No Blooms on Dahlia
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by weezie13 on July 27, 2006 09:56 AM
Did you cut them back last year?
If yes, when, what timing was it?
Like just after flowering???
What all did you do to them last year?
ie: where were they planted, type of soil,
how was the watering, what type of fertilizing,
and what kind of sun exposure????
And I loveee Dahlia's...
I have several..
and last year, I started some from
a 10cent seed package I found.
There were 10 seeds, and 8 plants lived..
and they are just soooooooo much fun this year..
Keep us posted???
*andddddddd a very big Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum, we are very glad you found us!*
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
If yes, when, what timing was it?
Like just after flowering???
What all did you do to them last year?
ie: where were they planted, type of soil,
how was the watering, what type of fertilizing,
and what kind of sun exposure????
And I loveee Dahlia's...
I have several..
and last year, I started some from
a 10cent seed package I found.
There were 10 seeds, and 8 plants lived..
and they are just soooooooo much fun this year..
Keep us posted???
*andddddddd a very big Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum, we are very glad you found us!*
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by alankhart on July 28, 2006 03:37 AM
Are these the same ones from last year? Did you leave them in the ground or dig them up and replant them this year? If they were replanted, it would depend on when you planted them as to when they will bloom. Dahlias prefer cool weather so they may take off when it gets a little cooler. You don't want to cut them back right's too early. They need to gain energy for next years blooms. Wait until the first frost and then cut them back or dig them up and store them for next year.
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by buzylady on July 28, 2006 03:53 AM
alankhart- you say daylias are cool weather plants, but do they still need full sun? Mine doesn't look too good. They keep drying out and the flowers don't last long. Do you deadhead alot? The ones I kept from last yr. Are bigger than the ones I bought this yr. to replace the ones that didn't come back. I took them in in for the winter. They're in pots.
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buzz buzz buzz
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buzz buzz buzz
by alankhart on July 28, 2006 10:35 AM
They do prefer sun, but will grow with some shade as well. They need well drained soil and frequent watering if no rain. Deadheading will keep them blooming longer. Just cut off the old bloom being careful not to cut where the new buds will form. I have one that starts blooming in late May, I cut it back in late July after it's pretty much done blooming and it blooms again in September.
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by carolynp on July 29, 2006 04:09 AM
These are new flowers from last year. The soil here has clay. I've been more attentive this year than last, but instead haven't had any blooms. We had a pretty rainy week and then it's been blazing hot, so I'm wondering if this makes a difference. Some gardens in my neighborhood, however, have dahlias popping up. I've gone ahead and done some topping to the plants in hopes that this will help with the bloom.
Thanks for the welcome and all of the advice!
Thanks for the welcome and all of the advice!
Originally posted by weezie13:
Did you cut them back last year?
If yes, when, what timing was it?
Like just after flowering???
What all did you do to them last year?
ie: where were they planted, type of soil,
how was the watering, what type of fertilizing,
and what kind of sun exposure????
And I loveee Dahlia's...
I have several..
and last year, I started some from
a 10cent seed package I found.
There were 10 seeds, and 8 plants lived..
and they are just soooooooo much fun this year..
Keep us posted???
*andddddddd a very big Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum, we are very glad you found us!*
by carolynp on July 29, 2006 04:11 AM
Thanks Alan. They are different flowers from last year. It's been very hot here, so maybe they'll take off once things (hopefully) cool down.
Originally posted by alankhart:
Are these the same ones from last year? Did you leave them in the ground or dig them up and replant them this year? If they were replanted, it would depend on when you planted them as to when they will bloom. Dahlias prefer cool weather so they may take off when it gets a little cooler. You don't want to cut them back right's too early. They need to gain energy for next years blooms. Wait until the first frost and then cut them back or dig them up and store them for next year.
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I did use a bulb tone (low nitrogen), but wonder if it still was too much.
At this point, should I just accept their no bloom fate or try cutting them back? If I do cut them back, how should I go about doing so?
Any advice is appreciated. I'm so sad they're not growing as they are my favorites! Thank You!