Pepper Powder?
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by LandOfOz on August 12, 2006 05:54 AM
Here is what I do (I really like it with dried ancho chilies). Dry your chili by hanging it or making a hanging onion-pepper wreath. Someone here was making these gorgeous ones, but I can't find the topic anymore. I'll keep looking and post it if I can find it. Once the chilies are dry, I slice them into smaller chunks and let my food processor make them into a powder. I use this as a sub for store-bought chili powder.
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Sarah - Zone 5b/6

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Sarah - Zone 5b/6

by LandOfOz on August 12, 2006 05:57 AM
Why is it I always find what I'm looking for 2 seconds after I've quit looking?
Here is a very useful thread that I found. The ristras are so pretty, I'd hate to use the veggies!!
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Sarah - Zone 5b/6

![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Sarah - Zone 5b/6

by Marina on August 12, 2006 09:52 AM
Thanks for the advice and the link
My peppers are sooo tiny I am not sure how I am going to make a wreath or rista out of them. I have never made anything like that, can they lay down to dry or not as much?
My peppers are sooo tiny I am not sure how I am going to make a wreath or rista out of them. I have never made anything like that, can they lay down to dry or not as much?
by DeepCreekLake on August 12, 2006 12:55 PM
Put them in a Dehydrator, and let them dry until very hard (they should break if you bend them!). If they are a larger thicker walled pepper cut them open to dry them in the dehydrator, or even cut them into rings . Buy yourself a coffee grinder/mill. You can buy one at Wally World (Walmart) for about 11 to 12 bucks.Its a good idea to use a differnt one from one you use to grind your coffee beans unless you like an extra kick in your coffee! Put your dry peppers in the mill- Pulse it for a short bit if you want pepper flakes. Hold it down longer if you want powder, for use such as chili powders. It works great!
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