HELP! Need assistance with Orchid
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by toma on August 02, 2005 02:41 PM
If I understaing your problem you cannot replant a cattleya orchid. It's so easy. You most to cut the rhizomes in half and than plant in the pot where the umidity it's to much.
It is a epiphite plant and is native on tropical America. So cattleya orchids perform best in very high light and need a potting mix comprised of redwood bark chips, coarse charcoal or perlite, or other commercially available orchid mix. Flowers will not form if the plant does not receive enough light. Cattleyas bloom only once a year, but the season of bloom varies by species or hybrid.
I help you?!
It is a epiphite plant and is native on tropical America. So cattleya orchids perform best in very high light and need a potting mix comprised of redwood bark chips, coarse charcoal or perlite, or other commercially available orchid mix. Flowers will not form if the plant does not receive enough light. Cattleyas bloom only once a year, but the season of bloom varies by species or hybrid.
I help you?!
by Finess on August 02, 2005 08:28 PM
Yes you have. I received the same advise on another gardening forum and they told me to repot the orchid. Thanks! for responding!
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by toma on August 02, 2005 11:56 PM
It's my pleasure
Good luck!
Good luck!
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