Artemisia (Wormwood)
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by DaisyM on May 18, 2006 09:12 AM
I'm not sure if artemisia is an actual shrub or more of a foliage plant, so I'm posting my question here. I bought two plants last year and planted them under a window that doesn't get rain. They said they are perennial, but something tells me they didn't survive our winter. The branches/foliage are brownish and dry. I watered them and it didn't make any difference. Does the new growth come in shoots from the ground, or does the foliage remain green throughout the winter? Does it sound like these plants are finished for good?
by alankhart on May 18, 2006 09:31 AM
It depends on the type of artemesia you have, but the mounding type gets a woody base like lavender and some other herbs. In cold climates the foliage usually turns brown and dies and you can cut the plant back to it's woody base and it will grow back from there. It's possible yours didn't survive the winter or the lack of water, but don't give up just yet. Give it more time and you may get new growth since they can be a little slow to start growing again after winter.
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by DaisyM on May 18, 2006 10:13 AM
Thanks, I'm trying to find the tag that came with it but can't. The one thing I do remember is that it said it was drought resistant, that's why I bought it in the first place. It had little silver leaves and was shaped in a mound. LoL, I don't know if anything I said will help to identify it from the others?
by alankhart on May 18, 2006 12:02 PM
Sounds like it could be either Silver Mound or Powis Castle. Both have silver feathery foliage and are drought tolerant once established. Hopefully they are just late getting going this year.
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by DaisyM on May 18, 2006 12:22 PM
I think it's the Powis Castle. The name sounds familiar.
by kyjoy on May 19, 2006 04:17 AM
How about Dusty Miller?
by DaisyM on May 19, 2006 05:41 AM
No, I've had dusty miller before in my flowerbed and it's not it. This is a nice global shapped plant that almost looks like a little shrub with woody branches, and I'm pretty sure it's powis castle because the name sounds so familiar to me. My sister just told me that she has a silver mound and said hers dies off for the winter and comes up with new shoots in the center from the ground up but I don't see anything yet?. I am going to leave it for now and see what happens. It seems like more than one thing around here is late in coming up this year? Thanks....
by tkhooper on May 20, 2006 09:17 AM
I have wormwood sprouts that I haven't even planted outside yet. I can't think of a place where I want to put them. I was going to use them as a border around the sunny bulb bed but I got dusty millers there instead so now I'm kind of stumped. I may put them over by the building and see if they will help keep the soil in place. It's a thought anyway. I won't know until they are planted lol.
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