Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by Renee on January 08, 2004 07:12 PM
How big were you thinking it should be?
by Renee on January 08, 2004 07:29 PM
by Renee on January 08, 2004 07:49 PM
these look really nice and have a side door
these look really nice and have a side door
by Renee on January 08, 2004 07:55 PM
by plants 'n pots on January 08, 2004 08:03 PM
Renee ~
Thanks so much for those terrific links! I will look into them further. The one that has the side door doesn't say which one it is - I'm going to try to call them.
The area that we want to put it has a 12 x 12 concrete slab patio, so we could fill most of that area, depending on where the door is.
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Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
Thanks so much for those terrific links! I will look into them further. The one that has the side door doesn't say which one it is - I'm going to try to call them.
The area that we want to put it has a 12 x 12 concrete slab patio, so we could fill most of that area, depending on where the door is.
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by Jillie on January 09, 2004 04:37 AM
Oh, Lynne, what a Sweetie you have for a Hub. A GREENHOUSE!!!! WOW!
Are you so excited you can't stand it???
Heck, I'm so excited for you I can't stand it.....
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Are you so excited you can't stand it???
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by plants 'n pots on January 09, 2004 04:48 AM
Jillie~ You are just so cute and sweet!!!
Can I bottle you up and save you for a rainy day?!?
As for the greenhouse... still researching what to do about the sliding door. But it will be a dream come true when it comes to fruition!
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Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
Can I bottle you up and save you for a rainy day?!?
As for the greenhouse... still researching what to do about the sliding door. But it will be a dream come true when it comes to fruition!
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by Jillie on January 09, 2004 04:59 AM
Awwwe thanks, Hun....
Are you already dreaming of what you can grow??? What have you thought of???
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Are you already dreaming of what you can grow??? What have you thought of???
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by plants 'n pots on January 09, 2004 05:13 AM
I would definitely like to grow some tropical flowering plants, and mostly get a good start on seedlings. I am able to start a few in my house, but don't have great window coverage.
I'd also like to be able to overwinter more plants - right now I have 2 geraniums by those sliding doors, and a surprise annual lobelia that seeded itself in a hanging basket that had a bouganvillia that never grew or flowered and is now dead.
The lobelia was flowering up until a few weeks ago indoors - never had that happen before - the possibilities with a greenhouse are endless!
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Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
I'd also like to be able to overwinter more plants - right now I have 2 geraniums by those sliding doors, and a surprise annual lobelia that seeded itself in a hanging basket that had a bouganvillia that never grew or flowered and is now dead.
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by Jillie on January 09, 2004 05:31 AM
Ooooh, oooh,....
thought of SCENTED geraniums???
Dang, I'm getting into YOUR greenhouse.... This is so cool!
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thought of SCENTED geraniums???
Dang, I'm getting into YOUR greenhouse.... This is so cool!
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That said, I really would like access to the greenhouse during the freezing winter months without having to bare the elements - what I was thinking was putting a free standing one next to the sliders and my husband could build a removable vestibule from the sliders to the greenhouse. The only problem here is that I can't seem to find one that has the door on the side instead of the end. I found one, but it was EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE.
I always seem to come up with these problems with no easy solution... and as a result don't get to have what I would like.
Any suggestions?
Am I really going to have to lose the use of that door to gain what I've been wanting for years?
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"