Peonies...Divide or Not?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by johnCT on April 29, 2006 12:41 AM
quote:Yes, it is true. They still can be divided however, but just be sure to keep at least a few eyes per division and don't re-plant them too deep.
Originally posted by TheGardenerGuy:
I have read one can leave peonies in their spots for this true?
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John - Zone 6
by weezie13 on April 29, 2006 01:18 AM
Has there been anything put on the top of the dirt on or where they are planted???
Sometimes if there's stuff on top of the dirt line, and they have to take more energy to get thru it all, they won't bloom..
They like to be at a certain level and that's it..
I found out that when I was putting compost on the dirt on top... it was a no~no for mine, I finally had to pull it all back some for them
to come around....
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Has there been anything put on the top of the dirt on or where they are planted???
Sometimes if there's stuff on top of the dirt line, and they have to take more energy to get thru it all, they won't bloom..
They like to be at a certain level and that's it..
I found out that when I was putting compost on the dirt on top... it was a no~no for mine, I finally had to pull it all back some for them
to come around....
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by tkhooper on April 29, 2006 01:46 AM
So true, and I've read that it takes three to seven years for your first blooms to appear on newly planted roots. I planted mine just last year and they are still just a few stalks but I'm so looking forward to next year when they bloom.
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by TheGardenerGuy on April 29, 2006 02:00 AM
Nothing on top....they have bloomed wonderfully for the last few years...except the red one which we planted about 5 years ago...
They just seem like they are getting "cramped" together..
And losing their vigor.
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.
They just seem like they are getting "cramped" together..
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.
by joclyn on April 29, 2006 04:48 AM
i transplanted a peony from a neighbors yard (they were moving) last year. the tuber broke into 3 pieces when i was digging it up. i put them where i wanted (close together, but not too close) and all three have produced has 3 shoots that are doing really well (one is a foot tall) the second piece has 2 shoots that are doing okay and the third also has 2 shoots - they're still only a couple inches tall tho...there was a big weed near it that i dug up, so i think the roots from that were interfering with the peony.
don't know if this will bloom this year - i don't expect it too, but i can still hope!!
they don't like to be moved, and they will live at least 50 years...sometimes longer.
maybe the red ones need a certain soil condition that is missing and that's why they're not blooming?? or it could just be that, since they're fairly recent plantings, they're just not at the point where they will bloom.
i planted bearded iris and they didn't bloom for 3 lots of lovely leaf growth but no blooms. but, BOY, when they DID bloom!!! definitely worth the wait!!
i'd leave the reds where they are...that particular cultivar might just need a longer 'getting situated' timeframe before producing blooms - if you move them now, you'll end up moving the blooming date back even further!!
don't know if this will bloom this year - i don't expect it too, but i can still hope!!
they don't like to be moved, and they will live at least 50 years...sometimes longer.
maybe the red ones need a certain soil condition that is missing and that's why they're not blooming?? or it could just be that, since they're fairly recent plantings, they're just not at the point where they will bloom.
i planted bearded iris and they didn't bloom for 3 lots of lovely leaf growth but no blooms. but, BOY, when they DID bloom!!! definitely worth the wait!!
i'd leave the reds where they are...that particular cultivar might just need a longer 'getting situated' timeframe before producing blooms - if you move them now, you'll end up moving the blooming date back even further!!
Search The Garden Helper:
Should we divide these and when?
We keep buying the red peonies and have no luck with that color...only a few stalks come up.
I have read one can leave peonies in their spots for this true?
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In the midst of the storm..I find the greatest Peace. I don't know what tomorrow holds..but i know Who holds tomorrow.