How to plant flowers
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
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by gardenmom32210 on June 03, 2004 03:14 AM
Hi and Welcome
to the forum. You'll find lots of good,smart people here. Plenty of good advice too
I always make sure when I'm putting plants in,that I put them in the ground at the same level they were in the pot. An exeption would be tomatos though,they do better if you bury most of the stalk. Others probably have more advice on both of these issues. We have some people here from Ca.,so maybe they'll stop in and help you out.
Glad to have you with us
See you on the boards
I always make sure when I'm putting plants in,that I put them in the ground at the same level they were in the pot. An exeption would be tomatos though,they do better if you bury most of the stalk. Others probably have more advice on both of these issues. We have some people here from Ca.,so maybe they'll stop in and help you out.
Glad to have you with us
by sibyl on June 03, 2004 04:12 AM
try the [gardening] in the gardening helper, LOTS of good info there
what kind of flowers are ya gonna plant?????
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try the [gardening] in the gardening helper, LOTS of good info there
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by Kam on June 03, 2004 07:46 AM
Originally posted by sibyl:
try the [gardening] in the gardening helper, LOTS of good info therewhat kind of flowers are ya gonna plant?????
I am not sure what plants/flowers to plant. I do not know much about plants. Does it matter? Are there certains ones good for the sun?
by Bill on June 03, 2004 05:02 PM
by sibyl on June 04, 2004 05:56 AM
Bill got em for ya!
just click on em, all kinds of info
THANK YOU BILL!![[flower]](im/graemlins/flower.gif)
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Bill got em for ya!
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I am new to the board. My name is Kam and I live in Sacramento, California.
We recently purchased a new house and want to plant some flowers in the front yard which is in direct sunlight, most of the day. We had some flowers in our previous home, but they always died. But here we have a sprinkler system, so I hope that helps.
I have a couple of questions:
1. Is there a good website that can show the correct way to plant the flowers.
2. What type of soil mix is the best. The ground in Sacramento is very hard.
I could use any tips and advice of my project!