Shrub Rose Question
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by JV on May 01, 2005 03:23 AM
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Greg does the place you bought this Rose normaly have healthy plants, did Rose get dropped or get too hold or cold on way home,Does the pot drain good.
I know these are only question but I have found if I ask myself a lot of questions I can narrow down what could be wrong. I normally have some wilt when I replant any flower.
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Greg does the place you bought this Rose normaly have healthy plants, did Rose get dropped or get too hold or cold on way home,Does the pot drain good.
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Meet Clyde my Male Sugar Glider. Clyde says.
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by Barb Illinois Zone 5 on May 03, 2005 07:20 AM
Hi, Greg!
Sorry to hear about your rose problem. It sounds as though it may have a bit of transplant shock but we've also had some really cold, unseasonable weather here too. That may be the cause for wilt.
If the plant is in a clay pot, the soil may be drying out too quickly. You might want to try keeping it in a semi-shaded, wind protected area for a few days while keeping track of the soil moisture. If it perks back up, fine; if not, and you bought it from a reputable nursery ask for their advice.
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Life is not a journey to the grave with the intent of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming,
Sorry to hear about your rose problem. It sounds as though it may have a bit of transplant shock but we've also had some really cold, unseasonable weather here too. That may be the cause for wilt.
If the plant is in a clay pot, the soil may be drying out too quickly. You might want to try keeping it in a semi-shaded, wind protected area for a few days while keeping track of the soil moisture. If it perks back up, fine; if not, and you bought it from a reputable nursery ask for their advice.
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Life is not a journey to the grave with the intent of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming,
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I bought a shrub rose the other day and planted it into a pot and sat it on my porch.
I looked out yesterday and the tops were already wilting..
Any thoughts on this?
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