Aloe Vera
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by Jiffymouse on December 19, 2004 06:59 AM
well, i wouldn't have run them through the juicer, but since you did already, what i would do is take ice trays and frees the slush into cubes. then you can take one out of the freezer as you need it. it will keep a very long time frozen. and if you freeze it in cubes, then put the cubes in a large zip lock bag, you will have them ready and waiting for you!
next time, you can just freeze the leaves whole. that works well too!
next time, you can just freeze the leaves whole. that works well too!
by Jiffymouse on December 19, 2004 07:02 AM
oh, and by the way
welcome to the garden helper!
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by DITTO on December 19, 2004 07:39 AM
Tanks Jiffy, I think that would work, next time I'll know.
by njoynit on December 20, 2004 01:34 AM
I didn't know could freeze it.I have some leaves that got damaged and have in zippie in fridge.I use them too.I recently damaged a leaf when potted mine up.I let the plant lean on edge of rim and it turned black,I potted mine in a 3 gallon pot.I think will need something"wheelbarrell"size for next yr.I didn't get transplant shock this year either.I didn't water it for 2 weeks after potting up.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by DITTO on December 20, 2004 06:02 AM
njoynit, You 'damaged' a leaf...? I 'm not sure that can be done! I swore I killed one of my 3 pot of 'em more time than I can count and out of the 4 plants I juice the 2 in that pot were the biggest. That pot was the last one to be moved out of my sun porch this past spring and were forgot for months - maybe 3, in the south TX heat. The leaves were flat thin and gray. I moved them out in the shade, watered them and they went crazy. But I know what you mean about damaging a leaf. Mine were going over the pot and I had alot of that, Ditto
Search The Garden Helper:
I'm bring plants in the house for winter and my aloe plants are so big they are tipping the pots over. I cut the large plants out, leaving the younger newer ones, and ran them through my juicer. Now I have a large mixing bowl of ?? juice/gel/froth. Should I boil it down, store in the fridge as is or what? Any ideas, hope some one has one. Tanks a bunch, Ditto