What's everyone doing to their flower gardens...
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by amy7467 on October 20, 2006 05:01 AM
I'm harvesting anything that's left of the herbs because I don't know what all will come back. I'm definitely going to plan better for next year and I am digging new beds now instead of waiting til I get back from the nursery with a carload of stuff like I did this year. Still pulling seeds off of everything I can find. The neighbor pruned his Rose of Sharons before I could get all of the pods, but I got some! And I'm waiting til the kids get done playing in the leaves so I can bag them for my compost.
by Deborah L. on October 20, 2006 05:59 AM
600 tulips?????
I got a bag of 40 and thought that was a big deal !
600 !? Wow !
What fun to plant them now. Mine are in the fridge until February.
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I got a bag of 40 and thought that was a big deal !
600 !? Wow !
What fun to plant them now. Mine are in the fridge until February.
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by sibyl on October 20, 2006 08:07 AM
i guess that one good thing about having winters here, id need another frig one for my food and another for my spring bulbs!!! but then again i still have yet to dig up my tender bulbs,gotta do that soon,
so far i took out most of my annuals that died off,still getting seeds from the ones that surived the freeze. planted 3 kinds of tulips, more daffodils,alliums,holland charms,alpine bells, and dainty duch iris.
got some leaves raked up, but then again their still falling,
im already planing for next year!
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i guess that one good thing about having winters here, id need another frig one for my food and another for my spring bulbs!!! but then again i still have yet to dig up my tender bulbs,gotta do that soon,
so far i took out most of my annuals that died off,still getting seeds from the ones that surived the freeze. planted 3 kinds of tulips, more daffodils,alliums,holland charms,alpine bells, and dainty duch iris.
got some leaves raked up, but then again their still falling,
im already planing for next year!
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by Deborah L. on October 20, 2006 08:42 AM
I love iris - does it come back or do you have to buy more bulbs?
Also, does the whole iris plant die down like a tulip does? Or is it evergreen?
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Also, does the whole iris plant die down like a tulip does? Or is it evergreen?
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by sibyl on October 20, 2006 02:35 PM
iris are perennials,they come back every year, this is my first time for the dainty duch irises,their bulbs, their die off then come back.
my bearded irises grow from rhizomes,
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iris are perennials,they come back every year, this is my first time for the dainty duch irises,their bulbs, their die off then come back.
my bearded irises grow from rhizomes,
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by tkhooper on October 20, 2006 07:21 PM
I'm watching my lettuce get bigger and bigger and loving it. And I'm collecting seeds from my zinnia, coleus and cinnamon basil as it becomes ready. And of course keeping everything organized for the Fall Fling Seed Exchange. I've been thinking about trying to take a softwood cutting from my one remaining carnation. But I'm chicken. I have a bunch of weeding to do in my burm but haven't been able to motivate myself yet. I've had a lot of little bugs this fall and it's kept me from feeling overly energetic. And I want to get in there and turn the compost pile again. And by now the leaves should have started falling so I want to rake them up to add to the compost.
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by johnCT on October 20, 2006 10:43 PM
I cannot imagine planting 600 tulip bulbs being fun, lol. ![[shocked]](im/graemlins/shock.gif)
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John - Zone 6
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John - Zone 6
by rainie on October 20, 2006 11:50 PM
Well, it wasn't exactly fun... But keep in mind it was 600 total bulbs and some of the grape hyacinths and smaller alliums went in by the handfull
It wasn't an easy task, but I just kept imagining what I would see this spring! I really am hoping they spread, I can't do this again next year.... I think the only thing that won't spread are some of my really "fun" hybrid tulips, the rest ought to go bonkers - I have some critters around, so I hope I didn't just spend $300 on squirell food!
by njoynit on October 21, 2006 11:27 AM
I would end up with 3 FRIDGES.The food one...the beer one& one for plants.I like tulips,but they don't do my zone well.I like alluims.I need to add more of them.
I recently removed chocolate mint from a bed where it didn't belong after collecting seeds of course.I've been makeing stakes with broke limbs for plants that got too much rain this week.We doing sidewalk in front of flowerbed.....10 bags at a time per section.I've been able to disappear all 3 times for helping.(well....the 1st one I did haul 3 80 lb bags& then pleed to pee*yep...a good one....just do the pee dance& they'll believe ya*)Got new brugmansia cuttings started.been rakeing some(hey 1 hour of rakeing burns 150 calories!)
