Mulch vs weeds
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by alankhart on May 17, 2004 11:16 PM
You can use a general all purpose weed killer like Round-up but be VERY careful not to get it on your flowers as it will kill everything. The best way to do it is to use a small paint brush or sponge and wipe it on the weeds...this way you'll avoid any spray that might accidentally get on your flowers.
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by Ronni on May 18, 2004 01:08 PM
OK, thanks.
Can I immediately mulch over the weeds I paint with Round up? Or do I have to wait till they're dead to mulch again?
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Can I immediately mulch over the weeds I paint with Round up? Or do I have to wait till they're dead to mulch again?
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by Slambrecht on May 24, 2004 02:44 AM
Just wait a day as to not spread the stuff while it is still wet. You are fine after that.
by Nan D on May 25, 2004 03:22 AM
Ronni, I like Preen. You can't use it where you plant seeds, but it is wonderful around plants. Easy to use to.
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by sibyl on May 26, 2004 10:27 PM
has anyone tried using a thick layer of news paper under the mulch? they use news paper in lagna gardens & say weeds dont grow through it. im not shure you should put it over seeds. ????
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Search The Garden Helper:
I want to re-mulch to build up a thicker layer, but I have stray weeds poking up through the mulching I did last time. I've tried pulling them, but they just come back, as weeds tend to do
Is there any product or chemical or weed killer I can buy? I'm thinking I want to just spray those individual weeds and then put another layer of mulch over the top, and let the weed killer do its job.
What should I buy? Will this work?
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