating a "Deer Barrier" along the outside of the chain-link fence that protects my veggie garden from the deer. (Every year, they've snacked on my tomatoes & the melon vines that spread out & lean against the fence!)
I built a bed, about 2 feet wide, down the 20 foot length of the fence, & planted GOBS of Sweet Basil (purple, variegated & green), along with Dill & Devil's Claw (because both of those are also plants that deer go out of their way to avoid).

It looked so cool when everything was in full flourish, & my "Deer Barrier" was a complete success! They turned away from that area every time they passed through the field... My melons, cucumbers & tomatoes haven't suffered from one single nibble this year!
The shot of the whole deer barrier didn't turn out very clear, so I'm throwing in a couple close-ups that did!

I don't think I've bought Basil seeds for 10 years, because I harvest my own seeds every year. (So many that I never use them all!) Basil seeds remain viable for many years... they seem to have an unlimited "shelf life".
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by tkhooper on September 08, 2006 10:04 PM
I love the picture of the purple basil. Do you ever trade the seeds? I'm also a basil addict. But have been focusing on the cinnamon basil. I think I would like to try some of the purple. If we could trade. I have lots of things on my trade list in the seed exchange. Or I could pay you for postage.
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by Deborah L. on September 09, 2006 04:51 AM
Patti, you don't use all that gorgeous basil for cooking?
Um, how far is Oregon from California...... lol.
I know what you mean about that fragrance-it helps when I feel kind of "blah". Wakes me up.
Aren't herbs TREASURES?
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Um, how far is Oregon from California...... lol.
I know what you mean about that fragrance-it helps when I feel kind of "blah". Wakes me up.
Aren't herbs TREASURES?
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by comfrey on September 09, 2006 09:31 AM
Patty your plants look very nice! Thats a great idea about using them as a deer barrier.
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by Triss on September 09, 2006 09:45 AM
Looks beautiful. Patty does have a way with basil. Mine flopped this year and she brought up some for my that is thriving. I think I am just gonna get some from her again next spring! ![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
by Deborah L. on September 09, 2006 09:52 AM
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by Patty S on September 11, 2006 09:05 AM
Encinitas is LOTS farther than Triss's house! Besides, I was heading for Bill's, & it was on my way!
I'm going as far as Oakland in about a month, Deborah... meet me at the Raider/Cardinal game, & I'll bring you some basil!!![[grin]](im/graemlins/grinnnn.gif)
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I'm going as far as Oakland in about a month, Deborah... meet me at the Raider/Cardinal game, & I'll bring you some basil!!
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by Deborah L. on September 11, 2006 09:47 AM
Patty, that's faaaaaaaaar away from me........
Thanks and LOL though !![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Thanks and LOL though !
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by Triss on September 11, 2006 10:46 AM
And just think, she is another, what, 10 hours north of Oakland???
Please tell me you are not going to cheer on the Raiders?
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
by Deborah L. on September 11, 2006 11:40 AM
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by Triss on September 11, 2006 11:43 PM
The Raiders remark was for Patty. The 10 hours north of Oakland was for you. Encinitas is south of San Diego, right? So you are about 10 hours from Oakland as well.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
by Deborah L. on September 12, 2006 06:43 AM
Encinitas IS San Diego.
Actually, San Diego county.
I'm in the north, about 3 miles in from the beach.
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Actually, San Diego county.
I'm in the north, about 3 miles in from the beach.
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by Deborah L. on September 12, 2006 06:44 AM
Triss, God bless you for your lovely signature today.
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It grew tall and lush. I didn't know that basil gets so big.
I like to tuck a few curls of basil inside a grilled cheese sandwich before grilling.
I'm thrilled about the basil !
No bugs either !
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