The Gazebo Is Here!
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by phoenix on May 10, 2005 05:22 PM
quote:if the squitos are really bad, brrokstone or sharper image stores have a "mosquito trap"
by the time the mosquitos start
i don't know if you have seen them. what they do is ... you place the unit(it looks like a small grill) at one end of your yard,preferably where most of the squitos are,and the unit "puts out" a scent that draws the nasty buggers into the unit and they get trapped inside and suffocate. there are some on the market that are very expensive,but some are much less. hope your special day is EXTRA special and filled with magic and wonder
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"If you want to talk bollocks and discuss the meaning of life,you're better off downing a bottle of whiskey.That way you're drunk by the time you start to take yourself seriously"
by Dixie Angel on May 10, 2005 05:46 PM
Thanks for the well-wishes, Phoenix, and the advice about the skeeter grills.
Jim and I looked at some at the end of last year but never did buy one of those contraptions. Seemed like a lot of money for them. Do they work really well? We have skeeters big enough to tote Angel (my pup child) off! We definitely have to keep her on heartworm medicine year round.
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Jim and I looked at some at the end of last year but never did buy one of those contraptions. Seemed like a lot of money for them. Do they work really well? We have skeeters big enough to tote Angel (my pup child) off! We definitely have to keep her on heartworm medicine year round.
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by weezie13 on May 12, 2005 05:44 AM
NO one will notice what you were planning
and didn't get to it..Don't stress over it,
And my favorite, think of the clean~up later,
if you don't get to putting something up, you
don't have to take it down and take care of it later...
Relax, it's supposed to be your day to have fun..
P/S I've been thinkin' of you and the wedding coming up, I have to work this weekend and I won't have a chance on the big day to say a few well wishes, Friday and Saturday, 13 hour day on Saturday, but I'll be thinkin' of you all, alllllllllll day!!
And have funnnnnnnnnnnn!! Reallllllly!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
quote:Take a deep breath in and say, if it gets done, it gets done....if it doesn't, it doesn't!!!
My chest has hurt the past two weeks.
NO one will notice what you were planning
and didn't get to it..Don't stress over it,
And my favorite, think of the clean~up later,
if you don't get to putting something up, you
don't have to take it down and take care of it later...
Relax, it's supposed to be your day to have fun..
P/S I've been thinkin' of you and the wedding coming up, I have to work this weekend and I won't have a chance on the big day to say a few well wishes, Friday and Saturday, 13 hour day on Saturday, but I'll be thinkin' of you all, alllllllllll day!!
And have funnnnnnnnnnnn!! Reallllllly!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
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Vanessa, are you here yet? I thought you were on your way.
Laura, I am too busy to get nervous, I think. Today I will be steam-cleaning the carpet. Jim's parents will be here tomorrow night and I told them not to even think about staying in the motel. I want them here so we will be able to spend some time with them.
Meg, I am sure we will be thinking about how to screen the gazebo in by the time the mosquitos start eating dinner.
Yesterday I washed all the outdoor cushions and some tables that have been loaned to us. Jim is bringing home 20 bales of hay today after work. We are renting some more tables and chairs if we can't beg or borrow what we think we will need.
Saturday, my aunt came down so we could decorate the gazebo and make sure everything will be as we want it. On the gazebo we are putting wildflowers since they are my favorite. On the deck will be my mother's favorite (yellow roses). We had Jim nail white rope around the deck, too.
Jim built the "hitching post" for me, but I still haven't decorated it with my stick ponies, hay bales, and wheat straw. I still have to paint my little sign for it, too.
We stayed up til 3:00 Sunday morning. My aunt was trying to get used to the sound system we will be using for karaoke. It's not quite as big as the one we use at the club, and the controls are way different. We didn't want to have to drag the big one out in case it rains. We could get my personal system broken down and in the house in a skinny minute if need be.
Jim took us out to eat at Sticky Fingers (rib house) on Mother's Day. I think I gained a pound or two!
I am so tired. Jim said last night we ought to just haul off and go get married already and just have a big party on Saturday. He knows the stress that I am under isn't doing me any good with the MVP. My chest has hurt the past two weeks. I haven't said anything to him about it, but he knows me.
I may not be on here posting too much in the next few days, but I will be thinking about everyone. I have been trying to at least read some when I have taken my breaks. I will have lots to read by the time everything settles down. I will make sure we have plenty of pics that I can share when it is over.
Gosh, I just realized. I still have to write my vows sometime today.
I will try to up-date about the wedding progress if I can during the week. If I don't find time, though, remember it is not because I have forgotten my Garden Helper friends.
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