Indoor mini herb garden
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by tkhooper on April 25, 2006 09:30 AM
Rosemary does better outside so I wouldn't choose it as one of your herbs.
Chives are great indoors and all you need to do is cut off the amount you want to use and then let it grow back. I usually plant a big bowl of chives because I like them in so many things.
I never have any luck with sage and oregano I don't know why yet. But maybe starting with plants for those would be better.
Cinnamon Basil is very easy but doesn't transplant at all well so start it in an 8 inch pot at least. It is an annual so pinch the flower blooms off before they get started. Because once it flowers it will die. And it changes the flavor of the leaves to a more bitter flavor.
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Chives are great indoors and all you need to do is cut off the amount you want to use and then let it grow back. I usually plant a big bowl of chives because I like them in so many things.
I never have any luck with sage and oregano I don't know why yet. But maybe starting with plants for those would be better.
Cinnamon Basil is very easy but doesn't transplant at all well so start it in an 8 inch pot at least. It is an annual so pinch the flower blooms off before they get started. Because once it flowers it will die. And it changes the flavor of the leaves to a more bitter flavor.
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by Amber Petersen on April 26, 2006 05:27 AM
That's great...just the sort of stuff I need to know. I haven't gotten it all started yet, but I can't WAIT!
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by rubberbandman on May 06, 2006 09:23 AM
I planted mint and chives and a week after I planted them they sprouted and are doing good so those are some of the herbs you should think about planting.
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people tell me I have the body of a god... too bad its buddah.
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people tell me I have the body of a god... too bad its buddah.
by LoveLilac on May 13, 2006 08:16 PM
How long does it take to start an Herb garden and then use the herbs for medicine?
And could one herb plant medicate a person for a long period of time without using it all up?
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No one escapes the wilderness on the way to their promised land.
And could one herb plant medicate a person for a long period of time without using it all up?
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No one escapes the wilderness on the way to their promised land.
by comfrey on May 14, 2006 05:08 PM
Originally posted by LoveLilac:
How long does it take to start an Herb garden and then use the herbs for medicine?
And could one herb plant medicate a person for a long period of time without using it all up?
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by jlapey on June 05, 2006 11:19 AM
I planted seeds 2-3 months ago of six different herbs in those little pellets that swell when wet. Once they reached 2 inches, I put half of each outside in a window box on my deck in full sun, and the other half inside in 4" pots in front of a sunny window. All plants are watered daily after 6pm. Below is my experience:
Oregano- sprouted almost immediately (2-3days). Grew quickly to 4-5 inches long indoors and then the roots rotted. (too much water). Outside they are still alive but only 1 to 2 inches tall and don't appear to have grown at all for weeks.
Rosemary- took the longest to sprout. Only 3 of the six planted grew. I kept them inside, they are now only about 3 inches long but fragrant. Don't appear to have grown much in the last few weeks.
Chives-Not doing well outside; still alive but not progressing much. The inside plants are very long but not as thick as the plants I've seen pictures of.
Sage-Not doing well outside either. Inside plant is growing like crazy. Very tall and fragrant but not very sturdy.
Parsley-Dried up outside, inside still doing very well.
Thyme-Also sprouted very quickly, inside plant is now a tangle of 7-8 inch long young, floppy, fragrant plants. Outside they are not as long but are standing sturdier. I think they are beginning to dry out though.
Not sure what to do to make them more hearty,or when to actually start using them.
Oregano- sprouted almost immediately (2-3days). Grew quickly to 4-5 inches long indoors and then the roots rotted. (too much water). Outside they are still alive but only 1 to 2 inches tall and don't appear to have grown at all for weeks.
Rosemary- took the longest to sprout. Only 3 of the six planted grew. I kept them inside, they are now only about 3 inches long but fragrant. Don't appear to have grown much in the last few weeks.
Chives-Not doing well outside; still alive but not progressing much. The inside plants are very long but not as thick as the plants I've seen pictures of.
Sage-Not doing well outside either. Inside plant is growing like crazy. Very tall and fragrant but not very sturdy.
Parsley-Dried up outside, inside still doing very well.
Thyme-Also sprouted very quickly, inside plant is now a tangle of 7-8 inch long young, floppy, fragrant plants. Outside they are not as long but are standing sturdier. I think they are beginning to dry out though.
Not sure what to do to make them more hearty,or when to actually start using them.
by comfrey on June 05, 2006 05:12 PM
Sounds as if you are doing a great job and noting the difference of the indoor versus the outdoor herbs is a great idea
It is a great way to learn things!!!! Here are some of my thoughts about the herbs you mentioned:
Oregano- Tends to grow slower at first, but since it is a perennial when it does take off growing you'll be surprised!
Rosemary- Another slow grower esp. indoors and That is really good to get 3 out of 6 to grow!!!!
Sage-What do you have it planted next to? And what kind of soil did you use for the outdoor (sage) plants? And do these plants get full sun or partial shade?
Thyme-Plants grown outdoors will be sturdier plants and produce more stems and leaves then indoors, all of the natural elements, like sun and moisture play a part in this, So for now you have the indoors one to use and the outdoors real bounty to come.
As far as when you can start using them, you can pluck a few springs or leaves now sounds like, But you will know when they start to get unruly it is time to give your plants a trim, also if they are starting to bloom that is a good time to usually harvest also, unless it is something you want to reseed its self, then let it bloom and seed and then cut the whole plant back to a more manageable size.
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Oregano- Tends to grow slower at first, but since it is a perennial when it does take off growing you'll be surprised!
Rosemary- Another slow grower esp. indoors and That is really good to get 3 out of 6 to grow!!!!
Sage-What do you have it planted next to? And what kind of soil did you use for the outdoor (sage) plants? And do these plants get full sun or partial shade?
Thyme-Plants grown outdoors will be sturdier plants and produce more stems and leaves then indoors, all of the natural elements, like sun and moisture play a part in this, So for now you have the indoors one to use and the outdoors real bounty to come.
As far as when you can start using them, you can pluck a few springs or leaves now sounds like, But you will know when they start to get unruly it is time to give your plants a trim, also if they are starting to bloom that is a good time to usually harvest also, unless it is something you want to reseed its self, then let it bloom and seed and then cut the whole plant back to a more manageable size.
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