Statice Question
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
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by Vera_M on October 07, 2006 07:43 AM
Mine sure did tolerate dry conditions in 90+ degree weather! There are both annual and perennial types. The annuals will be killed back by the first hard frost. The perennial types are hardy to zone 4. So depending on what part of ND you live they may survive if you have the perennial. I grew a crop of the Limonium sinuata (annual Statice) while finishing my last quarter as a Greenhouse/Nursery student...of course I had to bring some home
The flowers are great as everlastings! Cut stems then hang in bunches to dry. They hold their color well.
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
The flowers are great as everlastings! Cut stems then hang in bunches to dry. They hold their color well.
by Deborah L. on October 07, 2006 07:58 AM
Thanks, Vera.
I'm in California, not ND.
I'm not sure which one I got, but it has purple and white flowers.
I hadn't noticed the teeny white blossoms earlier.
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I'm in California, not ND.
I'm not sure which one I got, but it has purple and white flowers.
I hadn't noticed the teeny white blossoms earlier.
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It's that neat plant with rubbery leaves and dry flowers.
Any tips? It seems as though it would like or tolerate dry conditions. Right or wrong?
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