Fall Fling Seed Exchange V
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
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by tkhooper on November 14, 2006 05:27 AM
I'd like you to get them. If you would like I can send you a list of my doubles in my personal stash and you can pick from there. Does that sound like a deal?
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by kennyso on November 14, 2006 05:37 AM
sure Tammy that sounds fine! Thanks a ton
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Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth
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by tkhooper on November 14, 2006 12:31 PM
Ok it may take me a day or two to go through them all but as soon as I do I'll pm you.
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by penny in ontario on November 14, 2006 09:25 PM
by tkhooper on November 15, 2006 03:40 AM
Your very very welcome Penny.
Kenny don't let me forget about getting you that list. I can't do it today. I had appointments this morning and I have more this evening and in between I need a nap. But I don't think I have anything scheduled for tomorrow.
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Kenny don't let me forget about getting you that list. I can't do it today. I had appointments this morning and I have more this evening and in between I need a nap. But I don't think I have anything scheduled for tomorrow.
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by tkhooper on November 15, 2006 09:00 PM
Hey Kenny,
I finished going through my personal stash of seeds. Here is a list of the doubles. I hope you find some seeds that you like in this list. Or a combination of this list and my trade list.
Cockscomb, red
Cosmo 'senstation'
Cosmo pink & white
cosmo mixed colors
Cosmo orange
cosmo 'bright lights'
cypress vine, red
cinnamon basil
dill dusty miller
green onions
german catchfly
hollyhocks white with pinkish tones
hollyhocks var. pink
hummingbird mix
lettuce 'buttercrunch'
lettuce 'frisee'
lettuce 'scarole'
liatris 'blazing star'
leopard lily
malva zebrina
mums, miniature violet
mums yellow
red orange marigold
petunias mixed purples
green bell peppers
portulaca mixed colors
miniature snapdragon mixed
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I finished going through my personal stash of seeds. Here is a list of the doubles. I hope you find some seeds that you like in this list. Or a combination of this list and my trade list.
Cockscomb, red
Cosmo 'senstation'
Cosmo pink & white
cosmo mixed colors
Cosmo orange
cosmo 'bright lights'
cypress vine, red
cinnamon basil
dill dusty miller
green onions
german catchfly
hollyhocks white with pinkish tones
hollyhocks var. pink
hummingbird mix
lettuce 'buttercrunch'
lettuce 'frisee'
lettuce 'scarole'
liatris 'blazing star'
leopard lily
malva zebrina
mums, miniature violet
mums yellow
red orange marigold
petunias mixed purples
green bell peppers
portulaca mixed colors
miniature snapdragon mixed
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by cancolgirl on November 15, 2006 11:25 PM
Nothing as of yesterday. I will let you know if they come in the mail today.I've been busy with work stuff so it has kept me a little busy and not thinking about all those wonderful seeds that are in the package. Tammy, did I send out Salvia "Visat Red" seeds. (I should've kept a list of what I sent).If so, just to whoever got them I germinated some of the seeds in September, this is what they look like today. 
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Word of the day
jovial \JOH-vee-uhl\, adjective:
Merry; joyous; jolly; characterized by mirth or jollity.

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Word of the day
jovial \JOH-vee-uhl\, adjective:
Merry; joyous; jolly; characterized by mirth or jollity.
by tkhooper on November 15, 2006 11:41 PM
I don't think so cancolgirl. Those plants do look healthy. But I don't remember any salvia at all in the fall fling. But I could be wrong there might have been one or two. I don't have an alphabetical listing of all the seeds in the trade and with over 1000 packets it's hard to remember them all lol. It doesn't help that my memory is shot.
Thanks for the pictures though.
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Thanks for the pictures though.
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by cancolgirl on November 16, 2006 02:44 AM
It's here. I am happy. Got quite a few from my little wishlist. Thanks Tammy. A lot of surprises and one really good surprise, thanks to whoever put in the Dogwood seeds, I've been trying to get tree and bush seeds, so that was a nice treat. I will have to quit my job next spring to get everything ready for summer.
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Word of the day
jovial \JOH-vee-uhl\, adjective:
Merry; joyous; jolly; characterized by mirth or jollity.
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Word of the day
jovial \JOH-vee-uhl\, adjective:
Merry; joyous; jolly; characterized by mirth or jollity.
by tkhooper on November 16, 2006 05:18 AM
lol. I'm so glad they arrived. And I'm glad that you got some of the things that you wanted. I know what you mean about trying to get everything ready. Just the research for where would go good with what seems like a full time job and that's before I till the soil. Or fill the first starter tray lol. I'm glad they arrived.