I CAN imagine planting 600 bulbs....I've planted 121 rose bushes before...bigger holes& was so glad when it was over.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
I recently removed chocolate mint from a bed where it didn't belong after collecting seeds of course.I've been makeing stakes with broke limbs for plants that got too much rain this week.We doing sidewalk in front of flowerbed.....10 bags at a time per section.I've been able to disappear all 3 times for helping.(well....the 1st one I did haul 3 80 lb bags& then pleed to pee*yep...a good one....just do the pee dance& they'll believe ya*)Got new brugmansia cuttings started.been rakeing some(hey 1 hour of rakeing burns 150 calories!)
I CAN imagine planting 600 bulbs....I've planted 121 rose bushes before...bigger holes& was so glad when it was over.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by gardenkitten on October 21, 2006 09:29 PM
I planted about 50 bulbs a few days ago. I've also been digging up some weeds in my front bed, and removing some Daylily leaves with leafstreak. I'm just trying to find anything to do at this point.
by tkhooper on October 21, 2006 10:59 PM
Well I walked out there this morning to inspect the lettuce. It's doing great. And I'm looking at my pepper plants and wondering if there is anywhere in my apartment where I might over winter one. But there just isn't any space. Grrrrh. I need a greenhouse and a car. The car doesn't have to run I just need a place to sleep so that I can have all the flowers I want lol. Have I gone completely bonkers? Yes I have.
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by myndful on October 22, 2006 05:08 AM
Hmm...how about moving the mattress to the floor and arranging your taller plants around it? Kinda like sleeping in the jungle...at least you'd still be in the house!
Today, I managed to plant my fruit cocktail trees and cut down my flax. The flax is being recycled into the lasagne garden that is slowly being built.
My lettuce, brussels sprouts and broccoli are doing great, loving the chilly nights!
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Today, I managed to plant my fruit cocktail trees and cut down my flax. The flax is being recycled into the lasagne garden that is slowly being built.
My lettuce, brussels sprouts and broccoli are doing great, loving the chilly nights!
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by rainie on October 23, 2006 11:18 PM
what do you think of that fruit coctail tree? I am considering buying one this spring, anyone out there also have some experience with them?
by myndful on October 24, 2006 01:21 AM
It should be interesting. I've heard good and bad about them.
The nursery guy said the grafts all fruited this year, and he helped me choose the healthiest ones - by which I mean all four grafts had survived! Apparently, sometimes the grafts fail and one type becomes dominant...I guess we'll see next year!
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The nursery guy said the grafts all fruited this year, and he helped me choose the healthiest ones - by which I mean all four grafts had survived! Apparently, sometimes the grafts fail and one type becomes dominant...I guess we'll see next year!
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by Deborah L. on October 24, 2006 02:42 AM
What's a fruit cocktail tree and what's on it?
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by rainie on October 24, 2006 06:48 AM
Hi Deb - here's a link of the tree, they have it at direct gardening
by sibyl on October 24, 2006 09:07 PM
we had snow flurries yesterday!
had to run outside and dig up all my tender bulbs! today im gonna toss some extra leaves on everything.
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by rainie on October 24, 2006 09:33 PM
Yuppers - I am in Cleveland and we are getting two to three inches of snow tonight
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
by sibyl on October 25, 2006 01:14 AM
cleveland ohio?
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by rainie on October 25, 2006 04:33 AM
by gardenkitten on October 25, 2006 06:44 AM
I expanded my back bed today using the lasagna method! I can't wait to plant come Spring!
by sibyl on October 25, 2006 08:44 AM
im adding more flower beds to next spring! also gotta finish my little pond, right now im cleaning up, taking notes what to do for next spring!
your up by lake erie! ive only been up there a couple times. its soooooooo pretty.
im all the way down here in p.a close to the border of wv by steubenville ohio.
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your up by lake erie! ive only been up there a couple times. its soooooooo pretty.
im all the way down here in p.a close to the border of wv by steubenville ohio.
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by Deborah L. on October 25, 2006 12:07 PM
Thanks, Rainie.
That is so cool ! I've never heard of a fruit cocktail tree.
Dang git-it says they don't ship to California. I'll ask at my nursery.
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That is so cool ! I've never heard of a fruit cocktail tree.
Dang git-it says they don't ship to California. I'll ask at my nursery.
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