Japanese Azlea
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by alankhart on January 29, 2005 12:53 AM
Azaleas have shallow roots, but none should be above ground. You should push it back down or cover it up with a little bit of soil...otherwise the root could dry out and possibly harm the plant.
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by princessazlea on January 29, 2005 02:00 PM
Thanks Alankhart for the advise ![[thumb]](im/graemlins/thumb.gif)
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"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens".
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"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens".
by obywan59 on January 30, 2005 01:36 AM
If the soil the azalea is in is clay, it might not have enough drainage. I've planted azaleas and rhododendrons with as much as half of their rootballs above ground to provide better drainage. But you still need to cover the rootball well with mulch.
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I have noticed that the root is pushing up to the surface. Is this normal? should I push the root back down into the soil or should I just leave it?
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