tiger lilly
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by ljtasker on June 23, 2006 08:27 AM
I have some lemon lilies and some other color that is darker than tiger lilies. My question is, why don't i get but only a few blossoms?
by alankhart on June 23, 2006 08:33 AM
How long have you had them? The more mature the bulb, the more blooms you get. Do they get around 6 or more hours of sunlight each day? Lilies prefer full sun to a little shade to bloom well. Lastly, what type of soil are they in? Very dry soil will result in fewer blooms.
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by dodge on June 23, 2006 02:53 PM
LIlies.......I have mine in part shade , Afternoon sun..
But this year seems to be a problem.. Lots of flowers are not blooming or mature.
Lets blame it on mom nature..
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
LIlies.......I have mine in part shade , Afternoon sun..
But this year seems to be a problem.. Lots of flowers are not blooming or mature.
Lets blame it on mom nature..
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by ChillnPepper on June 25, 2006 03:58 AM
Mine blooooomed n they were SO pretty! Then something ate them. So the stalk is still standing, very healthy n well! But no lillies.I got to enjoy them maybe 3 days.
Made me sick
But they were pretty....
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"Live simply; expect little, give much...scatter sunshine."
M. J. McLeod
~Zone 8a~
Mine blooooomed n they were SO pretty! Then something ate them. So the stalk is still standing, very healthy n well! But no lillies.I got to enjoy them maybe 3 days.
Made me sick
But they were pretty....
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"Live simply; expect little, give much...scatter sunshine."
M. J. McLeod
~Zone 8a~
by dodge on June 25, 2006 04:14 AM
You better hunt the eater..........
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
You better hunt the eater..........
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by plants 'n pots on June 25, 2006 04:17 AM
ChillinPepper...do you have deer there?
That's what happens with my lilies almost every year. But this year I kept sprinkling Milorganite around the lily plants - even last night, and I am getting to enjoy most of my lilies for the first time - they are sooooooooo pretty!
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Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
That's what happens with my lilies almost every year. But this year I kept sprinkling Milorganite around the lily plants - even last night, and I am getting to enjoy most of my lilies for the first time - they are sooooooooo pretty!
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by dodge on June 25, 2006 05:34 AM
Here is my favorite Lily.. Right now, it is full of blossoms and there are more colors to come, like pink and yellow..I have 11.

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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Here is my favorite Lily.. Right now, it is full of blossoms and there are more colors to come, like pink and yellow..I have 11.

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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by ljtasker on June 27, 2006 11:09 AM
Hi, this is the original gardener to post this question.
These are not day lilies, these are the kind with the long grassy leaves. Nope, got no pest eating them...there just are no blossoms. Any ideas?
by tkhooper on June 27, 2006 11:24 AM
If you are growing them from seeds they take many years before they bloom or at least that's what I've heard. I'm in the same boat with the two I have.
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by dodge on June 27, 2006 12:24 PM
I have also the long grassy lily.....They didnt get but 2 foot tall, no blooms at all this year.. i will see if I have last years photo.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
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