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by kennyso on November 16, 2006 08:46 AM
Tammy, I got my seeds today, thanks so much they made my day! So many differnet inds of seeds...now it's just a matter of looking for containers and cheap soil so I can fill all the containers! Dirt ain't cheap LOL! I've sent you a PM
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Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth
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by tkhooper on November 16, 2006 07:48 PM
Hey Kennyso I got your pm. Your so right about the price of dirt. That's why I started composting. It's much cheaper. Enjoy the seeds and I'll send the others out in just a little while. Take care.
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by penny in ontario on November 16, 2006 09:08 PM
by tkhooper on November 16, 2006 11:09 PM
Woohoo that means that everyone has received their seeds. I guess that means the fall fling is officially closed. I'll miss it. We'll have to start a string somewhere where we plan what we are going to do with all our goodies lol.
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by penny in ontario on November 16, 2006 11:15 PM
by tkhooper on November 17, 2006 08:55 PM
Yes it is and so much fun.
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by PartyGirl on November 20, 2006 01:33 PM
Tammy, I need help on a pack of seeds I got from person #9. They are called 'Pastel Pea Vines', but there are 3 latin names these could be....some are tropical and some are hardy to Z2.
If you know who #9 is, could you send them email and ask them to please go to this webpage at Dave's Plant Files and ask them which one it most closely resembles? (They have to scroll down)
One of them is an endangered species, but they all are wonderful...just need to know how to sao them.
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If you know who #9 is, could you send them email and ask them to please go to this webpage at Dave's Plant Files and ask them which one it most closely resembles? (They have to scroll down)
One of them is an endangered species, but they all are wonderful...just need to know how to sao them.
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by tkhooper on November 20, 2006 07:16 PM
Hi PartyGirl, I sent off a pm and hopefully you'll have your information in a few days. I'm glad you seem to be enjoying your seeds.
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by tkhooper on November 21, 2006 12:27 AM
Hi PartyGirl,
The following is the information available about the seeds you received. I'm sorry the picture didn't paste. I'm not all that computer literate.
Its not on those pages.BUT I have a photo.but no name.I was in a round robin vine seed tradeing group about 3 years ago & ended up with this.It was labled as pastel pea vine& was listed as attracting butterflys.
I did try searching it once.Closest I came was a flat pea vine,but seeds don't match,but flowers are similar.
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The following is the information available about the seeds you received. I'm sorry the picture didn't paste. I'm not all that computer literate.
Its not on those pages.BUT I have a photo.but no name.I was in a round robin vine seed tradeing group about 3 years ago & ended up with this.It was labled as pastel pea vine& was listed as attracting butterflys.
I did try searching it once.Closest I came was a flat pea vine,but seeds don't match,but flowers are similar.
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by tkhooper on November 21, 2006 02:03 AM
Thankyou so much for the chocolate. I love chocolate. I'm glad your enjoying your seeds. I hope to hear all about your success with the wonder egg seeds.
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Thankyou so much for the chocolate. I love chocolate. I'm glad your enjoying your seeds. I hope to hear all about your success with the wonder egg seeds.
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by PartyGirl on November 23, 2006 02:32 PM
Ok. Thanks
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by cancolgirl on December 01, 2006 12:06 AM
So I am germinating a few of the seeds from the seed swap. I sowed them Nov 22nd. And so far in less than a week, the love-lies-bleeding started germinating, I sowed 5 of these seeds, yesterday a second one broke thru. So pretty. I am waiting for the wonder egg & siberian iris to germinate. I also sowed poppy and coneflower seeds, and from those only the poppy broke out sometime between last night and this morning.
Sibyl thanks for the love-lies-bleeding. Hany idea how long it takes for it to flower. I know a little premature considering it just germinated, but I have nothing better to do during the winter months.
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Word of the day
jovial \JOH-vee-uhl\, adjective:
Merry; joyous; jolly; characterized by mirth or jollity.
Sibyl thanks for the love-lies-bleeding. Hany idea how long it takes for it to flower. I know a little premature considering it just germinated, but I have nothing better to do during the winter months.
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Word of the day
jovial \JOH-vee-uhl\, adjective:
Merry; joyous; jolly; characterized by mirth or jollity.
by sibyl on December 01, 2006 02:28 PM
i start my seeds in spring out side, about a week or so thy'll pop up, dont flower till late summer, never tried em inside,
think i might try that! i live in a vally so all my flowers are late to bloom and early to die, compaired to the hill poeple
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