Ground Cover Suggestion
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by Russ on March 23, 2005 10:09 PM
I'm looking for a variety of perenial ground coverings that I can use to fill in the gaps in my landscape. I need both sunloving and shadeloving. Suggestions? Flowering is always a plus.
by hisgal2 on March 23, 2005 10:20 PM
Periwinkle is nice. It gets a nice little flower in the spring/early summer and if it gets too big, you just wack at it. Its pretty touch stuff.
I have some honeysuckle mixed in with my periwinkle. It gives an awesome fragrance!!
I'll get some of my catelogs out and look through them for you...I know there are others that I have been thinking about!!![[Smile]](im/smile.gif)
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I have some honeysuckle mixed in with my periwinkle. It gives an awesome fragrance!!
I'll get some of my catelogs out and look through them for you...I know there are others that I have been thinking about!!
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by tkhooper on March 23, 2005 10:50 PM
Oh goodie I love these kinds of posts. I find the most amazing things as I am digging around for answers.
Ajuga - bungleweed; here is one for the shade, lovely blue violet colors.
Anemone canadensis - wind flowers; Sun loving ground cover white flowers.
Bearberry; this is an everygreen with red berrys.
Bergenia; there are several types all with flowers.
Campanula Porscharskyana - siberian bellflower; These come in many shades of blue and white with alot of different shapes of flowers.
Coronilla - Crown Vetch;
Cytisus decombens - prostrate broom; this one has yellow flowers.
Deutzia gracilis - nikko; has white flowers.
I wasn't sure how tall you wanted your ground cover so I left out some of the taller ones.
I hope something looks promising for you.
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Ajuga - bungleweed; here is one for the shade, lovely blue violet colors.
Anemone canadensis - wind flowers; Sun loving ground cover white flowers.
Bearberry; this is an everygreen with red berrys.
Bergenia; there are several types all with flowers.
Campanula Porscharskyana - siberian bellflower; These come in many shades of blue and white with alot of different shapes of flowers.
Coronilla - Crown Vetch;
Cytisus decombens - prostrate broom; this one has yellow flowers.
Deutzia gracilis - nikko; has white flowers.
I wasn't sure how tall you wanted your ground cover so I left out some of the taller ones.
I hope something looks promising for you.
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by Bill on March 23, 2005 11:53 PM
by tkhooper on March 24, 2005 12:58 PM
Cool Bill I didn't know that was there.
I like it, I like it, I like it.
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I like it, I like it, I like it.
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by blooms4fr on April 01, 2005 05:17 PM
Hi. I don't know if you have made a decision yet but from my own experience lamium does well in either situation. It flowers,easily propogates, and can be controlled easily. Another suggestion is a creeping sedum. The yellow green one I have is a 'walkable' meaning that when walked on it actually will then multiply.It also flowers, propagates(spreads also)easily.
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